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Posts posted by gnrfan2007

  1. CD does not suck. Just because it is not a POP album like AFD doesn't mean it sucks.

    CD is a brilliant album for which GnR has received many praises from other musicians.

    Does this mean all the bitching, whining, complaining morons will leave this board? If so, Axl is a genius.

    This is a very interesting topic, possibly worthy of it's own thread. For years, I've been continually stunned at how Axl manages to suck more and more, and how shitty Chinese Democracy was, etc... But I'd never stopped to consider that was part of his master plan all along... He's been playing possum, pretending to be a bloated, washed-up, off-key has-been joke just so he could run all his fans away from the forums, leaving a Utopian paradise for his last 10 obssesive lunatics... then AND ONLY THEN will expectations be low enough to release the second-tier songs from the Chinese Democracy sessions.

    It's actually quite brilliant, and makes me reconsider how badly Axl's sucked for the last generation.

  2. Folks, a lot of the problems was due to the heavy rain!

    If you know anything about video cameras, you know that the rain has to be very heavy and thick for it too even be visible like it was for the show.

    The so called claim that Axl lacked an energy and ethusiasm was clearly due to the effects the rain was having on him.

    There is no way you can stand in that rain and not have it effect your health after awhile.

    Sure, Axl's lack of desire to rehearse made it even more difficult for Axl to adjust to circumstances of the rain.

    There is no doubt that as the tour continues, Axl's performance will get better - as they have always in the past.

  3. Some folks are forgetting that it took AFD 3 years to catch on.

    Some folks also seem to forget that OLD-GnR died when the "alternative era" exploded.

    People in the mainstream don't care about GnR right now because of the music of OLD-GnR. They still associate GnR with OLD-GnR. And OLD-GnR is no longer "cool".

    If Slash and Duff were still in GnR, GnR would not be where it is today because the music would suck as shown by the music put out by Slash and Duff's solo and VR bands.

    It is *in-fact* NEW-GnR that has revived GnR - to allow GnR to continue to sell out concerts and sell over 3 MILLION copies of CD.

    As ridiculous as it is, the new band could put out 10 albums and sell 200 million copies with 25 number one hits and a group of people would still bash Axl, call it a coverband filled with hired hands, say the success is based on Slash's involvement with the band in the old days, etc, etc, axl is a prick, etc, etc, etc

    Well they haven't put out 10 albums and had 25 number one hits.

    It is an indisputable fact that the "old" lineup's songs and success is what made GNR what it is today, they do not stand on their own yet. And I am a huge supporter of CD and the new lineup, but this is just a fact.

    As of right now Guns N' Roses is a culmination of past and present members' work, and based on setlists and other factors they have not yet "stood on their own". Will they be able to do so? I hope so, this new lineup has a lot of potential... but again when the majority of the songs are old material and you have only released 1 album since 1993 it is near impossible for the new lineup's potential to become reality

    The potential of this lineup has not matched up with what ends up actually happening...

  4. GnR got thrown into the wasteland along time ago ... about the same time the "alternate rock" era began with Nirvana and Pearl Jam.

    GnR is not in the mainstream conscious right now because of the music of OLD-GnR, not because any of thing NEW-GnR has put out.

    If GnR wants to be in the spotlight again, all they have to do is put out a new POP-song that is indicative of the current era in mainstream music. A "Sweet Child" type of song.

    Would that make you happy?

    What I mean by this is, do you think nu guns will ever be remembered as a band that "made" it and eventually have their own material that fans (both casual and hardcore) hold near and dear? I don't think chinese was really the album that cemented their status in stone. Do you think the heavy reliance on the classic material for most of their act will stop? Do you think people will ever seperate the eras of the band, and appreciate the nu band for their OWN material?

    I know this sounds cynical, but I'm honestly curious. Do you think the day will ever come that the band will be seen more to the general public than just a cover band?

  5. In the old days, you had to find a way to sneak a video camera into a concert venue. But with technology today, all you need is your cell phone.

    If you showed up to a concert with a video camera, or just a photo camera, yeah, of course you will not be allowed in with it. That is just the rule with every live event.

    There is nothing you can do about people using their cell phones to record video and posting it online though. There is no way a concert venue can band cell phones. Everybody's got a cell phone!

    In the old days, Axl just didn't want people bootlegging concerts and selling it for their own profit.

    These days, with the Internet, it is very hard of bootleggers to make a profit. All it takes is one person to upload it, and the whole world can download it for free!

    Probably as well, in today's Internet age, it's a good thing to have people posting concert videos on YouTube. It is free promotion and builds up your popularity status, ie. trending. So GnR is not that blind to understand the benefits of having fans upload convert videos from their cell phones.

  6. There are too many distinctive '80s sounds and vibe to AFD for it to be a cool album for all time.

    AFD is a cool album - for its time.

    Way beyond cool. For ALL time.

  7. Let's hope the band improves "Estrange" like how they have done with "Knocking on Heaven's Door" and "November Rain".

    Many parts of "Estrange" sound CHEAP because of Slash's limited guitar abilities, Duff's limited bass abilities, and Matt's out-of-date drumming abilities.

    Why is everyone freaking out about a 20 year old song, jesus you people are fucked. i would like to see estranged, but i'm not going to jizz my pants over it. i would be disappointed if they played estranged in place of new music.


    Estranged will always be cooler than anything new they play, but that's beside the point. I agree that they should play new CD era stuff.

  8. Obviously, if you only based your opinions on your own sentimental feelings about an album, your opinion is going to be subjective.

    If you grew up during the '80s then obviously you are going to like AFD more. Similarly, a kid who is growing up now is going to prefer CD.

    Or if you prefer straight up just bass and guitars, of course you will like AFD more. But similarly, some one who prefers more electronica, hip-hop, industrial, or new rock, is going to like CD more.

    Or, you worship Slash and blame Axl for breaking up the old band, so of course you are going to hate CD.

    These are all subjective opinions.

    What we need to do is step outside of our own personal tastes and background, and evaluate these albums objectively.

    What makes CD so great musically is how it is like a history of all music from as early as the Beatles to as recently as the DJ club scenes. It does this in a seamless way that is still distinctly GnR-ish. CD does remind you of AFD and UYIs. Despite all the technology and electronica used on CD, CD does not feel like an album of robotic songs limited by a computer metronome like most other electronica rock or dance albums. The songs on CD still sound and feel very organic.

    That is what got electronica-rock-DJ mogul MOBY jumping up and down when he was invited to hear songs from CD. Moby exclaimed: GnR was doing it better than other folks who had been doing it for years.

    AFD is a cool album - for its time. But musically, it doesn't offer much in a way that is innovative, inspiring, and jaw dropping. You are not left wondering, how da fcuk did they do that?!

    From a guitarist point of view, as you try to navigate and learn the music on CD, you can't help but think what a masterpiece of guitar work CD is - despite all the electronica and technology! The same cannot be said about AFD. The solos, riffs, and rhythm parts of many of the songs on AFD just don't leave you inspired as a guitarist. I mean, in terms of complexity, AFD is not really that much more complex then say Nirvana's Nevermind.

    But don't be fooled though. It's not a question of complexity, ie. CD is more complex than AFD. It is the fact that despite the complexity of the songs on CD, the songs are still able to convey raw emotions and beauty. The songs were not purposely made to be complex for the sake of "showing off one's talent" - as is often done with virtuoso guitar albums. The songs were complex because that was what was required of them to properly convey the emotions and beauty that the songs were trying to convey.

    It has been a journey for GnR to get this level of craftsmanship, skill, creativity, and beauty with their music. AFD is a great album - the first in GnR's journey. AFD maybe the GnR's best selling album, but that probably has more to do with timing than anything else.

    What CD does is bring GnR into a new level of respect among music critics, scholars, historians, and other musicians. GnR will no longer be defined as an '80s band but a multi-generational successful band.

    So for some of you to suggest that GnR has not grown since the days of AFD, is really the ultimate insult to GnR. If in your opinion, CD is not objectively better than AFD, than GnR really has no more business making music.

  9. When Axl says: "I think I get what you're asking..."

    Axl interpreted the question as: "why did Axl choose to continue using the name GnR instead of starting over with a new band name ..."

    Axl's answer in short can be summarized as: GnR never ended ... the old guys left on their own accord ... it's not my fault they chose to walk away from GnR

    Why should Axl end GnR, when he never wanted the old guys to leave in the first place?

    Slash and Duff left thinking they could force Axl's hand. They thought Axl was nothing without them.

    Slash and Duff must have believed that Axl would eventually come back begging to them, thus, ceasing all creative control to Slash and Duff.

    But Axl has proven them all wrong with the success of CD and the tours. GnR doesn't need Slash and Duff! Because as CD proves, the creative soul and energy of GnR has always come from Axl.

    In other words, why should Axl not use the name GnR?

  10. People go ape-shiit for Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber songs too.

    Why? Because they are POP songs. Easy songs to sing-along and dance-to.

    AFD is a POP ROCK album. So was all of Nirvana's album.

    People like POP songs - because that's how the human mind is wired.

    You have to be a musician to really go ape-shiit for CD. And that is what I am saying. CD is MUSICALLY on a higer level than anything GnR has done in the past. Musicians will respect the work on CD more than they do with AFD. But the average fan, will like AFD more because it is simpler music.

    In regards to the AFD sessions, all you have to do is compare the solo projects of the ex-GnR members. None of their solo projects, including VRs work, resembles what was done on AFD or UYI.

    CD surprisingly, has more in common with AFD (and UYI) than any stuff put out by the old-GnR members. So that should tell you who is the most important member of GnR is because he is the only one still left.

    Fans do not go nearly as apeshit at a cd song than they do for the classic material. I may not have been to a concert, but I've talked to people that have been, on and offline, and the speakers from the youtube videos must be playing tricks on me. I've heard people tell me all the time the nu songs lack the enthusiam from the audience that they give for the old stuff. I'm 21, and the fact that that material speaks more of me than the "relevant" stuff does should say something. Not that I'm saying chinese democracy was god awful. But it didn't have nearly the same impact appetite did.

    And again, I wasn't at the appetite sessions, but neither were you, sailaway. All of them have described appetite as equal input, which is why they booked after axl took everything over. Reading interviews, watching them play, they were a band. Can't really say the same for them now....

  11. The PARADISE CITY verses is very RAP-PY, including the guitar riff.

    Hence why, House of Pain loves covering that song with Slash. Hence why, Slash is the de-facto rock guitarist rap artists seek.

    So it makes me wonder, if PARADISE CITY can be considered a rock-rap song ... and if so, is it one of the first rock-rap songs by a band (without no outside rappers)?

  12. LOGICALLY speaking, the word "soul" has no sensible/rational meaning.

    So logically, using the word "soul" to describe anything is stupid.

    Its all just really about whether the music stimulate any *emotions* for you that makes you feel *alive*.

    I can't stand this "soul" thing anymore. I don't understand how people manage to point at a song and state that there's tons of "soul" there? It's all about personal opinion, not facts.

    "Can you see soul there? Well, I can't, but I do see it here. What about you?"

    This is something that is unique to each. Stop using it as a valid argument. <_<

  13. Some of you Slash-oholics don't get it. LOL

    The *new rock* stations, mainstream media, and general public doesn't give a crap about GnR NOW because of the music they made in the PAST.

    It has nothing to do with Axl or CD or GnR right NOW.

    It is not like people just suddenly decided that, "GnR sucks".

    GnR was the *most popular rock band* of the late '80s - WHEN THE WORLD HAD NO OTHER BETTER OPTIONS. But when the *alternative rock* scene exploded, people started to have a whole bunch of new rock band *options* to choose from. People began abandoning GnR in droves!

    Think about this: no *new rock* station plays VR's music, but they play Stone Temple Pilots music all the time. Why is this?

    These same *new rock* stations never play any of GnR's music, but they play lots of songs by other bands from the 80's like Metallica, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, The Beastie Boys, and even Jane's Addiction. These bands are just as old - if not older - than GnR.

    When *new rock* stations list their top songs, you will never find any of VRs or GnR music. But Stone Temple Pilots makes the list all the time with a couple songs. Same with Metallica. Same with RHCP. Same with The Beastie Boys. And so on.

    What is so *new rock* about Nirvana? How come WTTJ or PC is not consider *new rock* but "Teen Spirit" and "Under the Bridge" is?

    Why are bands like the "Red Hot Chilli Peppers" consider *new rock* but old-GnR is not? Why is a song like "Under the Bridge" always in the top 5 *new rock* songs, but no GnR songs from AFD, UYI, or Lies ever makes the cut?

    How many major bands from the 90s forward claim GnR's AFD, UYI, or Lies as a major influence? What, Avenge Sevenfold? Please!

    Many musicians will tell you that: old-GnR has no talent! Nobody respects the musical talent of old-GnR!

    So WHY are these things TRUE?

    Why does nobody give old-GnR any music credibility?

    Let's get real here: GnR started to become *UN-COOL* during the middle-to-the-end of the UYI tours - at exactly the same time as the *ALTERNATIVE ROCK/NEW ROCK* scene exploded. This is NOT a coincidence!

    There is a NEGATIVE-stigma attached to the music of OLD-GnR. Most people do not consider old-GnR as INNOVATORS of *NEW MUSIC*. This NEGATIVE-stigma has carried on as part of all the old member's solo projects, including VR, and now new-GnR.

    As Slash has stated before: "we got lucky".

    Axl stated the following during the AFD era: "we suck ... there are many bands better than we are."

    OLD-GnR is not even in the discussion when the media and musician critics and historians discuss the most important bands in music history!

    Bands like Nirvana, Pearl Jam, RHCP, and Metallica, are considered more INFLUENTIAL and IMPORTANT than GnR!

    So I ask again, WHY IS THIS?

    Simple answer: the music of old-GnR is not considered INNOVATIVE, unique, and SPECIAL enough!

    Because of this NEGATIVE-stigma, nobody who is not a die-hard GnR fan is going to go out of their way to listen to CD and objectively judge it on its musical credibility.

    Ask a non-GnR fan to listen to CD, and what response will you typically get? "GnR sucks, who cares." And by GnR, they mean OLD-GnR. They obviously have no clue what new-GnR sounds like.

    CD will be an album that people will RE-DISCOVER later on, if by chance GnR is able to write another POP song for the radio and MTV masses that appeals to this generation.

    Think about this: electronica-DJ-rock-mixer musician MOBY was blown away by the stuff he heard from new-GnR in regards to CD. He stated that what he heard was way better than any other stuff that musicians who had been doing similar stuff for years were doing.

    What MOBY was saying was that CD was successful in integrating all these new technologies, electronica, mixes, and influences from many genres into a big *melting-pot* without it sounding like a robotic beat song like what we hear with other electronica-based bands. Despite all the technology used, the songs on CD still sounded *organic* and *alive* with the essence and spirit of the GnR sound.

    For example, the songs on CD do not sound like songs from NiN - even though they were created with the same, if not more, technology than what NiN uses. There is no way you can get the same kind of solos you find on CD on a typical NiN song or any other electronica-rock based album. And when GnR performs these songs live, its amazing how they do not sound restricted by a computer beat or metronome.

    So hopefully this makes sense and you understand why Axl has worked so hard on CD. Because Axl understands that GnR is not respected as one of those great bands that will be remembered forever for their music.

    And lastly, Slash is overrated ... get over it! LMAO


    I previously stated "Dr. Pepper" when I meant "Sgt. Pepper". I was drinking my "Dr. Pepper" that I won in that "Dr. Pepper GnR contest".


    The Beatles began as a BOY BAND, no different than the Backstreet Boys.

    It was not until they met BOB DYLAN many years later, that they began writing *real music*. Bob Dylan basically told the Beatles, "their music sucked" and that they had not created any real music. Then Bob Dylan introduce them to WEED, and the rest is history.

    The music on Sgt. Pepper is still to this day being studied as one of the most influential and innovative music albums of all time. Sgt. Pepper is not just a musical masterpiece, but consider a technological marvel for its time. You can't take a music pop culture course in college without spending time studying the music on Sgt. Pepper.

  14. Ron was never a part of the creative writing of any songs.

    He just added his two cents to songs that were already completed. So, Ron was limited in what he could bring to the songs.

    When you are messed up like Buckethead, you tend to be more creative. Ron is more from the old school shredding of Joe Satriani. Buckethead is way more cutting edge and progressive with pop culture.

    Thank Buckethead for that. I still really don't enjoy anything Ron does... he's talented but the shit he comes up with is so dull especially compared to Buckethead's parts. Even Finck wrote wayyyy better parts than Ron.

  15. It is more than just the layers of sounds. If that is all you can take away from CD, then your mind is obviously not at the same level as where Axl has envisioned for GnR.

    The songs on AFD is like what a typical garage band could pull off. They are cheap rock songs.

    The songs on CD is like what you would get from Mozart.

    CD is better musically. The talent on CD is 100x better than the old band. The complexity of the songs are thus 100x more musically beautiful.

    It's time to get real. Slash and Duff have a limited music range and knowledge: 3-4 chord pop rock songs and cheap hammer-on/pull-off riffs.

    The material on CD could not have been put together by the old band.

    If you listen to UYIs, you will notice that Axl was clearly on a different level that what Slash, Duff, Izzy, and Matt were able to do.

    CD is GnR's "Sgt. Pepper" album.

    "Sgt. Pepper" was the album that gave The Beatles musical artist credibility.

    Same thing. CD and the subsequent albums will solidify GnR's legacy as MUSICAL ARTISTS and not some '80s wannabe punk-rock/hard-rock band that died out after the Nirvana changed everything.

    this person is clearly taking the piss but OK, so basically, an album is better the more musically complex it is? Nooooooooo, sorry, wrong. First of all Chi Dem ain't musically more complex than AFD, i fail to see how that is the case. It's a lot more augmented than AFD but layers and layers and layers of simple shit on top of each other does not make one complex tapestry of complexity unless the way in which the parts compliment each other are in some way complex which they're not in Chi Dem, they're just layers of flashy shit on top of an album that, structurally, is no more complex than AFD. It's just AFD with a lot of shit on top.

    And where the fuck did this idea that complex means better come from? So what, Emerson Lake and Palmer are better than The Beatles by that rationale?

  16. I think the only band mentioned that is worth discussing here in the same context as GnR is METALLICA.

    Sure Kirk Hammet can shred, but his shredding is not very creative and is very scale-based. In other words, very *soul-less*. Kirk's shred aren't expressing anything.

    The shredding on CD kind of reminds of the soloing style of Tom Morrello (Rage against the Machine) - on STEROIDS.

    Buckethead and Bumblefoot on their own could not have created the sounds they created on CD if it were not in the context of a GnR album, ie. under the direction and vision of Axl

  17. It's called: having a sense of humor!

    Plus, I'm sure there are homos, girls, and straight guys in here who have a man-crush on Axl.

    Don't take things so seriously! LOL

    I'm not sure axl dressed in all the nostaLgia from every band that I ever heard a symbol crash from would give me one of those.


    I am confused. please let me know if I have strayed into the homosexual axl fetish forum.

  18. With CD, Axl has fulfilled his promise to outdo AFD.

    This is the conclusion I have come to.

    Clearly, CD and AFD are different beasts created in different eras.

    But musically, CD is much better than AFD. From a musician point of view, CD blows AFD away. Anybody could cover the songs on AFD with ease. CD is not so easy to cover.

    The lyrics on CD are also much more matured than on AFD. Obviously, a more grown up, wiser, and mature Axl will give your more mature lyrics.

    Of course CD is not going to outsell AFD. But that's because of timing and a different era. When AFD was released, it was simply the right album for the generation of young people at the time.

    CD lyrically is not going to speak to the mass population of young people today, simply because Axl is from a different era.

    More fans may be able to sing along to the songs on AFD than on CD. But musically, musicians will find CD to be much more influential.

    For these reasons, I truly honestly believe that CD is much better than AFD.

    What do you think and why?

  19. I've never been a fan of guitar shredding, nor would I go out of my way to listen to music put out by virtuoso guitarists.

    Sure, it's cool to watch them rip on the guitar but after awhile it just gets boring and repetitive.

    CD is the first album where I have heard the guitar shredding have *soul* and fit into the music perfectly. It was not like the shredding was put into the music just for the sake of "shredding". The guitar shredding on CD just fits the music so perfectly.

    If you recall, during that alternative rock era, guitar riffs and solos really simplified. When Axl first tried to figure out the *new sound*, he attempted to pair up Slash with the likes of guitarists like Zakk Wylde. I think Axl in a way was looking to go the other way of what the current rock scene was doing by wanting to have bigger guitar riffs and solos.

    So my question is this:

    Is CD the first album by a BIG BAND (ie. popular, big arena/stadium) that has incorporated virtuoso guitar riffs and shredding in a way that fits the music and sounds really cool without sounding like a virtuoso guitar album?

  20. RHIAD is reminds me of all these songs combined:

    1. It's so Easy

    2. Mr. Brownstone

    3. Garden of Eden

    4. Coma

    5. Locomotive

    The song has so much groove and energy as well as so much angst to it.

    The guitar riffs and solos cannot be touched.

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