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Posts posted by ADPT

  1. I finished the new Hitman game recently. That was a real chore towards the end. Please ditch the damn disguise system for the next one or don't the fill the game with so many linear levels.

    Also found my copy of Far Cry 2, which was bundled with my Xbox when I first bought it. Decided to give it another chance and soon thought 'ah yes, the respawning murderous guards, now I remember why I stopped playing'. Until I turned the crosshairs off and ramped up the difficulty. What a difference. Hike around posts in the sprawling hills and plan my attacks. Gunfights are tersely brutal affairs and there's the tension of a malaria attack or a gun jamming or a stray RPG shot causing chaos. It's incredibly immersive. Wished I'd played it sooner.

  2. Watched Red last night for the first time. I really enjoyed it. Just a good time from start to finish and I thought Bruce Willis and John Malkovich had great chemistry. Looking forward to the sequel this year.

    I love the way it has a quirky feel at the beginning then morphs into something else when the hit-squad attacks the house.

    "Did you clean up?" "Well, yeah, a little."

  3. Brian Cox was the better Hannibal Lecter years before Silence of the Lambs.


    He played the character as more of a brute, a thug, seeming more like a gangster than a brilliant psychiatrist. Part of Lecter's character is he is supposed to be sophisticated, charming, refined....Cox just didn't have the mannerisms or gravitas to pull the part off.

    I think he pulled it off brilliantly. Much better than Sir Tony's overly hammy turn.

    I didn't think Cox's Lecter was thuggish at all. If anything that lack of showmanship made him more menacing.

  4. Yes, frankly, if you mean the superheroes. It seems, at times, every character Marvel and DC have is being readied for the screen (come see Ambush Bug: The Movie!) but I don't think a lot of them translate well. Even the ones that do tend to be flogged to death.

    There are however many comics which would make excellent films that get overlooked. Button Man from 2000AD for instance.

  5. So a vague trailer for a game called the Phantom Pain was shown at the VGA's.

    Might be optimistic thinking but...


    It certainly looks like the Fox engine.

    Lots of links connecting it to MGS V have come out, have to say that when I first saw it I thought the guy looked like Snake/ Big Boss and picked up the references to Volgin (guy in the fire) and Psycho Mantis.

    Looks a hell of a lot like Big Boss, I agree. I'm really intrigued by the whale at the end though. Dream? If not that's an inspired Metal Gear model...

  6. I'm enjoying Resident Evil 6. The only game I've bought since Uncharted 3. :lol:

    This is the only time I have not played a new resident evil game. I don't have the time, since the birth of my child. She is growing and think I have time to play a little more. The people I know who bought it, all have said bad things about it. I will still buy it, and judge for myself. How is it online?

    :shrugs: I couldn't care less about other people's opinion. I bought it because my little brother wanted the game. Popped it in for a bit before giving the game to him and I enjoyed it, invited him to play with me and we've been laughing throughout the entire game. I haven't played RE5 nor RE Raccoon City 'cause I quit playing PS3 long time ago (like I said after Uncharted 3). I do own RE5 but it's still sealed. :lol:

    And yeah, online is very fun.

    It's hilarious. Ludicrous bosses not obeying law of conservation of mass - check. Inappropiately dressed female cast members - check. People trying to reason with what is blatantly a creature only interested in brains - check :lol:

    Seriously, give RE5 a go. It's just as daft.

  7. I've only played it briefly at a friends. I plan to pick it up soon, it's awesome and probably the best in the series, at least that's how I felt after the first three or so missions. I like the new disguise system. Basically, if you're disguised as a security guard, you can get past anybody except other security as they'll obviously recognize that. You use "Instinct" when walking past the security guards which makes 47 cover his face a little bit or tilt his hat down, something like that, so you can get by briefly.

    I also really like the cover system and point shooting. Plus, there's tons more interactive stuff now.

    To be honest I'm not liking the disguise system. I'm playing on hard and every guard seems to be able to spot you from the other side of the room and instantly tell you're less than kosher and turn hostile in seconds. Even if you're wearing a mask. I wouldn't mind so much but there's a good few levels where it's just guards populating said level and their outfit is the only one on offer so you find yourself sneaking regardless. At the other end of the scale, certain outfits act as a magic bullet as they're so rare they get you past everything which undermines any attempt at realism IO were aiming for.

    I'm enjoying Resident Evil 6. The only game I've bought since Uncharted 3. :lol:

    This is the only time I have not played a new resident evil game. I don't have the time, since the birth of my child. She is growing and think I have time to play a little more. The people I know who bought it, all have said bad things about it. I will still buy it, and judge for myself. How is it online?

    Much like RE5, I'm finding the co-op makes the game extremely fun to play. There's three campaigns all leaning certain ways (Leon=classic zombie slaying, Chris=shooter action and Jake=little bit of both) and I enjoyed them all.

  8. At least some decent writers might get a shot at it. A further trilogy isn't surprising, that idea has been doing the rounds for years. A film every two years though? Sounds awful.

    Am I the only person who'd actually like to see a film where an evil twin kills Luke's wife though? That sounds brilliant.

  9. Playing through Mass Effect 3 again on insanity difficulty. Oddly, it seems far easier than my first run on a lower difficulty. I still despise the banshees

    what did you think of the extended cut?

    Haven't finished it yet. When I do I shall let you know.

    Also started playing I Am Alive. I really can't make my mind up about it yet.

    Resi 6 tomorrow. Having played the demo I am looking forward to it. If anyone fancies a blast on co-op PM me and I'll pass on my gamer tag.

  10. will be getting max payne 3 for my birthday in 2 weeks time really looking forward to it

    If you enjoyed the first two you'll love it. I haven't had much time to game this week but I made it to the second disc last night. The story makes it very addicting.

    I loved it. Parts of it were absolutely mental. Also kudos for an escort mission without a suicidal escortee. Fantastic soundtrack too.

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