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bin laden killed gnr

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Posts posted by bin laden killed gnr

  1. Moral equivalence, the last resort of the left.

    Firm beliefs in world freedom to do as they want instead of imposing our beliefs onto other nations. Ya can't force feed someone your "democracy". The current state of Iraq is proof.

    So they think our fights and freedoms are evil?

    Fights for financial prosperity? Yes

    Freedom to fuck without love? Freedom to condemn others with words for no spiritual gain? Freedom to hate, free will on the way down. If you are a christian, I suggest you read your bible. The west is refered to as the new Rome and Babylon.

    Well how to you explain the hundreds of thousands of muslims who are trying to immigrate to the west? Are they longing for some of our blasphemous freedoms?

    Temptation is a mother isn't it?

    The west does kill but the big difference is that we actually do after the terrorists who are trying to murder us.

    The best way to hold and rule people is by fear.

    The iranian government on the other hand, has as it's stated aim the genocide of the Israeli people.

    They see the Israelis the center of all greed. The rich jews who exploit people. The ones who stole homes from people and pushed them out. Who runs Hollywood? Hollywood is infested with greed, lust, vanity, gossip and a thrill for exploiting murder. Again.....who runs hollywood?

    Do you know of a people known as "indians" in this country? Do you know of the genocide by this country? Dropping that bomb on Japan was much worse than any attack on the Israelis by Iran or Iraq. And in fact, their motivation is more pure than any conflict by the US. The Palestinians were robbed.

    If you can't see the difference in those two things then you're morally bankrupt.

    If you can't see that you are fed lies, then you are morally blind.

  2. Different country, different rules and beliefs. What makes you think we are right? Look up ethnocentrism some time.

    This is a society that treats women like cattle. We are right and we are better than them. Ethnocentrism is just a lefty cop out. It stops the left from having to face reality.

    Maybe they don't treat women like an object of lust? Is that more stuff that you heard on the tv?

    "lefty"? The left? Politics isnt a football game where you root for teams. It's always gotta be either black or white doesn't it?

  3. Different country, different rules and beliefs. What makes you think we are right? Look up ethnocentrism some time.

    We get to speak our mind, we get to listen to what we wan't. We are not dictated into believeing, and thinking the way our government want's us to. FREEDOM!

    That's the obvious "right".

    What you call rights, they call blasphemy or the will of devils.

    Alot of those in the east consider the western world evil and greedy people. Accept it. We use god's name to kill as much as the supposed "terrorists" in Iran and wherever your propaganda feeders tell you they are. It's a different world there, one that has existed ALOT LONGER than the west.

    Go fight for your dollar bills. Blood money. The paper with the most blasphemous and evil propaganda printed right on the back. Candy coated greed. In god we trust........

  4. Can't say I think much of Scott Ian from Anthrax... he just seems lame to me albeit a skilled bassist (is that what he plays?).

    No. He plays guitar. How can you say you don't like him if you don't even know which instrument he plays?lol

  5. I didn't even read any of the replies to this but if any of you actually think he should apologize, you are the biggest fucking cunts in the world. Everything he said was fucking true! If you were to go to every single fucking show on this tour, then yeah I could understand where you could hope for a different set, but when you go to one or two shows and then read online reviews of the rest of them, fuck you if you think you have the right to complain. What ?you get sick of seeing the same set of songs appear in text in front of your eyes night after night? then stop reading the reviews you worthless fucks. Millions of people will see gnr on this tour, these mesageboards amke up what? a few thousand? That means absolutley nothing when you look at the whole picture. The rest of the millions of people are probabaly just fine with the set they are seeing and whatever else you guys can fucking find to complain about.

    So all the complaining bothers you?

    Then dont read the complaints YOU worthless fuck.

  6. As for me i've been to many a show since way back in the day Del!!!

    Chocolate chip or oatmeal raisin?

    Sorry, I just thought you wanted a cookie or something. Whats wose than over-analyzers are the analists of the analizers. Then there are the glory seekers(AKA ass kissers). Then there are the whiners who whine about peoples whiney topics.

    Im not trying to be a kiss ass but i respect your view. I just have a lot of respect for a man who with-in the guns camp,gave 5 min's of his time to let us fans know what axl and the rest of the crew possibly think. Maybe if you took 5 min's yourself to check out some topics people on here create,then maybe you can see why i think is on borderline stalkerish LOL. :rofl-lol:

    Since your offering thou i'll have a coffee with 2 sugars and milk if your dishing out cookies :P

    Yah I have seen those topics. I have commented on them plenty as well. I think that just some of these people get very bored.


  7. As for me i've been to many a show since way back in the day Del!!!

    Chocolate chip or oatmeal raisin?

    Sorry, I just thought you wanted a cookie or something. Whats wose than over-analyzers are the analists of the analizers. Then there are the glory seekers(AKA ass kissers). Then there are the whiners who whine about peoples whiney topics.

  8. Fuck em. Release the album so we can all see just what takes 13 years to make.

    Oh so tough with childish comments towards fans. Go buy another white suit ya malibu candy ass. We really like how you sippy your champagne now. Need a straw?

    "Hey I'm tough, time to fight Tommy Hilfiger"

    Just put up or shut up.

  9. Cute. The ego patrol is in full force. Maybe all of you "supporters" could send the band some kleenex?

    Sugar and spice and all things nice. Lah di lah di dah. Shiney happy people :scared:

  10. im not gonna copy things from other posts ...

    i am an Axl fan .. I want to hear everything possibly recorded by the guy, but you know what I rather him be happy .. he wasnt happy with his own life, and wasnt happy with his life with the "other" band members .. Everyone chooses their path in life, he chose his .. Years ago I chose mine, Id say its time you chose yours ..

    Support him or not .. That YOUR choice

    As for feeling stupid about something someone from the GNR camp said, again Im way to drunk and lazy to copy the original statement, but ...

    no one was taking a shot at you, Del James was saying the same thing Axl said years ago . Live your life, if Chinese Democracy comes out then take joy and pleasure in it (i will), if it doesn't come out then don't let someone else define your life ... live your life for you, not for someone else ..

    It's been long enough for me that I'm content .. If I hear new music Im gonna be content, if I don't, then I'll have heard unmixed demos, and those unmixed demos made my life that much nicer ...

    Axl's lyrics mirrored my life 15 years ago, and they mirror mine now .. But I live my life for me, do the same for yourself ...


    That was one great after school special. Time for some milk and cookies?

    Oh yeah......


    Suck the gas out of your own ass you leech. Without GNR, youd be another lonely prick getting off on your yahoo cam.

  11. I'll be damned, he thinks all of the fans want to hear OLD material. Yeah, screw the new material we have been waiting for going on 16 years now. Play sweet child o mine one more time please. :rolleyes:

    These type of comments are stupid. If your not happy, stay the fuck home.

    LOL, what did I post that was untrue? You think more fans want to hear old material, or are more wanting NEW material? ;)

    (BTW, stupid would also be not knowing when to use you're instead of your but that's just a grammar thing.)

  12. Shut up about Merck said this and that. When Buckethead left, Merck kept saying he was still in for months, ...

    No, he didn't. Merck has always been honest with us.

    When I asked Merck about Buckethead when the rumors were circulating, Merck didn't respond. He never said the rumor was untrue. He just didn't respond. And I've noticed that the only time Merck doesn't respond is when there's some truth to a rumor and he's unable to confirm it at that time. But he has never lied to us.

    2005 is the year of Guns N Roses :shades:

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