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bin laden killed gnr

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Posts posted by bin laden killed gnr

  1. Whats with the whole "maybe it will get more people into GNR" crap?

    If everyone in the world was listening to the same song, it would totally suck. Like what YOU like and don't hope for everyone to like it the same. GNR t shirts being sold in wal mart are bad enough. Why don't some of you "street team" people go buy a flockin shit load of GNR cd's then go hand em out on the street at busy intersections. Maybe it will get more people into the band :rolleyes: Hell, if they won't stop, paint yourself yellow and pose as a speed breaker.

    This makes no sense - Isn't seeing the CD's at S&S better then not seeing them at all?? At least (who ever stocked that bin) had the sense to put them in there rock3

    In what way does it affect you? Does it appearance in the bin lift you? FYI, most every one looks at those bins as the "clearance" bin. I personally dont give a shit how much money the band makes from selling cd's out of a clearance bin for new kiddie fans.

    The band is rich enough. I like the band and it doesnt make a damn to me if more people like em or not. I like the CD's, will listen to the cd's and I don't need a mass interest or approval in the band to make my taste seem "validated" to me.

    They are already a huge success and will never fade from music history. I'll repeat........seeing your favorite bands music being sold out of a trash bin is not something to be happy about. Jessica and Ashlee Simpson music being in the same bin makes it a TRASH BIN.

  2. Whats with the whole "maybe it will get more people into GNR" crap?

    If everyone in the world was listening to the same song, it would totally suck. Like what YOU like and don't hope for everyone to like it the same. GNR t shirts being sold in wal mart are bad enough. Why don't some of you "street team" people go buy a flockin shit load of GNR cd's then go hand em out on the street at busy intersections. Maybe it will get more people into the band :rolleyes: Hell, if they won't stop, paint yourself yellow and pose as a speed breaker.

  3. Wow, some of you guys are really getting bent out of shape.

    Seriously, who's a more valid judge of the harshness of Axl's life? A bunch of rock fans who hold AFD up as some sacred golden calf, or Axl himself?

    Some people just can't take criticism of the image of GNR... And if anyone's got a valid opinion on the subject, it's Axl himself.

    GNR were looked at as the "Don't give a fuck" band. A dangerous band, and now Axl is shitting on that legacy by saying...."we were white boy posers" and we shouldn't wonder about it and be pissed?

    Axl was a poser, that was obvious. He should speak for himself instead of the band.

  4. Overrated song by some fans on this board. It is a good song, but not a "great" song. Not a song that will top the charts. Everything that is topping the charts right now, or everything that is running MTV is all a different dynamic, "verse-chorus, verse-chorus, bridge/solo, verse-chorus"

    The Blues kinda bounces around a bit and is a long song, almost too long of a song for a huge mainstream audience to pay attention to. It is a good song, but not a song that grabs people.

    No, it's not the new November Rain

    I don't think it can be considered overrated. Don't forget that many of us are nostalgic of a certain kind of music and as it seems, THE BLUES tends to fit this lack of good music. (for me, same for Madagascar)

    I do not consider it a new NovemberRain at all for example but I think it can have a good impact.

    You're rigtht that it can be seen as a long song but hell, there's a place for all in this world and I wouldn't want it to be shorter, to be honest I sometimes would like it to be longer.

    I guess the band has chosen another kind of song for the new single so I won't try to make bets here.

    When I say it is has been overrated, I am refering to the way that people think if it comes on the radio, GNR will be back at it's '91 strength; that everyone, everywhere will love it. That's the way some fans hype it. Chinese Democracy the song too. There is hype on these boards that CD will change the world. That is what I am refering to as overrated. Unrealistic expectations.

    It can have an impact but it is a depressive song and to release a single like that too soon when you are a band again trying to rise again can be a huge mistake. Guns N Roses was a rock band and they rocked, thats what people remember. To remind em you are back is to rock your way back. Madagascar and The Blues arent the way to go IMO.

  5. This is Merck's job, if he chooses to do it. Write "Axl Rose is back! GNR 2006" on walls? You have too much time on your hands. Home made signs? If this band really needs you to do all of that so they can succeed, then it is embarrassing. :rolleyes:

  6. Overrated song by some fans on this board. It is a good song, but not a "great" song. Not a song that will top the charts. Everything that is topping the charts right now, or everything that is running MTV is all a different dynamic, "verse-chorus, verse-chorus, bridge/solo, verse-chorus"

    The Blues kinda bounces around a bit and is a long song, almost too long of a song for a huge mainstream audience to pay attention to. It is a good song, but not a song that grabs people.

    No, it's not the new November Rain

  7. How many people do you see walking around saying "God I hate Slash!!"?

    do a poll, they do exist.

    i wouldn't even say i hate him. i've just not cared for anything he's done since GNR, i dont care for the fact that he files frivolous lawsuits against Axl (which directly or indirectly HAS affected the release of CD), i dont care for his micheal jackson and other related collaborations. but most of all, the people who wont let go of the fact that GNR has continued without him.

    i consider myself a slash fan, but its no where near the level of appreciation i have for Axl and the new Guns guys.

    Axl isn't going to pat you on the head and thank you for your "fight" ;) .Yeah, I'm sure he left the band so he could only come up with bullshit lawsuits and come up with a totally new succesful band(with the other GNR members) just to spite your idol Axl. Everybody is out to get Axl. Axl is a marked man, Lee Harvey Oswald had a picture of Axl from the future in his wallet when he was shot. I heard Santa Claus blaring GNR in his fucking sleigh one early christmas eve. :o

    This new-gnr crucification of Axl by the old members is so retarded. :rolleyes:

    "Axl, the poor victim." The poor multimillionare who only surfaces when he wants ya money.

  8. One real question I have is WHY havent Axl & the band been seen together at nightclubs, award shows, after parties or anything? Is Axl trying to give the impression that he is solo?

    Noone knows what he is thinking except him, Beta and maybe that dolphin. :shades:

    This time next year, we'll see how things are going and will probably be able to answer this question more thoroughly.

  9. never said it was a competition. i think he's overrated because

    A. he's not in the band anymore yet some of his fans who have no interest in or even dislike axl still come to gnr boards 10 years later.

    I don't think anyone here dislikes Axl. Some of us criticize his ethics. EGO before band, EGO before giving news to fans, EGO before explanations to fans for some missed shows, EGO before letting your own band members speak out about this CD! Although you may accept it all because you idolize him doesn't mean we have to. Thats the great thing about america and this site, we can say what we want(within reason) under a blanket of freedom. It may bother you, but noone cares. This is life, get used to people not agreeing with everything you feel. :rolleyes:

    B. people are claiming that 'everybody' is a slash fan. thats simply not true. :drevil:

    I am willing to bet that 98% of the members here like him. If we didn't like his work, we wouldn't be GNR fans. Considering that nu-g&r hasn't released anything to the public yet. :drevil:

    C. people bash current members without even knowing anything about them, simply because its not slash and anything that isn't slash sucks in their minds. :rolleyes:

    I know that he was a fill in guitarist for NIN and that alot of the underground work is mediocre. Alot of people think his work for nu-gnr is lame for the standards of GNR. We can admit that GNR deserves better. That's our opinion. You can feel "threatened" all you want but protecting your ego or your feelings about Finck is not in the COC. Noone really says that Buckethead sucked did they? Or how about Bumblefoot? Brain? NO! Your argument is ridiculous. Open your mind a little and try being objective :rolleyes:

    i'm not saying slash isn't a great guitarist, i'm not saying its a competition, i'm just saying he is regarded way too highly by many, to the point where it makes them blind to everything else.

    He is regarded too highly for the work he did for GNR? ON A FUCKING GNR WEBSITE?!!! :drevil: Dude, if anyone has jealousy, it is clearly you. People will always like Slash, get over it ;)

  10. Finck might not be that good at playing guitar, but he's great at dancing around on stage and making sweet rock faces. Plus, every time I see him I think of that South Park episode when Cartman glued pubes all over his face.

    Yeah, I guess he is a great poser :shades:

  11. nothing wrong with...... 5 guitarists.... is there?

    LOL yes. On record, many layers of guitar in exact time with each other can sound good but LIVE? It will sound like total shit with only one guitar out of time. I wonder what Nu-GNR would sound like with Slash on lead, Izzy on rhthym, Duff on bass and Matt on drums? :drevil:

  12. The majority of forum members on here who are stuck in the past were probably still in diapers when the past was going on.

    That is an ass backwards assumption! Totally ass backwards, try it the other way around. :rolleyes: Looks like a lame attempt at a dig. Most people would see that the people who find it easy to dismiss the bands past, do so because they dont remember the bands impact. 95% of these nu-metal kids think nu-gnr is the way it is supposed to be. :rolleyes:

  13. Ok lemme say somethin....

    You people are just BSing yourselves have you noticed slash doesnt even like people talking to him about guns n roses? like wtf you dont get it? he's in velvet revolver, he even wants to get that point past your narrow minded vision.

    just thought that was kinda funny ;)

    I'm sure he doesn't mind being recognized for his past accomplishment. He is refering to the whole reunion scernario people keep asking him about. Don't twist his words to suit your argument. IF he had meant it the way you comprehend it, he wouldn't have been suing for royalties now would he? ;)

    A lil bit of common sense there for ya ;)

    Ok lemme say somethin....

    You people are just BSing yourselves have you noticed slash doesnt even like people talking to him about guns n roses? like wtf you dont get it? he's in velvet revolver, he even wants to get that point past your narrow minded vision.

    just thought that was kinda funny ;)

    You know that is a very good point :book: true true


    Isn't there a fellow board member with a low post count somewhere for you to bash? :shades:

  14. im going to use an Axl quote to describe you: ''It seems some people get really pissed off to see someone else get succesful every now and again, this can go for all types of people, other bands, frustrated musicians, parasites!''

    That's some cute propaganda there but maybe some people liked GNR how it was and came to this GNR site to discuss them. Look at ALL of the GNR sites. 99% of them have info related to the old band, merch, quotes, pictures etc etc......Your head is so far up Axl's ass that you are even speaking his quotes instead of using your own opinion. Sad, very sad.

  15. Im thankful for more people like you blkgnr..

    I hate how some people can worship this new band, and then slag off on the old..

    by simply saying "Dont live in the Past."... :rolleyes:

    The past it was we've been playing in our cd players/tape players/record players for all these years...

    when some can remember opening up that new record back in 1987 and turning it on, and Hearing the opening licks to Welcome To The Jungle...

    What have even new kids that might have just gotten into the band this year joined this board for??..

    The Greatest Hits, or Appetite for Destruction...

    Im sure that a lot of them arent even sure who is in the band now..

    Some people need to fuck off...

    The past is what we have..

    This GnR we have now..some arent so easy into falling into a blind love as others..

    Most of there set-list is 80% AFD...

    wish leads me to say..

    More people need proven too..

    Releasing CD may let people understand that this band could have a chance...

    but, as of now they have nothing to bite on too...

    Not everyone is an Axlite such as..names I wont name..

    Not everyone can say fuck slash, izzy, duff, and steven..

    and, I dont know how you could even think this..and, then be willing to blow Finck at the drop of the hat..

    Then say dont live in the past, even though what GnR accomplished in the past is amazing..

    were just to forget about it all, even in which some threads that are made to talk about it..where just not aloud..

    I just dont get it.. :unsure:

    Last I read, this was called "MYGNR."

    in which, you can talk about "GNR."

    in which you can talk about all "GNR" has been, is, and will be...

    Accpet it...

    ^^^Someone with a sharp mind

    I knew someone had to see where im coming from. It only seems to be from us fans who were fans early on, when GNR was ruling. It's a shame original fans get run off become some new comers jump on the bandwagon and feel threatened by GNR's successful and unignorable past.

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