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Posts posted by Twinaleblood

  1. I don't want to deny Bob Ezrin's greatness. He's one of the greatest producers ever and even when he was called as an external consultant he's been able to accomplish some great work (see his contribution to NIN's The Fragile, which is my #2 all time fav album).

    Reznor had recorded a huge batch of music for that record but he found himself stuck at some point, he didn't really know what to do with all that stuff. Ezrin was called in to help. He listened to all the material and helped Trent to put together a final tracklist and turn all those songs into an epic double album with the perfect flow.

    I'm pretty sure that's the reason why GNR camp called him in 2000. Axl had recorded all this diverse stuff and they wanted Ezrin to do the same thing he did with Trent. Unfortunately, Ezrin was very wrong on this one. I guess he didn't see Axl as a musician that could evolve and try different paths. Or maybe the record label just instructed him to push for more "classic style" material, I guess we'll never know.

    After listening to the leaks from the locker, it's clear that there was enough stuff toput together an epic double album. I don't think casual fans would have embraced it back then (Ezrin was probably right about this), yet it would have been an amazing work.

  2. 7 minutes ago, lukepowell1988 said:

    How different is this version of HS?



    Just better audio quality.

    Anyway, I was very surprised to find out Oklahoma is a rocker. Who would have thought that? And a really great rocker, actually. I can totally see this being rerecorded with Slash.

    My other favorite from the new batch is Dummy. That is pretty epic.

  3. From that Dave Dominguez interview from a while ago:


    “He had a version of the Elvis Presley song that he did all himself- guitar and everything. It was a ballad. Yeah, it was an industrial, Nine Inch Nails style he did all himself.

    So he took me into the Pro Tools room and was like, ‘Hey Dave, check this out.’ And played me a bunch of stuff.”

    Note that he doesn't explicitly talk about an Elvis cover, so the reference could be to Me & My Elvis.

    The instrumental we have is certainly not so industrial, but that piano part has definitely a NIN feel (reminds me of the piano bit in March Of The Pigs, as I said elsewhere).

    Also, it's clear that the instrumental we have is NOT something where Axl played all by himself, but maybe this song developed from an all-Axl demo.

    I know, I'm stretching it a little, but still...

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  4. 2 minutes ago, jamillos said:

    Tbh I don’t understand why the rest of the songs containing vocals doesn’t get leaked too, regardless of any fear of "legal consequences" – I mean, you can always upload it somewhere (torrents?) and then send the link to forums etc., going "look what I’ve found", can’t you? How could anyone be proved to have leaked it? Especially if you use some public computer...

    I don't thinknit's about legal consequences.  More about the songs losing value among the hoarding/trading circles once they are out.

    We were "lucky" because these tracks fell into a lot of hands to begin with, that's why we had a lot of leaks lately. Had they stayed in the hands of few, we wouldn't have got them.

    Just now, ZODIAC said:

    I'm also wondering, why Hard School is not listed as "Jackie chan"... In the chats, axl was talking about the left Songs very openly... I don't think, that he made a joke... 

    Most likely he was joking about that one. He might have changed the working title after 2000, but a joke sounds more likely. "Hardschool" is on the lyrics of the songs after all, it makes more sense.

  5. I was a little kid all hyped about the upcoming T2 movie, had no idea who GNR were. Then I saw the YCBM video on tv and I was absolutely interested because it was tied in with the movie. I loved the song and it kickstarted my interest in heavier music eventually. A few months later, early '92, I taped both UYI albums from a cousin who happened to have the cds. Over the next couple of years GNR became the most famous international rock band here in Italy. Metallica and Nirvana were obviously huge too, but not on a GNR level. I mean, in 1993 a line of GNR school supplies was launched here: school bags, copy books, diaries, folders... I still have most of those. Also, there was a tv commercial for paper towels starring this teenager wearing a GNR t-shirt. That says a lot about how big they were here in the UYI era. 1993 was definitely their peak of popularity in Italy.

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  6. 100% with you on that.

    Then again, despite the great songs, I'm not sure the album would have done well saleswise had it been released back then.

    Most old fans would have not embraced the change and younger music fans were too busy with modern bands definitely more hip to give a chance to a rocker from a past generation trying to reinvent himself with a bunch of talented and freaky looking musicians.

    2008 was a much better period in a way, because a wave of nostalgia was already riding among the music listeners. At that point, they were in the same league with Metallica and AC/DC, whose then-new albums were released around the same time.

    Just speculating, of course.

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