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Posts posted by Laparka

  1. Lovin' the reunion talk for the purpose of seeing Volcano get so defensive. haha

    I'm guessing (and I'm 1/2 serious) he has trouble sleeping some nights over this.

    after what Axl said, I don't why he would be bothered.

    It is pretty clear that a reunion is not likely to happen any time soon.

  2. lol at people who's only thing to say is "WRONG BOARD". Really man? Are you that bored? Or does it give you pride to perform an online citizens-arrest on me. keep up the good work :thumbsup:

    Man please, you know exactly why I said that.

    Within a few posts it will be Axl vs Slash all over again. If this thread stays in the right section, you guys can talk about a reunion amongst reunionists as long as you want without being bothered by "Axl-nuthuggers".

    I'm no mod, but that would be logical for this thread to be moved.

    As far as the topic of this thread goes, LOL @ people believing a reunion will happen.

    Axl was clear, 2012 will be all current GnR and he fired 2 managers this year because they wanted to force a reunion.

  3. Don't respond to that guy (gnrfan2007), he's intentionally saying the opposite of what's true or he genuinely believes it. Either wya, not worth responding too.

    A tour with Axl, Slash, and Duff would sell twice as much as this band even if you had Barney on rhythm guitar and gnrfan2007 on drums.

    that quote about the Illusions is crazy interesting. Every time he mentions the old band since the infamous cancer comment, he gets nicer about the old band and the possibility of a reunion. I never thought I'd see the day where he would even THINK about contemplating which line-up he would reunite with. That's a huge step. Even if he said he prefers his employees, he considered the thought of touring with the Illusions group.

    That's FUCKING awesome.

    I don't know where you read that he admits there is a possibility of a reunion.

    You are talking about those 3 lines before he says that current GnR works real hard?

    stop dreaming, there will never be a reunion.

  4. well done beta put that foot down, should of done it ages ago heres to a great 2012 :thumbsup:

    Its what any good mother would do.

    It must be REAL easy to be a manager if she can do it

    That isn't fair. Are you telling me that if you spent 20 years dealing with a big rock band on a daily basis, attempting to learn some things and also acting as a de facto manager for the lead singer along the way, that you would still not be qualified to manage that singer's rock band?


    Hanging out in the background dusting while business is happening does not make one a businessperson. Saying "Great idea, Axl" only goes so far.

    I'm sure they have a close personal relationship and that's fine and dandy. But this is business. Fact is, she's woefully unqualified. I'm not saying it to be negative, but facts is facts. There's a reason Coca-Cola doesn't turn the cleaning staff into VP's.

    Did you have a job when you were young, maybe delivering papers or something? Can I then refer to you as a paperboy for the rest of your life, regardless of what job you currently do? I can see that you have no interest in evaluating and discussing this as an adult, unless you're mentally retarded, because clearly anybody can understand that your "example" is idiotic, unless a member of the cleaning staff had managed the vice-president's affairs for well over a decade. Not to mention the fact that being a VP at Coca-Cola is probably more difficult than managing a rock band.

    Also, I guess you are admitting that you could not manage a rock band even with twenty years of on-the-job training. I am sorry for you, maybe you really should stick to delivering papers. I am pretty sure I'd be able to do it, especially when you consider that I would have lawyers to handle legal stuff, tour directors to handle tour stuff, assistants, roadies, yada yada yada.

    Or maybe you're just sexist, and don't think she can handle it because she's a woman, based on your ridiculous belitting comment about dusting.

    great to read...I like Beta as menager...Maybe Bata can make a reunion or Beta can be fired


  5. New Album => would be awesome

    New Tour Dates => would be awesome if in Europe

    World Tour DVD => would be awesome

    Re-release of 'Chinese Democracy' with new single, b-sides, vids & more promo => would be awesome

    I feel a re-release just before the HOF...

  6. Besides, let's be honest, it's becoming pretty clear that the RnR HOF doesn't consider Chinese to be a real Guns n' Roses album so their decision makes sense.

    How is that becoming pretty clear? The decision to induct the AFD lineup makes sense on the basis of the popularity the band reached at that period and the legacy that was created.

    Because when asked about the current GnR members, the RnR HOF CEO gave a pretty arrogant answer : "They are more than welcome to buy their tickets and attend the ceremony".

    It's...pretty clear.

    Nice reason for Axl to tell him to fuck off...

    Even though they are (logically) not inducted, giving such a shitty and arrogant answer is pretty disrespectful towards GnR's name!

  7. Well...uh...I suppose a considerable majority of Guns n' Roses fans would want a reunion so... :confused:

    if a reunion happens, people whould still shit on Axl.

    If Axl does a runion and keeps his hard feelings against Slash, people would still shit on him.

    The vast majority of old-GnR fanbase would want Axl to suck Slash's cock and smile at the same time for no reason at all!

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