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Posts posted by gunnari

  1. Beta-DJ for life, bro!!!!!

    How do other fans not see this?

    This team has accomplished so much more than any other line-up, especially the overrated drug-addicted original group. Thank God that we have the new group to play all those old songs properly.

    Can you imagine if this current band had been backing Axl in the mid-80's????? They might have sold 500,000 million albums!!!!

    Now thats how you show you are a NuGuns fan!

    Did you actually say this Groghan???? one word for you my friend: FUCK YOU!!!!! PIECE OF SHIT!!!!!

  2. I hope DJ sees now how perfectionist Axl is..nothing never gets really done, nothing is really quite finished..Just frustrating how they can't put album out..We know who is to blame.

    Be careful saying that you wish GnR would release music..............that will get you labeled a hater around these parts.

    I think I'm labeled "a hater" cause I like the old GnR more =) I gave newGnR a chance but as years have passed nothing is changed...One main reason is that this band can't realease more than one album..Axl can't wait forever..time is his enemy in this matter..the guy is in his 50's..

  3. I hope DJ sees now how perfectionist Axl is..nothing never gets really done, nothing is really quite finished..Just frustrating how they can't put album out..We know who is to blame.

    Why do you hope that?

    That it's futile to continue with this band and write new music..Axl is very frustrating to work with..I wonder why are they even working with Axl since no album is coming..Are they doing it because of the money or are they still hoping that this band will take new direction in the future with a new record?? Many of us, fans, are frustrated how the things are right now!

    I mean I'm glad they played in my country in 2006 and 2010..Loved both shows =) But I think this nostalgia tour can't go on forever, I think we all agree on that! It's time to put new album and see what DJ Ashba can bring to the table..I like SIXX:AM songs and think that same kind of melody would be good in Guns songs also =)

    This song is really cool from SIXX:AM:

  4. There is youtube nowdays. The contrast between GNR and nuGNR is quite obvious, and anybody who compares a classic rock band (GNR) with a nostalgia cover act (nuGNR) lives in denial.

    It is nostalgia cover band and most people go only to see Axl and listen the old songs..I have witnessed it myself..When CD songs are played people look bored but when old songs are played you can clearly see how people start to sing and go crazy =))

  5. Most of here are young fans who weren't even alive during appetite and illusion era and I don't think they realize how big GnR was at the time..So they don't have the same view as older fans, who have seen the glory days and how GnR has transformed during 20 years..

  6. GnR used to be this badass rocknroll band with explosive frontman...I still wonder what happened to Axl Rose..Because I don't like what GnR has become..CD had only couple of good songs and the rest were pure shit..It took 15 years to be released and now it's been what? 5 years and no new album..Atleast the old GnR released more records and light years better songs, had better band chemistry etc...I still don't get it why won't Axl speak with Slash? He has spoken and performed with Duff, Izzy..and spoken with Steven..We haven't got clear answer what really happened between Axl and Slash...They were like brothers, man..And you can clearly see that when watching videos where they perform together...It's just sad what GnR has become, so sad..Could Slash do a special guest appearence with GnR? Axl wouldn't like that..

  7. I'm wondering is Axl angry or bitter to Slash cause Slash left the band? Because in one interview Axl said he used to love Slash...But that's long time to be bitter and angry...How did Slash leaving the band affect Axl? Maybe it had many long time effects to Axl, who knows...

  8. Sad to listen to this =( I still wonder what really happened...I wish Axl and Slash could make peace with other, have couple of beers and forget the past...Is it like they just don't care or do they realize what a great team they were back then and what great music was done..Still wish they could do couple of shows together =)

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