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Deb Rose

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Posts posted by Deb Rose

  1. Source: Axl Rose fa clube

    Produced by M1 Eventos

    I hate portugal language so much

    Why don't you brazilians speak spanish instead of this shit language?

    and i hate Axl Rose Fa Clube's with a bunch of idiots who posting here and assisting Axl's cashgrab circus (and TB's constant vacation in their homeland) by buying tickets just to hear Jungle for the 300th time in their country...

    Why didn't you study History? Why don't you speak English properly? Why, why, why?

    Could this mean they are dropping a new album around that time?

    Probably... not.

  2. Second one, cause that logo is sick.

    What about first banner with second logo ?

    That'd be cool too, but I like the second banner a lot.

    The first banner is cool cause of all the Axls in the center :axl92::axl:. I actually had that idea too, back when I thought I had enough talent to try this out :P

    Anyway, I'd vote on the second banner with the sick logo.

  3. What is GNR-Int-Staff???

    Sounds important and I see it everywhere but I don't know what it is.... is it an official something??

    Thanks for asking. Thought I was the ONLY one here who doesn't know (and too embarrassed to ask LOL).

    Oh, LOL!

    Im not embarassed to ask because I'm new here and also because I spent several years in a coma and I missed many years in the whole GN'R thing :P

    GNR International is just another forum. International cause it's supposed to have sections in English, Spanish and Portuguese, but the Spanish one is the most active. I guess the "Staff" is because the facebook page/twitter account is for the mods there.

  4. 2003 (or 2004). I was 14 years old and I was watching "80 best songs from the 80's" or some other shitty VH1 list expecting some MJ, and Welcome to the Jungle was in the top 5.

    Funny thing was I had this friend that had been begging me to listen to some GN'R and I refused. Wasn't much into rock cause I thought rock meant only loud noise, like Slayer and bands like that.

    I listened to WTTJ that day, that week MTV aired the Illusions DVD but I only got to see WTTJ and Don't Cry. Absolutely LOVED Don't Cry, so I went out and rented the DVDs. LOL. Then I bought all the CDs and then I found out there was a new line up and a new CD that never came out. And so began the waiting and suffering.

  5. No problem.

    This is what I read on perfect crime forum. The user that posted that said she read it on facebook. I don't use facebook so I can't look for it, maybe someone who does use it can confirm that later.

    Not that I have anything against this post, but my "like" was for solely for your avatar. :P

    Hahahaha. It was a beautiful moment. And long overdue. :P

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  6. Who's the guy in between Ashba and Pitman ? And where is Ron ?

    Apparently he wasn't feeling well.

    I didn't know. Thanks, Deb!

    No problem.

    This is what I read on perfect crime forum. The user that posted that said she read it on facebook. I don't use facebook so I can't look for it, maybe someone who does use it can confirm that later.

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