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Posts posted by wasted

  1. 41 minutes ago, moreblack said:

    That's the thing, I don't think today they could attract those type of players. Hell, if they were trying for Pogba today, I doubt he'd leave Juve for this.

    Manchester probably isn’t that attractive either. I just don’t get the feeling Rash or Martial are hungry. And there’s no leaders driving the team. 

  2. 3 minutes ago, spunko12345 said:

    I reckon its more about who they should get rid of. Loads of them there who have been there ages and shown they're not quits good enough. They should have got Ramsey from Arsenal when he was going for free though. 

    It’s okay to have a squad. Liverpool are winning the league with Hendo and Milner so maybe you don’t need good players. 

    • Haha 1
  3. 1 hour ago, moreblack said:

    These are just flashes of when their shit works properly. But then they go and get beat the next game at Burnley or something...

    Until they can get some consistency going, especially defensively, it's just gonna be a case of them spinning their wheels week after week. I don't think they have the people to get them to the next level. I don't even know if they're capable of finding them or luring them to the club at the moment.


    Newcastle gifted them the goals but I suppose they were pressing well. 

    Rashford and Martial are alright but they aren’t Salah and Mane. 

    Theyve spent money on Maguire and Pogba. They need more central mid options too. Ward Prowes is the kind of fighter they need. Jimenez at Wolves could  be a good focal point. 

    Then they need a proper world class player like Cantona. Griezeman maybe. 

  4. 3 minutes ago, spunko12345 said:

    I had roast potatoes in blankets yesterday.

    Guinness is my roast potatoes. Bacon, sausage, stuffing and Guinness. When the pilgrims came over on the Mayflower and scalped Jesus this what they ate. The first recorded day of Xmas, 1966. The menu of World Cup Winners. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Gordon Comstock said:

    Yea MMLP2 has a bit more of everything. Kamikaze has some curveball moments but it's a fairly cohesive 45-min album with some of Em's best songs in a long time. (The Ringer is fantastic and Fall is the best single he's put out since Rap God IMO.)

    I’m listening to Kanikaze now. As remember it was more rap god all the way through. Relapse was also good. 

    Kamikaze is focused but none of the tracks really grab me like I want to hear them again. There’s a lot of good rapping though. I feel I’d have to listen 10 times more to get it. There’s less pop hooks or rock dynamics to get me. No choruses. 


  6. 3 hours ago, Gordon Comstock said:

    The bonus tracks on that album were all really good, but I think Kamikaze was his best album this decade.

    I should probably listen to it more  then.My list is just albums I got into. I loved the lavish movie ness of MM2. Almost like a little UYI  type thing. It has all these different styles. Rap God is more hardcore but then there’s pop of Monster, So Far oddball, rock stuff like Headlights, Asshole. And Survival  are more like rock tracks. It’s almost not a rap album but I love it as a album to listen to the whole thing. So much there. 

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