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Posts posted by D..

  1. Wow I really have trouble believing they're really going to tour. I'm not someone who bitches about setlists, but I've watched the Chicago 92 show from GNR today and man did I love that setlist: Patience, Double Takin Jive, Civil War, Welcome to the jungle, You could be mine, Wild Horses cover(love it), and mostly COMA, man I had forgotten how AWESOME that song was, I think it's one of my very favourite GNR songs ever, wow they should really bring it back someday.

    I hope they bring back some old songs like Coma, and play mostly new stuff (This I love, Catcher in the rhye, Scraped -YES-, There was a time, Prostitute, IRS, and the other obvious).

    This tour is going to be really very exciting, can't wait to see how Ashba pulls off the songs, if Bumblefoot crafted new stuff around the riffs, man and Dizzy Reed's gonna be there, Pitman probably, Tommy Stinson, RIchard Fortus, fuck this will be awesome!!! And of course Axl will be a double surprise both on how well he sings the new songs that we haven't heard live yet (and if he kept the great voice he had in 06 and 07), and how he looks haha.

    Good stuff coming that's for sure!

  2. I was let down by this album. I didn't expect a lot from it but still, with all the good things I was hearing about it, i thought it would be at least "good".

    Looks like most people have shit tastes to me, most people didn't like Chinese Democracy, most hardcore muse fans didn't like The Resistance, and everyone loves "them crooked vultures omg there are three awesome musicians in this band omg so good".

    It's pretty bland, pretty predictable, and less deep that most of the queens of the stone age song. In a word: DISAPPOINTING.

    Chinese Democracy was terrible though.

    And so was The Resistance.

    This is the sign of great albums: people opinions are very divided about it, it's either "awesome" or "shit". However, Them crooked vulture's album get comments like "bland", "yeah good", "great", "not that good". That's not the sign of a good album.

  3. 1. Muse - The Resistance

    1. Guns N' Roses - Chinese Democracy

    From a long long, oh so very long distance from any other album released this year. I've been disappointed by almost anything that's been release in 2009 (even Relapse was crap) but thanks to Muse for releasing an album where every track is completely different, with depth, spirit, fun, classical, rock, well let's be honest it's the best album since Chinese Democracy last year. Since Chinese Democracy was released in november 08, it's safe to say it's the other best album of 09, it's been a year, so yeah, Chinese Democracy is my other first choice. Incredible album. I'm still blown away one year later and can't wait to hear this baby live.

    Them Crooked Vulture was just a hype album, three awesome musicians but in the end the album's not really that good, not that bad either, but it felt like a real let down, I expected much more, and in the end it's very bland. Archive's albums weren't good compared to their past albums (of course the lineup isn't the same but still I expected more), Biffy Clyro's album was not good (but they rock live). It's now clear to me that porcupine tree is just a band surrounded with hype but if you listen closely, it's meh U2's last album had a fucking great track, "Magnificent", but the rest didn't feel classic next to it. Alice in chains's album was ok. Oh yeah the remixed albums of the beatles were nice and that's about it for 2009.

  4. I didn't buy tickets because their stadium show suck. I saw them in le parc des princes in 2007 and it was shit compared to their arena tours (where they are the best live band).

    Don't worry about the sold out thing, they won't fill the sadium on day D, everyone is speculating and lots of people will sell tickets outisde the stadium and actually, prices will crash down on the last day, like two years ago.

  5. I was let down by this album. I didn't expect a lot from it but still, with all the good things I was hearing about it, i thought it would be at least "good".

    Looks like most people have shit tastes to me, most people didn't like Chinese Democracy, most hardcore muse fans didn't like The Resistance, and everyone loves "them crooked vultures omg there are three awesome musicians in this band omg so good".

    It's pretty bland, pretty predictable, and less deep that most of the queens of the stone age song. In a word: DISAPPOINTING.

  6. I have been listening to it for two days in a row, and I love it. I saw them live in Paris on a surprise show tuesday night (in a theater, i was at the very front, 3 meters from chris, fucking awesome) they rocked even if the setlist sucked (they just play the singles).

    It's probably their best album to date with absolution, extremely ambitious, I don't know which I prefered between Chinese democracy and that one, that's how good it is.

  7. I still likes unitet stated of eurasia better. :)

    Looking forward to listen to the whole album.

    Have you listened to all of those songs:

    -Stockholm Syndrome

    -Eternally Missed

    -Shrinking Universe



    -Space Dementia



    -The Groove

    -Falling away with you

    ? Imo a lot better than USOE ;)

  8. The best new band out there is Coldplay. I saw them in concert not to long ago and they are fucking energetic. Love their music.


    Eh, from what I have heard recently, it's all targeted towards a particular audience....whether you would like to agree or not. Im talking mainstream artists. It all appeals to the teenage jonas brother-crazed girls or the 'skater' boys. It's catchy...the tunes are very danceable. Pink Floyd's lyrics are actually meaningful. I haven't heard many artists of the like. A few I can count on one hand would be Michael Buble, Mika, err im running out of names.

    Thank god for Pearl Jam's new song, and the few artists that I do think are worthwhile otherwise I would be damned to musical hell.

    Too true. However you need to check Muse out :thumbsup:

  9. I watched "Heat" yesterday. I hadn't seen it in a long time, I had to rewatch it to understand why everybody praises Michael Mann (the only film I like that he directed was "Collateral", I hated "Miami Vice" and "Public Enemies").

    I only liked some elements in that movie:

    -the fugitive aspect towards the end of the movie (although I think "The Fugitive" with Harrison Ford is miles better than Heat), -the gunshot when they're just three against all the cops, this was SO stupid it made my day, it's even worse than in James Bond movies :rofl-lol:

    -De Niro and Al Pacino. They REALLY make that movie what it is. Had it been two other different random actors, NOBODY would have liked it. They just own the screen.

    On the other hand, I found the directing very very weak, it's very badly edited, cut, and shot. You never understand the space surrounding the characters, it's badly defined, for example the first gunshot with the attack of the van, you don't understand everything that's going on because the camera goes in all directions, goes from one point to another without any coherence. Worse yet, when De Niro goes to the house of the indian guy who sold them out near the end of the movie, the camera focuses on the dead body while De Niro takes a step further to see if somebody else is here: HOW DUMB is that? That's the one moment when you realize there's someone actually following De Niro with a cam, like if it was some kind of documentary or something: this is an AWFUL directing.

    But the worse directing of all is the final scene: you don't understand what the fuck is going on because Michael Mann constantly breaks the 180 degrees rule, he doesn't respect any shot scales, sometimes it's a knee shot, sometimes it's a close up, there's no coherence whatsoever, and you wind up completely lost, constantly wondering if De Niro and Al Pacino are near each other: this is bad suspense, in this kind of scene, we're supposed to have some kind of advance on the characters and waiting for the moment they'll face off, which is totally not the case here.

    Anyway, good story, awesome actors, nice music, nice atmosphere, but the directing really isn't that great imo. I think Michael Mann only made two good movies, Collateral and this one, but what saddens me is that it's not thanks to his directing skills but rather to the actors and some sequences.

  10. Pink Floyd is one of the few band I got to like rather quickly (unlike GNR, weirdly). I suggest you listen to those songs which are imo their best:

    Shine on your crazy diamond


    Atom Heart Mother (all of it)

    A saucerful of secrets

    And all of Dark Side of the moon (with the exception of the track "money" which sucks a bit and has nothing to do on the album).

    Now this band is more about seeing the grand scheme, their music don't see the reality of life as of now or one moment, but the life on a very long term, kind of like the movie 2001: a space odyssey, this kind of music tries to go beyond expressing just one moment in your life or a couple of years, it's about life, space and the universe, but that's just what I feel when listening to it, and that's why I love that band yet at the same time I never found them being as great as GNR because GNR is about giving all you got on one moment. If I had to compare those band, Pink Floyd would be the moon and GNR would be a shooting star.

  11. Scaramouche, Muse were never inspired by Queen when they started, it begun last album with "Knights of cydonia" and a small tribute during the chorus but that was it. Then came this song...

    But fuck the people who think Muse is a queen tribute band, they don't get it :facepalm:

  12. Yes, this song really is a Queen tribute. But that's what I like (I love Queen more than everything, but I don't think this is a ripp off). I think we all can say 100% for sure that Muse are inspiered by Queen.. So why not show it in their work? I don't mean they should do every song queenie, they have to keep on doing it on their own way... But sometimes let us know where they got their inspiaration from is cool.

    I see your point Muse vs. GnR. And for me too Muse could never be as awesome as GnR. As you are saying, Muse don't communicate that much with the audience, just consentrate about the music. To be honest I don't think that will change. It looks like that's how Muse is. As they are such a modern band, and are more consentraited about have a great stage with plenty of light +++

    But I really look forward to listen to this album. They said it will not sound like any of the other albums. I don't remember who said it, but it was something like "On this album Muse have their best rock song and their best pop song", so that will be pretty nice to hear I think.

    Well they showed they liked Queen in the studio version of "Knights of Cydonia" in 2006, that was the first time their queen inspiration was obvious (I have a Muse album from 1996 that leaked last year which is pre-showbiz which clearly shows their influence were more Nirvana, Rage against the machine and Jeff Buckley when they first started, Queen only surfaced late in their work), but here it's too obvious for my taste.

    I'm still waiting for the new album anyway, I'm sure it'll be good, but I doubt they top Knights of cydonia, Exo-politics, City of delusion, Stockholm Syndrome, Space Dementia, Citizen Erased, and Eternally Missed.

  13. I have. Muse is the first rock band I got into, about ten years ago (I knew them from their very start and saw them bout 7 times live since then). They're just three and yet they sound big. To me, they're the most talented rock band of their generation (even better than Radiohead -if radiohead can be categorized as a "rock band"). They are the best band live I've seen yet (and I've seen a lot, except GNR) along with Nine Inch Nails. My only problem with them is that once they tour they keep playing the same songs over and over, and they don't communicate at all except musically (which is good anyway). They never surprise us but maybe they'll work on that.

    They're the only rock band I know that have so many good b-sides (shrinking universe, host, eternally missed, the groove, the gallery, dead star, in your world, fury, easily, glorious, ...) , they could put out several albums with all the great b-sides they released.

    Anyway, ever since I discovered GNR, I lost a bit of interest in Muse, not that I don't care about them anymore, but let's face it, compared to GNR, their music seem very simple (the structure are linear, the songs rarely last over 5-6 minutes, there are very few kick ass solos -the ony impressive one for muse is the one on Citizen erased-...) and even if Matt's voice is nice, he doesn't have the energy Axl has. When Axl's on stage and singing, you feel that guy is about love, you can feel he loved some women passionately and that deep inside it's all that really matters, whereas Bellamy is a more reserved type of guy, a guy fascinated by technology, conspiracy theory, apocalypse... I recognize myself in both, but definitely GNR means more to me. Still Muse is very special to me, when they were younger they kicked serious ass live, they were fucking crazy, Zenith 2001 in Paris and Bercy 2003 in Paris were total madness.

    Anyway, about United States of Eurasia (+Collateral Damage), I thought it was a nice song with some surprising twists, but I'm asking myself whether it's a genuine piece of song. They ripped off Queen (I know it's more a tribute than a ripoff but the chorus and then the "brian may like" guitar just when the second chorus kicks in is too much for me), and Collateral Damage is a Chopin piece. I don't get it, I mean it's nice,it sounds good, but it's not entirely Muse and that pisses me off. The song doesn't have an identity, it's more of an evolution of several songs into one (We are the champions and Bohemian Rhapsody of Queen, mixed with City of delusion & Soldier's poem by Muse, mixed with Chopin).

    November Rain was inspired by Elton John and other artists I guess, but at least it was genuine, it was 100% Guns N' Roses, and that's why up to this day it's still a classic, had Axl ripped off some classical music piece, I don't think anyone would consider it as big.

    So, I might be wrong, but I think this new Muse song will be forgotten rather quickly, I had my friends &family listen to it, and they all jumped like "oh yeah it's queen". I don't think you can expect a song to be big if it's a tribute song (because that's more or less what it is).

    So I'm a bit disappointed all in all, Muse had, up to this day, never went as far as to cover a classical piece, Bellamy's piano solos were always inspired but they weren't the property of somebody else. Maybe I expect too much from this band

    I hope the album will feature some strong original compositions without any rip off, personnally the only song I really care about is "Exogenesis", I'm very eager to hear it, I know Bellamy spent 7 or 8 years working on it with a full symphonical orchestra, so I hope it will kick ass.

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