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Posts posted by saber_

  1. How many albums does Guns n' Roses have left to deliver in its current contract with the record label? 1? 2? Does anyone know?

    Is there a reputable reference someone can provide?

    My apologies in advance if I failed at forum searching and googling, but alas I could not coax the interwebz to elicit the pertinent particulars regarding this topic.

  2. Chinese Democracy II or bust.

    ...Or bust what, exactly? Internet message boards? Just kidding, kind of. I s'pose I don't agree with the implied premise that there's extra pressure to do anything. What distinguishes now as some sort of "release new album or bust" scenario?

    Are you saying that Chinese Democracy reinvigorated the collective want for more GNR material? Like an addict who is given a fix after being clean for years, and then feels the need for the drug stronger than before. Is that what you're saying?

    Guns n Roses is, and has been for a while now, a rare mystical creature. Sightings are rare and special. You must enjoy it for what it is, not what you want it to be. Sure I'd love to hear another album, I mean hell yes. But if we don't get one relatively soon, it doesn't change anything. Except for maybe on internet message board forums. But the fans will still go see the live shows. Right?

  3. I'll happily digest whatever musical offerings are given.

    I look at musicians as artists.

    I don't tell a painter how to paint. I don't tell a composer to throw in a few notes. I don't tell authors how they should write.

    I accept and appreciate the music I am given. Of course each of us will have our own reaction and perceptions of the music, and we are free to form whatever opinions we may.

    That being said, my only requests would have more to do with the recording and mixing. To me, Chinese Democracy sounds a bit too polished; a bit too sharp timbre-wise; a bit too digital-ey sounding in some places. This is of course just my own opinion, and probably was intentional on their part. It certainly doesn't really detract from the listening experience. But, my 2 cents would be: break out the analog tape for some warmth. just imo

  4. And people wonder why Axl doesn't post on here more.....

    Because of threads like this? Or because of the responses from the alt-account cupcake factory?

    If you don't post links to back up your alt-account accusations all you are doing is just starting a hissy fit. I don't see anything wrong with what they posted, and logic and fair reasoning can be applied to the posts in this topic up until you started this pissing match

    Fair enough ol chap. Next time I will certainly post the links to the multiple threads on other sites solely dedicated to discussing the use of alt accounts for the sole purpose of starting shit.

    Secondly, I didn't start any pissing match. Notice I IGNORED the obligatory post about Slash, and I IGNORED the subsequent posts. it's funny, you ask me for evidence to support my claims which would take you less than 5 seconds to google to verify (if i gave you a few user names to include in the search string), yet you grant a free pass to people who just post a name, and say "he won a test against axl" with no corroborating opinions or evidence to back it up.

    Don't you think it says something about grigori that he took my rather lightweight generalized comment about a "cupcake factory" so seriously? LOOK AT GRIGORI's posting history. LOOK AT IT:


    Now tell me, what did you see there? Hmm? Ohh, the plot thickens.

    Anyhoo, all the bullshitting aside, believe it or not, there actually substantive discussion value here. I was hoping this would perhaps lead into a discussion of management, past and present. And yes, former members are fair game too. And even though you may not believe, there actually was a little humor in there too. Seriously.

    Carry on.

  5. And people wonder why Axl doesn't post on here more.....

    Because of threads like this? Or because of the responses from the alt-account cupcake factory?

    So let me get this straight:

    You make thread asking a question. People give you real answers to your question. Then you call them cupcakes.

    I think the real question to ask you is why you made this thread. It seams you aren't interested in gathering historical information on Guns N' Roses as much as you are looking to instigate quarrels with members you are obsessed with. You aren't just "fishing" for comments. You are on a boat dumping chum in the water. You are the one "trolling" dude.

    Alt-account? Who has an all account? WHO. Give names you fucking coward. Fucking liar.


    First of all, dumbass, maybe you should start by reading eduardo's post. Here I'll quote it for you since you failed at reading it: "Slash left; GN'R died. Slash still hasn't come back and neither has GN'R." That is a clear case of trolling, motherfucker. So quit pretending everyone has the same limp-dick short-term memory capacity you do. Notice I ignored his post, until now. If he wanted to make the same point without trolling, he could've said "When Slash left the band, he won the test of wills." However, I would retort that Axl actually won that battle. Depends on your point of view I suppose.

    Seely and Chewbacca made respectable posts.

    Oh but look, Eduardo came back to cupcake some more. Again, I ignored him, until now. He listed Stephanie Seymore and Buckethead. However, in the case of Stephanie Seymour, I'd say Axl won, as she quickly faded after their split. In the case of Buckethead, now that's a bit more tricky. But actually I don't think Bucket and Axl got into a test of wills. Not really applicable.

    Quite frankly, your post about eduardo's posts spoke volumes. Slash did lose the test of wills, and quit like a little bitch. If the situation were reversed, and it were Slash who owned the name, Axl wouldn't quit like a pussy then try to jumpstart his career 10 years later. You and I both know Slash is butthurt over the fact he signed the name over. Oh and please, don't make the entire thread about Slash, I know that's your modus operandi, but please, for me, try.

    Reading the rest of your babbling, it's clear you're just on some autopilot of doucheness. I mean, really, even bringing up Kurt Cobain, how lame of you. Nice spin on it though. :thumbs up: Furthermore, you seem to be applying "test of wills" to anything. Try to make well-thought out post without getting all emotional on me.

    And finally, YOU are a cupcake and most likely an alt. And Eduardo too is probably some fake account that people on some other gnr website spent hours planning to cupcake here. Pathetic. Hehe shenanigans.

  6. Axl does what he wants.

    Then in this case he will pay for the privilege for being a "rebel"

    Stop being so dramatic, you're acting like you know what's going to happen.

    You make a statement that "Axl does what he wants" and I'm being dramatic? LOL.......

    I don't know what will happen but based on Axl's track record and as you say "Axl does what he wants" I would give you even odds he goes on late..unless of course you think he will do as he is told and go on stage on time... ;)

    So in other words you took what I said literally. Just because my lulz aren't funny to you doesn't mean they aren't lulz. lulz

    However on another note, once again you are pretending to have the gift of foresight. What if Axl wants to go on on-time? Is that such a novel concept. He does what he wants. Well what if he wants to go on stage on time? You're acting like he's late for every show.

    What sort of odds will ya give me there chief?

  7. The usual suspects. Typical. Heh.

    Gee I don't know about you guys but I'd rather hear some remastered unreleased studio outtakes, demos, and vault stuff.

    Screw a remaster of an album I've listened to a million times. I mean, yeah, wow what an original concept re-release AFD :eyeroll: hey that that's great discussion worthy excellence it may or may not outsell chinese democracy.

    Gimme the rare stuff, you can have your stealth trolling victory.

  8. And yet... and yet...

    All of you keep coming back for more. Some of you create multiple accounts on multiple guns n roses sites, just so you can talk about ol' uncle axl.

    Regardless of any grandiose proclamations of malfeasance on Axl's part, you all keep coming back for more.

    So no, he hasn't destroyed anything.

    Everyone knows he's full of piss & vinegar, this is not news. The fans love it.

    Keep in mind it's that same intensity or focus that allows Axl to be such an emotive singer. Remember that.

  9. ITW was basically the first single off CD if you go to movies.

    It's like Axl is the DiCaprio character, he has all the on-the-ground skills to be succesful but there are a bunch of ruthless, deceitful and tech-obsessed assholes like Crowe calling the shots at the record label saying "we are a results-driven organization".

    I think that's a very interesting and plausible parallel between the DiCaprio character and Axl.


    I remember drawing that correlation at the end of the movie when the music started playing.

    DiCaprio's character withdraws from the CIA and wants to live in peace at the end, away from all the death-defying high-stakes espionage double-talkin jive intrigue crap he had endured up until that point. Obviously there are all sorts of symbolic similarities with Axl and his situation with past band members, past management, the record company, etc. DiCaprio's trials and travails are representative of the trials and travails Axl's gone through. Perhaps that's why he allowed the song to be used in the film. I'm not saying it was some grandiose statement, but rather a subtle one.

    Are there any quotes from Axl about the film and the use of the song?

  10. Is there symbolism in Axl allowing this song to be used in the film?

    From his point of view, there is a body of lies which Slash has manifested out of the ether. Stretch or no? ; )

    Do you ever wish that you were clever?

    Hey asshole I get credit for not creating a new topic.

    Now answer my question, is there symbolism in Axl allowing "If the World" to appear in a film entitled "Body of Lies." Axl feels that there are a lot misconceptions out there perpetuated by other people. In the chats on this very site, he said (and i paraphrase) "you've been lied to and misled so much.."

    So i ask you, is there hidden meaning?

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