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Posts posted by mrandyk

  1. The crowd in that Scraped video are really rocking out... :rolleyes:

    From what I can pick out, sounds awesome.

    It is Scraped. Id rank it pretty near the bottom out of all the CD songs. I doubt the crowd is rocking very much at all on the CD tracks (except the opener I assume), especially when it is one of the lesser songs from the album. I doubt many people outside of this forum enjoys the song very much, or has even heard it for that matter.

  2. I doubt they play that many songs. I do feel that some of the CD songs will be switched, but I doubt they add three more old songs. If anything they will probably keep the same amount of songs and switch out a couple. My prediction:

    Chinese Democracy

    Welcome To The Jungle

    Its So Easy

    Mr Brownstone

    Catcher in the Rye

    Live and Let Die

    There Was a Time


    My Michelle

    Street of Dreams

    Sweet Child O Mine

    November Rain

    You Could Be Mine


    Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door





    Paradise City

  3. I live in the United States but I am glad there is a full South American tour, you guys deserve one so badly. How many shows have been down there since 93? Just Rock in Rio 3? Good for you guys, I really hope that U.S. dates materialize soon as I havent the money to travel to Canada as a college student.

  4. When rockstars cut their hair it means they are trying to make their lives easier by not having to deal with that hair. This is also a sign that they arent rockstars anymore and begin to either suck or sellout. U2 has been doing both for decades apparently since they all have short hair.

  5. Canada this January could possibly be the last chance to ever see GNR, but I am going to play the odds and hold out for some U.S. dates. If they go back to Ames, Iowa or somewhere even closer that in no way deserves a show I will go fucking crazy because the closest metropolatin areas are at least six hours away. I have never travelled to another country and I recently quit my part time job, otherwise a trip to Canada might be in the cards since it would only be a couple more hours of driving and it would probably be the trip of a lifetime.

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