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Posts posted by mrandyk

  1. After perusing the site some more, what the hell is this? This is a terrible site. Their best 100 albums of the 80s is also laughable. I saw Sonic Youth and The Pixies about 5 times each in the top 30, I figured to see Appetite for Destruction somewhere above 59th and I also expected at least one band like Metallica, Iron Maiden, ACDC, and Van Halen to show up. Who runs this site?

  2. RIP

    I was actually thinking earlier today that the following years will be very sad for fans of classic rock. Many of our favorite musicians are getting very old, in their late 60s or 70s, and we will see many retiring or dying. Life goes on though, and their legacy will never die.

    I too have thought about that. I find it surprising that so many of them are able to tour still.

  3. Thanks for the suggestions guys, I have the next few days free so I can just bum around playing guitar all day. These last few days I have had to work almost non stop, but I was working with a a guy I know who knows how to play guitar and he gave me a few pointers. Maybe I should quit that job as it is getting in the way of me being a rockstar. My fingers dont typically hurt anymore from playing since they have grown some calices, but towards the beginning they got so sore I had to take a day off.

  4. I looked up Pateicne, and it does seem pretty easy. But I am having a hard time sometimes telling if I am playing the right notes. When I listen to the track there are too many guitars and I sometimes just cant tell if I am playing the right part.

    I did start playing Iron Man and have found that song pretty easy and fun to play, cant do the solo of course.

  5. I have been practicing a lot this past week. I can do all the parts to Smells Like Teen Spirit, the main riff can sound ugly at times, but its nice to know a whole song instead of just parts. Changing chords on that riff is easy though since it is the same fingering just moved around the top 4 strings a few times.

    Do you guys have any easy songs for me to try and learn? I cant think of any other songs to learn that are within my skill level, and I have gotten really good at playing everything else I know. Whole songs would be great, right now I essentially only know the intro to several songs; Smoke on the Water, Purple Haze, Better, Enter Sandman, Highway to Hell, Iron Man, Sweet Child O Mine...

    Also Im holding off on calling that guy that I saw in the paper until I feel like I have hit a wall trying to learn guitar.

  6. Well there are no music stores in town, I would have to drive 120 miles roundtrip and my car is going on its last legs at over 200k miles. So it would be nice if it were across town. If this guy turns out to be an undesirable teacher, do you think Best Buy would be a good place to go for lessons?

  7. How long have you played guitar?

    If not very long than play every day. Hour after hour. Learn easier songs an play the shit out of them. Lies has some good songs for building your stamina and quicker chord changes. Work on your scales and warm-ups. That's about all I can say. Oh. Take lessons. Trust me. I improved increadibly in at least a couple weeks after I started taking lessons.

    Also what kind of guitar/amp do you have?

    It makes a difference. Trust me.

    Good Luck!!

    I started playing on Thursday, so about 3 days. I have been noticing significant improvement already though, my scales were painful to listen to yesterday but Ive really got them down now.

    I was hoping I could learn without a teacher, but I saw an ad in the paper for guitar lessons and maybe I will call the guy. It would definitely help.

    I have this guitar, I found it on ebay along with a 10w amp for $100. I dont know what makes one guitar better than another, but that thing is probably a piece of crap. I couldnt find my amp on the internet since the thing has no manufacturer on it :shrugs: , but I dont see why it really matters which one I have for learning guitar. If I get good I could buy a good amp.

    Also, what do the tone knobs on my guitar do? I assume they are supposed to change the tone when playing electrically but I dont hear any difference when playing with the knobs.

  8. I had been wanting to get an electric guitar for a while, and finally went and got one on eBay for $100 with an amp. I figured it would let me know whether or not playing the guitar would be something for me or not, and if I do enjoy it and will continue to play I will get something decent.

    I have really hit a wall with chord changes though. I can not seem to get my fingers to change chords quickly, which is a big problem and doesnt seem to allow me to play any complete songs. Is learning how to change chords difficult or is it just me? I got the intro to Sweet Child O Mine down pretty quickly, I wouldnt have thought that changing chords quickly was going to be more of a challenge.

    Any tips?

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