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Posts posted by henfjel

  1. riad and scraped is up there too now

    to play devil's advocate, a lot of hoarders don't really have a choice. most people who have the songs or multi tracks probably received explicit instruction to not share under any circumstances. it's not that they don't want to, it's that they can't.

    -10 points for whoever reads this and calls me a hoarder.

    HOARDER!!!! :fuckyou: :fuckyou: :fuckyou:

    nooo, i'm just kidding :xmassrudolph:

  2. That part of the solo, gets really hard to play note by note in a live concert,

    ...It's not THAT hard really... :shrugs:

    well for me playing at home it's hard, ill need to practise it alot more, but I supose live it's much more harder to play without flaws and DJ isnt capable of that


    :rofl-lol: :rofl-lol: :rofl-lol: :rofl-lol:

    sorry, but that is the most hilarious thing i've heard today xDD

  3. If I don't get to see Fake GNR in Europe, I hope at least there will be one insane riot for the history books!!!

    What are his reasons this time?

    there is no reason!! this is just a fucking rumor :P

    just because they postpone two dates in the whole tour doesn't mean that the whole shit will be postponed.

    the title is a little misleading... change it to "Rumors about tour postponement", or something like that :thumbsup:

  4. We already heard him try during the sessions, he can't play it.

    i don't care what you have seen during some sessions. he is a professional musician. if he wants to play it, he can play it. if you've seen ONE clip of him playing it bad doesn't mean that he can't play it. for all you know that was the first time he played it. it might have been improvised, it might just have been joking around.

  5. sucks how they split the solo up like that. DJ doesn't get the fun part

    He could not play that part technically, is why he asked Bumble to take that part.

    Is exactly the part we heard in the studio sessions that surfaced, which everyone was bashing, because Ashba sounded like he didn't know what he was doing.


    he can play it if he wants to. i have people in my class who can play it.

  6. On one side you have a conceited ugly loud mouth bitch that demands you to fuck her in exactly the way she dictates (USA).

    On the other side you have a sensual, generous, enthousiastic hot girl you want to make love to and she wants it too (rest of the world).

    Easy pick.


    Follow board rules or fuck off little boy.

    I love the smell of irony in the afternoon.


  7. That may all be true, but Axl is only human.

    You don't want to play to half filled buildings every night and have your efforts be referred to as "the troubled tour".

    Jarmo once talked about how GNR was avoiding the states since they'd probably want to reward the countries where CD did really well, and where the new band is well-recieved. So I'll defer to my last comment where I said that unless they have something new to promote, a U.S. tour is highly unlikely, and if thrown together, would certainly be a "troubled" tour.

    Which sucks, as there is definitely an audience for this band in the states, just not on a huge arena tour level anymore.

    The truth is that the window for this band to be mainstream again closed after the 2002 tour fell apart, and was certainly soddered shut when they failed to deliver Chinese Democracy, as promised, in 2006. Add Axl's disappearing act around CD's final release in 2008, the complete lack of videos, mainstream interviews and promotion and....I think it's safe to say....A U.S. tour with no new album lined up would most likely be dead on arrival.

    So...When's CD II coming?

    i don't know if soon is the word.

    just kidding. i'm hoping by the end of this year..

    Me too. The next album dropping this year is without a shred of doubt the best thing that the band could do, both for themselves, and the fans.

    yeah i think so too. but if they drop the album, i hope its an album recorded with the current line up. if its recorded with buckethead, finck and brain its probably awesome but just not what the band needs now. i think they need a brand new record which is their own.

    it would be SO awesome if they dropped it before the europe tour starts and tour it from there. i'm going to the second concert in norway. i would seriously die if they play new songs there :xmassrudolph:

    I gaurantee you that IF the next album comes out this year (and that's a big IF) Buckethead, Finck, and Bumble will be all over it. Not sure about DJ. To be honest, I'd prefer it that way as those 3 absolutely tore it up on CD.

    a huge, gigantic, monumental IF :thumbsup:

    yeah it probably will. don't take me wrong, i LOVE CD and CD2 with bh,finck and bumble will probably be the most awesome thing ever :P

    dj will probably not be on it, no... but it would be cool if he was :D

    but i'll be awesome regardless of who from new guns is on it as long its not paul tobias :P was he on CD?

  8. That may all be true, but Axl is only human.

    You don't want to play to half filled buildings every night and have your efforts be referred to as "the troubled tour".

    Jarmo once talked about how GNR was avoiding the states since they'd probably want to reward the countries where CD did really well, and where the new band is well-recieved. So I'll defer to my last comment where I said that unless they have something new to promote, a U.S. tour is highly unlikely, and if thrown together, would certainly be a "troubled" tour.

    Which sucks, as there is definitely an audience for this band in the states, just not on a huge arena tour level anymore.

    The truth is that the window for this band to be mainstream again closed after the 2002 tour fell apart, and was certainly soddered shut when they failed to deliver Chinese Democracy, as promised, in 2006. Add Axl's disappearing act around CD's final release in 2008, the complete lack of videos, mainstream interviews and promotion and....I think it's safe to say....A U.S. tour with no new album lined up would most likely be dead on arrival.

    So...When's CD II coming? ;)

    i don't know if soon is the word.

    just kidding. i'm hoping by the end of this year..

    Me too. The next album dropping this year is without a shred of doubt the best thing that the band could do, both for themselves, and the fans.

    yeah i think so too. but if they drop the album, i hope its an album recorded with the current line up. if its recorded with buckethead, finck and brain its probably awesome but just not what the band needs now. i think they need a brand new record which is their own.

    it would be SO awesome if they dropped it before the europe tour starts and tour it from there :D :D i'm going to the second concert in norway. i would seriously die if they play new songs there :xmassrudolph:

  9. That may all be true, but Axl is only human.

    You don't want to play to half filled buildings every night and have your efforts be referred to as "the troubled tour".

    Jarmo once talked about how GNR was avoiding the states since they'd probably want to reward the countries where CD did really well, and where the new band is well-recieved. So I'll defer to my last comment where I said that unless they have something new to promote, a U.S. tour is highly unlikely, and if thrown together, would certainly be a "troubled" tour.

    Which sucks, as there is definitely an audience for this band in the states, just not on a huge arena tour level anymore.

    The truth is that the window for this band to be mainstream again closed after the 2002 tour fell apart, and was certainly soddered shut when they failed to deliver Chinese Democracy, as promised, in 2006. Add Axl's disappearing act around CD's final release in 2008, the complete lack of videos, mainstream interviews and promotion and....I think it's safe to say....A U.S. tour with no new album lined up would most likely be dead on arrival.

    So...When's CD II coming? ;)

    i don't know if soon is the word.

    just kidding. i'm hoping by the end of this year..

  10. They tour the States every four years. And according to my math, they will be touring once again this year.




    Makes sense.

    i see your point, but thats where you are WRONG! ;)

    guns doesn't make sense ;)

    actually that whole word is relatively fucked up in guns world

  11. I'm pretty sure I speak for the majority of the forum while saying that Haunted Mansion is one of the lamest things taking up space on the internet

    Yeah, I remember last time...

    But it would be great if this could be a place we actually could get to chat with DJ. I'm going to check it out.

    i remember last time too.. and the time before that! it was ridiculous :xmassrudolph:

    but it was fun. he answered one of my questions :D

  12. I was in Los Angeles for 17 days, 16 nights on business. I have a friend who I graduated college with that works in publishing in LA . So naturally, I visited for a few days while I was there. One night he invited me out for drinks with him and a friend of his. The friend is a sales analyst for a major industry organization (not disclosing the name). While having drinks, he was describing to me what he does exactly. Somehow the conversation turned to him telling me about some of the upcoming summer releases. He mentioned multiple artists (GNR somewhere in the middle). I said something like, "whoa. GNR have another album coming out?" He said, "Yes, early summer". I'm not exactly sure what I said at this point, but I think it was something along the lines of being surprised considering Chinese Democracy was just released not that long ago, and because of the fact that it bombed so bad here in the US. Anyway, from there I believe he kind of elaborated on Axl turning over 30 (or so) tracks in April 2008.

    thats interesting..

    when did you hear this?

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