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Posts posted by GunsNRevolvers2

  1. WAAF in Boston still has it in the mix, I hear Better and ChiDem on occasion, but I dont listen to the radio much, mostly my ipod and pandora in the car, itunes and pandora on the macbook

    Back when it came out I heard CD, Better, Street of Dreams and Shackler's on numerous stations

  2. lol. I'd like to throw one of them up on stage, for the slight chance that he might pick it up for a second. I'd love to get him to sign the kill your idols one, but during the concert...seems like about a .00001% chance of that happening, and I don't see it being very possible to get backstage or see him or anyone in the band before or after the show. So throwing it on stage to maybe have him pick it up seems like the best option.

    heading out here pretty soon, this is my last post of the night. I'll be uploading pics/videos to my twitter account, avianosfinest.

    Honestly, with those being the shirts that they are, and not just a generic GnR t-shirt I'd say there's a good chance he'd pick it up and show it off, possibly even throw it on during an outfit change, which would be killer

  3. Let me say this, maybe it was just the LA show, they also didnt play Better when I saw them in Worcester, but the Better from the LA show was absolutely horrendous, DJ messed up the intro riff and chorus riff numerous times, blatantly and in all honestly, Axl sounded spectacularly bad on that song, when he was great the rest of the show.

    Scratch Better from the set in favor of Oh My God.

  4. It may not be as present as it used to be, but I actually got into an argument with an uncle of mine today at christmas over the same subject.

    I'm sure many of you have seen a line like this, or very similar, in various GnR concert reviews:

    "Guns trio of guitars proved worthy throughout the night but it was disappointing to see that Axl needed to institute three guitar players to fill the void that Slash left in the band"

    Now, obviously the argument is bad to start off with, because in most cases a lead, and rhythm guitar player make up the guitar sound of a band, generally. It wasn't like Slash created and played every guitar recorded for Guns prior to ChiDem.

    Second, and this bugs me the most, is that people honestly state that, and believe it. To me, if you're job is to review music you should probably know that it doesn't take a combination of these 3 guitarists to reach and play to Slash's ability. Just because 1 guy plays the first solo in November Rain, and a different guy plays the 2nd solo, doesn't mean that a guitarist "can't handle" Slash's solo.

    If you're reviewing music, and you honestly think that a guy that plays a guitar as his lifelong profession and career, can't play the solo to November Rain etc etc that any 13 year old taking guitar lessons for a year could handle, then you're just not allowed to be associated with anything in music again, ever.

    Sorry for the rant, but I just wanted to bring it up..maybe create a discussion thats a bit off the norm around here.

    I just picture an uncle and his nephew downing egg nog debating GNR.


    Yea well that's basically what it was, Budweisers and the Patriots game turned into ironically enough, egg nog and rum with a long debate about GnR (because I brought up how I just saw them last month in Worcester, MA) and I'm 19, he's 45, and he's not the biggest Guns fan ever, he's just one of those guys that basically made up his mind to never accept a new GnR. After about 45 minutes, the discussion changed to wrestling, and thats when my cousins who are 3, and 5 years older than me chimed in about how much the "WWE" sucks now compared to the WWF Attitude days.

    Interesting holiday.

  5. Basically, I think we all agree that the 3 guitars brings a show to a whole new level (bringing up how the Foo's do the same now was a great point) great examples being on songs like Sorry, November Rain, Civil War, Whole Lotta Rosie, Nightrain, Shacklers, Paradise City among others.

    Also, as a Slashite, even I agree that Slash would have trouble with some of the Bucket parts that Bumblefoot handles now, unless Slash has a secret virtuoso background im unaware of

  6. It may not be as present as it used to be, but I actually got into an argument with an uncle of mine today at christmas over the same subject.

    I'm sure many of you have seen a line like this, or very similar, in various GnR concert reviews:

    "Guns trio of guitars proved worthy throughout the night but it was disappointing to see that Axl needed to institute three guitar players to fill the void that Slash left in the band"

    Now, obviously the argument is bad to start off with, because in most cases a lead, and rhythm guitar player make up the guitar sound of a band, generally. It wasn't like Slash created and played every guitar recorded for Guns prior to ChiDem.

    Second, and this bugs me the most, is that people honestly state that, and believe it. To me, if you're job is to review music you should probably know that it doesn't take a combination of these 3 guitarists to reach and play to Slash's ability. Just because 1 guy plays the first solo in November Rain, and a different guy plays the 2nd solo, doesn't mean that a guitarist "can't handle" Slash's solo.

    If you're reviewing music, and you honestly think that a guy that plays a guitar as his lifelong profession and career, can't play the solo to November Rain etc etc that any 13 year old taking guitar lessons for a year could handle, then you're just not allowed to be associated with anything in music again, ever.

    Sorry for the rant, but I just wanted to bring it up..maybe create a discussion thats a bit off the norm around here.

  7. My buddy and I were on the front rail in Worcester, every quiet chance we got throughout the entire show we yelled "Shacklers!" to Axl, Tommy, Bumble and DJ ahaha eventually Tommy acknowledged us, and later on, Axl did as well, and they played it

    i bet that was totally cause you were yelling it and had nothing to do with their setlist.

    They didn't play it in it's normal slot..it's a switch out song, and at the time wasnt being played at every show

    Either way if they were gonna play it or not that night, I think I'll live knowing that I wasn't the soul reason for it getting played, who cupcakes on christmas.

  8. My buddy and I were on the front rail in Worcester, every quiet chance we got throughout the entire show we yelled "Shacklers!" to Axl, Tommy, Bumble and DJ ahaha eventually Tommy acknowledged us, and later on, Axl did as well, and they played it

  9. Surprise!

    I won't be home during this unfortunately, anyway someone who buys can record for download for those of us unfortunates?!


    I don't know if I'll be home for both shows either, but the cool thing is that if you purchase it you can access it for 24 hours, so just watch it when you get home.

    Just read that part, that's gonna be what I end up doing, probably go with the two shows for $14.99 deal

  10. Hell ya!

    Guns N Roses Twitter: "Can’t get to TheForum in LA tomorrow night? We’ve got your disease- GN’R LIVE FROM THE FORUM on internet PPV http://bit.ly/gnr2011ppv #ForumLive"

    I won't be home during this unfortunately, anyway someone who buys can record for download for those of us unfortunates?!


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