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Posts posted by whatashame

  1. This wrestler is called Rick Steiner. His theme song (entrance song) of the years 1998-2000 sounds like a welcome to the jungle rip off. On top of that it starts with "welcome to the dogpound" , as he was stylized to be a bulldog of some sort.


    Btw, Rick Steiner was awesome


    that is the end of my message. Move on.



  2. On 31.03.2016 at 5:39 PM, ludurigan said:

    used to have them but my HD is kinda fucked cant access it now

    surely someone must have them

    the most fun part is to listen to the tape

    it was made available a little before the release of the hollywood rose cd and the recordings were a bit rawer if i am not mistaken

    terrific stuff, izzy and chris speed metal riffs, axls voice absolutely brilliant

    dude, please, try

    for the legacy

    and now in the light of the reunion

  3. i wish this happened :



    Axl welcomes back Duff and Slash into the band

    they regain the rights to the name

    they book a huuuuuuuuuuuuge tour

    Axl bails out, just like Izzy and the rest of them did in the 90s, giving away the rights to the band

    Slash and the rest are left with no singer and a booked tour. They go BANKRUPT


    Axl joins AC / DC and creates profit

    Axl wins

    the ultimate revenge


    wow, just wow!

  4. the following fragment comes from this book




    gnr encyclopaedia by mick o' shea


    For an interesting, and highly
    informative, history of Hollywood
    Rose, I recommend checking
    out the band’s drummer, Johnny
    Kreis’ website www.laserfire.com,
    where he reveals that he was playing
    in a Hollywood-based outfit
    called Shire when he was first
    approached by Izzy with a view
    to laying down the drum tracks
    for some demos he was working
    on with Axl (who just happened
    to be crashing in Shire’s garage
    rehearsal space at the time).
    Although a quarter century has
    since passed, Kreis remembers
    his initial encounter with Izzy
    with total clarity. Not because of
    Axl’s and Izzy’s subsequent success
    in Guns N’ Roses, but rather
    due to Izzy’s proffered method
    of payment – a six-pack of Budweiser
    and a medium-sized pizza.
    Izzy and Axl had booked a day’s
    recording at the Angry Samoans
    Studio in West Hollywood, and
    Kreis was happy to oblige, as
    doing a spot of ‘moonlighting’
    for other bands was a common
    occurrence amongst L.A.’s rock
    fraternity. And as this was light
    years away from Axl’s fixation for
    perfection, there was no need for
    Kreis to learn the songs’ arrangements
    as there were none. In fact
    Axl’s sole pre-requisite of Kreis
    was that he “play really fast, and
    pound away with a blues feel.”
    This, of course, was what Kreis
    did best, and he obviously did
    it with aplomb, for his display
    prompted Axl and Izzy to prise
    him away from Shire to join
    Hollywood Rose. The accompanying
    photos on Kreis’ website
    show a wild-haired Axl sporting
    the obligatory biker jacket with
    bare chest underneath, while Izzy
    adopts a sedate ‘Ronnie Wood’
    look, of open-necked white shirt
    with the sleeves rolled up above
    the elbows. Indeed, the band’s

    image – a hybrid of punk
    and glam metal – bewildered
    audiences at The Troubadour,
    Gazzarras, and Madame Wong’s
    alike. Kreis is still in possession of
    the original demo tape – a sample
    of which can be heard on his site
    – but with 1985 fast approaching,
    it was a case of ‘New Year, New
    Start’ as far as Axl and Izzy were
    concerned and they called time on
    Hollywood Rose with one final
    performance in San Pedro, California,
    on 31 December, 1984.




    any more info on that? the book was released in 2008 and the site is offline. anybody made backup of these pictures?

  5. I was just reading Adler's book and he said

    1. he signed the contract in which he gave away the rights to the band for the mere 2 grand

    2. it was annulled bikoz his lawyer wasn't present at the moment of signing


    and then I read Duff's book and he said he was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ripped off and fooled into singing his contract (while he was under influence of coke and booze) (which he signed only bikoz he was afraid of a riot - what a sympathetic folk, that guy)


    if he was so ripped off, didn't his lawyer need to be present at that moment?


    anybody has any info on that?



    GNR reunion talk began around 2013

    Matt changed "Matt Sorum's Rock And Roll All Stars" into "Kings Of Chaos" with Duff, Gilby, Slash

    because he already knew back then he wouldn't be in GNR. It was already decided back then.


    so Slash did a tour with Kings of Chaos, as a sort of "sorry bro" type o thing, so Matt could ca-$ing ca-$ing some too


    and it was made sure everysingle time that Slash was the "guest" on the tour, etc


    besides, it was Kings Of Chaos who first twittered or facebooked the big news, about a year before the official announcement (or was it a year? or more or a little less?)


    you know the post, the 1993 GNR picture , Axl wearing the everlast boxing robe, the band taking the bow after the sow

    hashtag reunion, big news coming up, etc


    Gilby aint' in the reunion either, so he's in Kings Of Chaos

    but I'm not sure if Duff will keep doing both


    it's Matt's VR#2, the CONTRABAND 2

  7. I used to like Izzy but he irritates me now and has been for a while

    on one hand he is too cool to grant an interview for 10 years

    on the other he shoves amateur twitter videos of some cover songs so we can praise how cool he is

    if he doesn't want to be seen or heard - why twitter?

    if he does - start talkin'!


    and whatever ever happens, Izzy makes sure to be one step away in the shadow,

    making us remember him so he can keep collecting the royalty paychecks,

    yet he is always way too cool to make that one more step and make himself useful

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  8. so there's this rapper in Poland, in central Europe, and over there he's the top 10 of rappers, so to say

    he did that song called "Steven Adler" and there' s a video to it too, tho you won't see Adler in it


    I'll give you the gist of the lyrics


    - we all tour, we all live in hotel rooms

    - them hotel rooms are small - our own private jail cells

    - we all drink

    - having had partied with your peers for weeks on end, at one point they turn their backs on you and go

    "dude, you party too much" and you don't understand the nerve of these people

    - then the rapper makes an analogy, saying drums are like drugs - you need to beat them, which in Polish language means "kick the habit"

    - then he says "even Adler couldn't handle these drums"

    - then he says "when you drink and do drugs, your life will be hell, even if your name is Steven Adler"

    and then finally some other dude shows up and sings in English:

    I was everything I'm got
    Rolling on high
    Loud so weird on my life
    I'm bleeding inside
    I'm falling, save me!
    Nobody gives me what I've lost


    so, yea, trivial info fo ya


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