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Posts posted by NEU-YORK

  1. Wanna hear what Jarmo says about this

    I predict some banned members at HTGTH :rofl-lol:

    It's not Jarmo. It's Merck or someone from management that saw the topic and probably freaked out that WE'RE ONTO THEIR LITTLE GAME! It's gotta be true if they deleted it. They really don't want anyone knowing about this release, do they?

    it's strange because they also know that it will STILL be discussed here and other places so their efforts are futile.

  2. bull fucking shit. this is a rock band, $250 fine??? thats not gonna stop em, that wouldnt stop anyone nevermind GUNS N' FUCKIN' ROSES....... no way they would cancel a gig for fear of a few fines, especially one of that size, may as well be a slap on the wrist.

    sorry not buying!

  3. When people like your self talk out of your ass, and talk bullshit , yes bullshit(you never met jarmo have you , you have no idea whats goin on , your just in the internet world trying to be something you arent), And yes I was perplexed by the reasons for deleting of post and stuff, but rest assured, once you really meet people and hang out with them and can laugh about all the bullshit that goes online, then you would see what is going on. Bitching behind a Cp, isnt gonna do you shit, get out , meet other gunner fans, go to shows, and realize that your constant moaning online and shit , will get you nowhere, and the only one in the game who's lost is you!

    I respectfully disagree Jazjme.

    Nobody is saying Jarmo isn't a great guy to hang out with. He may very well be. But that's not the issue. It's about fans coming to a fan board to share their opinions with other fans. Sorry, but I just don't see fans' views creating "confusion and chaos." *shrugs* Does deleting those opinions mean they'll go away? I don't think so. Addressing them and debating those views could though.

    haven't read all the posts but what i think they mean by this is.... people who express their opinion as facts i.e dogmatic people with 10,000 posts who think they know everything there is to know and who's 'opinions' lead to confusion??

    again... I'm not attacking anyone personally just thinking this is possibly what 'they' meant.

  4. I could barely pull it off is his hey-day.


    Are you fucking kidding me? That's one of the worst vocal performances I've ever seen. I don't think he even had a voice at that show! :rolleyes:

    So... what is a good vocal performance to you? Back then, too much rasp. Now, it's not enough. Right?

    fuck the vocals..... he can sing great for sweet child and co. that performance is worth any vocal ability, Axl in that clip is the most dangerous man in rock, absolutley amazing agression, passion and FUCKING COOL!

  5. woaahhhh.

    everyone take a step back. firstly guns n roses are a rock band. they're not family, friends, health or wealth (to most)

    a rock band is a form of entertainment, expression, art or whatever...

    it is not something to start riots over, not something to take TOO seriously, not something to get aggressive over (apart from moshing)

    basically, should anyone be insulted by Del... NO

    does he owe an apology..... NO

  6. I think The Blues has something to do with an abortion. I was thinking over this yesterday...

    'All the love in the world couldn't save you; all the innocence inside

    You know I tried so hard to make you; to make you change your mind'

    'Y'know it's what we planned, this much is true, ah oh oh'

    'What I thought was beautiful...don't live inside of you, anymore...'

    I suppose you get my drift ;)

    interesting theory alright.

  7. he didn't get to where he is by being an idiot. the concert is tonight yeah? prepare for an announcement.

    You mean like the announcement at the first Hammerstein show? Or the announcement that they saved for the last Hammerstein show? :)

    it is now or never, the single is on the way followed by the album, back then it wasn't 'supposedly'.... there's no more time for 'supposedly' now though, hence an announcement is coming tonight?????

  8. It's a good song, but when you compare it to the classics, it definitely falls short. Still, it is better than anything I hear on the radio today...

    thats true

    yep, forget the classics even. 'oh my god' kicks IRS into place. i agree it's better than anything on the radio though

  9. all this anticipation and once we get it, it's what? 75 minutes of music, if we're lucky. crazy when you think about it.

    i say make CD your stocking stuffer gifts. help the band, make your friends think you still like them, spread some holiday cheer and then get drunk, drive and wipe-out a family of four.

    wait! skip that last part.................

    i was thinking...yeah great idea and then......... :blink:

  10. YEah i was thinkin this the other day. I guess in hindsight it would be so cool to hear Better for the first time when the album comes out. Have like all 13 tracks blow your mind. Now these songs I've already heard but it will still be awesome getting studios.

    But hey I was desperate when the leaks came out so no regrets.

    yeah i was thinking that about better too but then again they played it live so....

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