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Posts posted by Yesterdays-Civil-War

  1. Some people aren't happy unless they are complain or putting other people down....just ignore them. Thank you for your post.

    And unfortunately this forum has some of the worst cases of that!

    Some people just can't be pleased.

  2. This one was really hard to answer, seeing as though I like all three albums.

    Both Snakepit albums are far superior to that of Slash's 'solo' album.

    It really was a coin flip for me, so I went with the first Snakepit album over the second, even considering the fact that my favorite Snakepit song, "The Truth" is on the second album.

  3. I prefer Van Hagar. Sure, David Lee Roth has an amazing voice, love his signature scream, and I have every song off of every VH album Roth has been on. I can't say the same with Hagar, but it is very close. My favorite VH song is 'Dreams' off of my favorite VH album 5150.

    I also prefer Hagar's work out of VH (Himself, Wabo's, Chickenfoot) over Lee Roth's.

  4. I'm all in favor for an eBay auction. Unfortunately I won't be walking away with the item as my pockets aren't as deep as some other people here, but I definitely think an auction would benefit you the most.

    EDIT: I'd also like to thank you for answering my question to the best of your abilities. I hate it when people leave me hanging LOL, but it seems as though there really isn't much to read on about these CD's...all I know is that I want one!

  5. Led Zeppelin - Friends

    That would be sick man!

    Chloe Dancer/Crown of Thorns - Mother Love Bone

    Night Songs - Cinderella

    I Wanna Be Somebody - W.A.S.P.

    32 Pennies - Warrant

    Stone Cold Crazy - Queen

    Mama Weer All Crazee Now - Quiet Riot

    Born on the Bayou - CCR

    Hey Hey What Can I Do - Led Zeppelin

    Granted I would never want them to play that many covers in one show. LOL (Unless it was a show dedicated to covers of course)

    I think Axl could do a lot of things for a lot of songs.

  6. Man o' man, this is a great question!

    There are so many rants I want to pick and related things that Axl has done and said, "Are you listening to me Mr. Security Man," "Ok, Nevermind," "You are an asshole and every knows it..." "Because the family doesn't want to be embarrassed by these things coming out..." "Forgive those that fuck up my show"

    But if I did that I feel as though I'm picking my favorite Axl Rose moment and not GN'R moment.

    I've never seen them live and probably never will if they don't come back to the U.S. so I guess I can't use that for my moment.

    And picking just one show, that's just too hard.

    My personal favorite GN'R moment was when I heard "Think About You", that is the song that would propel my interest into GN'R forever, but I guess that really isn't GN'R history.

    So my favorite moment in GN'R history (subject to change of course) would probably be the release of Appetite for Destruction.

  7. Not exactly related to the way this thread is going...but along with Axl in court, Dee Fucking Snider kicked ass in court.

    I think it always shocks people a bit when these, "Rock N' Roll Junkies" get up there to speak and then they fuck up those lawyers and such. I find it very entertaining.

  8. I love Creed. Scott Stapp's sound is very similar to Eddie Vedder, so it really is a win for a Pearl Jam fan like myself.

    Most of the stuff out of this past 10-15 years has been crap, I'll give you that but I really do think Creed deserves all the success they had. Sure Stapp is easy to make fun of, but he has a better voice than what people give him credit for, and him and Mark Tremonti are possibly one of the best song writing duo's to showcase their talents.

    I have every Creed song, the only one I remotely dislike is "Bullets" but every other song I absolutely love.

    Unfortunately, I cannot find that many people to agree with anything I just said.

  9. Do you think Axl is in a similar postion to the one Van Halen was in after they released VH III? That album, like CD, completely tanked in the US (by VH standards) and the record company basically told them they had no interest unless they reunited with Dave. I wonder if Axl's record company has told him they don't care about another GNR album unless it's got Slash on it. It wouldn't surprise me if that were the case. I get the feeling that CD II will have to leak before the record company will even consider putting it out.

    I have a feeling you may be on to something!

    dude seriously, stop thinking about this useless crap. Go watch some porn or something


  10. I'm positive they played it more than once. I don't think they played the whole song a lot but I'm pretty sure I read somewhere they used it as the intro to November Rain.

    There are multiple videos of it on YouTube, one version says Argentina, and another says Germany. (If that's correct that is two versions for you right there)

  11. As far as information and specific dates, I have not a damn clue. I don't pay much attention to anything that involves the Rock N' Roll HOF because they are a fucking joke. To help you out a little more with the whole date thing I read somewhere that they are eligible next year and Slash says he will be there if they get in.

    I highly doubt GN'R will get in. KISS, Deep Purple, Iron Maiden, just to name a few who aren't in.

  12. i would hardly call Axl and Duff tight.

    Nor would i, i just said he's alright with him despite his being Slash's friend so...y'know, why would he get the hump with Kid Rock about being on one song with Slash when he's perfectly alright with someone whoose done two albums and toured the world with him and is a good mate of his by all accounts?

    I agree with you. (Gasp)

    Duff said on That Metal Show that they were just joking around and having a good time like they used too. That along with the fact they played a few songs together doesn't mean they are BFF's but they are definitely in some sort of friendship.

    I never heard anything about Axl getting mad at Baz for trying to join Velvet Revolver. Did anyone else?

    No. He tried out for VR several years before 06'. In 06' Axl contacted Baz, and with all they touring the did, and Eddie Trunk's show, Axl appearing on Angel Down, Baz appearing on CD, etc..I think it's safe to say that Axl wasn't mad at Baz.

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