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Posts posted by pugachev

  1. I think its pretty obvious its no contest. Anyone with half a brain knows Old GNR> NuGuns any day of the week. What I think this goes to show is the super Axllfanboitrolls who defend Axl's amazing voice to no end, even going so far as to say it sounds better today than the 90s. I think this proves that not to be the case ;) Also, shows Slash's tone was FAR BETTER than whoever was playing lead for NuGuns. Very sad to see how far this has fallen, such a shame :(

  2. Probably. Little piece on the guitar:

    The amp was a mysterious one he rented for the AFD recordings. He liked it so much he decided to to steal the amp, but eventually the owners stole it back and he never was able to get ahold of it again. Recently, he and Marshall released the AFD100 amp which is based on that amp. He said in some videos it was based on a JCM800 and I believe the AFD100 is too, but in reality the amp was actually a modified Marshall Super Lead or something.

    You can read about the amp here:


    more on the guitar:

    You’re usually seen playing Tobacco Burst Les Pauls, but the Goldtops have also played important roles in both your studio and live setups. Why?

    It all started with a 1991 Gibson Les Paul Goldtop. As soon as I played it I realized how well rounded the Goldtops really are. They’re just great rock and roll guitars, and they’re even better for all the bluesy stuff. They’re very flexible and solid.

    So I used that ’91 Les Paul Goldtop for all these really key songs in our set, especially those that had those really long sustaining note solos … songs like “November Rain,” “Estranged,” “Sweet Child of Mine,” “Knocking on Heaven’s Door” and “So Fine.”

    What I would do for all these songs is turn the tone knob down completely, and what I’d get are these notes that would sustain for days, giving me this really buttery singing sound that worked really well. And I only got that on that Goldtop guitar.

    What happened to that ’91 Goldtop?

    Someone broke into the studio in my house in 1999, and all of my guitars that were in my studio at that time were stolen. I eventually got them all back, but the only one I didn’t get back was that one particular Goldtop that I loved so much.

    You approached Gibson about recreating it?

    I really wanted a guitar from Gibson that would revisit that sound for me, so Gibson decided to make one for me and make it commercially available. It’s exactly the way I like my guitars set up, with the thin neck, the Seymour Duncan Alnico II pickups, the old classic hardware, everything.


  3. I think Slash and his band are on tour in Europe right now and not sure if there showing it there. Maybe his wife could dvr it for him. Besides, I'm pretty sure Slash knows most of the musicians and probably would watch it if he had the time. Didn't Slash try to see a show years ago in Vegas and Axl said he couldn't come in? Weird! I would have thought Axl would have wanted to show Slash how much he's moved on, but I guess his hate goes very deep when it comes to Slash.

    I believe the story was it was the first GNR comeback show on December 31st 2000... And he showed up with a guitar lol. That's the story I heard at least. Pretty ballsy for a guy who 'quit'

    He had a guitar in his hotel room but didn't bring it with him when trying to get in the show.

  4. Sorry, not buying it. If AFD and UYI never existed Axl Rose would never have been considered for a headlining role. No one would have ever known who he was. If Guns were to reunite it would be huge news, maybe not necessarily for this crow, but rock fans in general. Definitely more consideration would have been given to the original guns versus this charade we have now. And a guaranteed spot headlining had they reunited with a new album.

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