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Posts posted by pugachev

  1. What these fools don't understand: Slash back in GN'R wouldn't give us better new music! Slash was only the guy who did the solos. Just listen to everything he has ever done since quitting GN'R. Not a single song to remember ...

    Bring back Izzy and Robin - and Duff, if you may. Oh, let's not forget about Brain, of course. But I just don't see any need for Slash ... he's easily replaceable. THERE! I SAID IT!!! WHOOHOO!!! :takethat:

    I think the material Slash has released has been superior than everyone else in the classic lineup. Izzy's stuff? Its fine, dont get me wrong, but memorable? Not at all..Duff? Loaded is so so, Steven's stuff is mostly awful with a few decent tracks, Axl has released only one album in the 16 years of the breakup. Nothing on that album is celebrated like the material from the old band.

    As far as Slash being only the "guy who did the solos", he sure has an awfully long list of writing credits in that band.

    Welcome to the Jungle


    Out Ta Get Me

    Mr Brownstone

    Paradise City

    Think About You

    Sweet Child O' Mine

    You're Crazy

    Rocket Queen

    Dust N Bones

    Perfect Crime

    Garden of Eden

    Dont Damn Me

    Bad Apples


    Civil War

    Get in the Ring


    Most of their greatest songs are in that list, including WTTJ and SCOM which drove them to fame in the first place.

    Not to mention the amazing leads in Estranged(and every other song) which moved Axl so greatly he thanked Slash in the linear notes.

    You can claim all day long that Slash is "easily replaceable" yet Axl has failed at doing that for 16 years now. The fans want Slash and not Bumblefoot or that 16 year old scene girl look alike.

  2. During evening hours its about $8, $12 for 3D. Not sure what the iMAX prices are around here, been a while since I've gone

    But where they get you is the food. $4.75 for a large soda or popcorn. A hotdog costs $4.25. Pretty outrageous really. I usually skip the popcorn and drink, or just go for small soda. I usually have dinner after a movie anyways and there's a great Chinese buffet right next door for $10.

  3. Arnold Schwarzenegger is back in the movie business with Ex2, The Tomb, The Last Stand, and The sequal to twins even. .

    this is the man who chose YBCM to be on "T2" and got axl to RELEASE a song officially called Oh my God in "End of Days"

    so Terminator franchise will be on its way and Arnold will call up Axl and get him to do business with slash to put together another tune for the movies soundtrack:

    -New new gnr will come to an end. .

    -Axl and Slash will be on top of the rock charts. then people will beg for a bucket axl reunion and release dates for CD 2, 3...


  4. The whole "I'm shy, hence the hat" line is BS. In the early 90's, almost in every interview he was without a hat. Even during most shows, the hat only came out occasionally. IMO, he's wearing the hat now because he's losing his hair. You hardly EVER see him without it now. I think it's pretty obvious. It's the same thing with Axl. Starting around 1993, Axl never went without a bandana and/or hat and now he never goes without.

    Personally, I think it's lame. I subscribe to the Bruce Willis method of dealing with MPB. But, whatever.

    Thanks for posting this amazing video! Many of us had no idea that Slash took his hat off in 2011, this is good to know.

    This also in 2011. He looks great to me. That hat is rather silly now, he's a really good looking guy and would much better without all the ub3r l00king r0ck$t@r attire.



  5. The biggest obstacle is that Axl is not desperate. He is doing fine doing things his own way and has moved on with his life. If he was bankrupt, maybe he'd cave. Usually reunions happen when the people aren't pleased with how their career is going (or haven't managed to carve out a career without their former bandmates). Whether you like the current version of GNR or not, it's doing fine and I'm sure Axl is much more interested in releasing another album from the material he has saved than he is in ditching everything to go do a reunion.

    This and the fact its been over 16 years since they've spoken/seen each other. At this point, they're just past aquaintances with no real desire to see each other again. Like old high school buddies. Its just been way too long.

  6. Picked up Braveheart and I must say I was highly disappointed in the PQ. Funny thing is I also up Gladiator as they both were on sale. I always read how bad Gladiator looks and how great Braveheart looks. I found it to be the opposite entirely. Braveheart looked no better than DVD and Gladiator blew me away it looked so good. Maybe I picked a bad version?

  7. Regarding the number of inches and distance to the TV - I've done some research and I read about this rule of thumb that says that you should have ten inches per meter away from the TV you are sitting; if it's too big, you're not getting as much of a visual experience as you should be getting. My bed is a little over four meters from where the TV will be standing, so I think I'll be getting something between 40 and 50.

    Don't think that's quite right. At 8 feet that would be 24 inches. I'd have to be over 16ft away or something for my 50. I'm actually contemplating a 65.

  8. Boring crowd? I think not:



    fuck that was an amazing performance, the crowd was awesome too. Slash is really starting to sound like late 80s Slash again and its fuckin great. Totally spot on performance, Myles sounded great too. That gig sounds to be one of the best yet to date. Lucky for those who made it!

    Anastasia sounded amazing as well, he's got that riff down so well its fuckin great, cant wait til he comes closer to my town.

  9. Disappointed with what I heard. I found the album to be quite predictable with bland, uninspired riffs and lead work. His tone was very thin which takes away from the bluesy crunch he was known for in the past. I suspect its the new rig he's got going on, very stripped down and crap sounding to be blunt. Myles just sounds terrible, one of the songs, cant remember which, he sounds like a female country singer. Ugh, seriously Slash? What happened to you man?

  10. last concert i went to was less than a week ago. headliner went on at 11:05pm. they played until 12:40am.

    had they played a GNR sized set, the show would have ended at 2am.

    i don't think anybody would have complained about the ending time. they would have been so fucking thrilled that the band had played that long.

    bitter ex-fans need to find something better to do with their lives than complain about GNR playing so long.

    This. Its one thing to complain about them going on late, but for playing "too long"? Would you complain that your steak is too big when your order at a restaurant? Hell no. If their set is too long and you can't stay, then just leave early. How can you get upset with a band giving you a close to 3-hour set?

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