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Status Updates posted by SmellThePoppies

  1. I can't believe how dumb everyone is for believing that eagle attacking the child is real. If you believe that then you should reevaluate what you believe while watching mainstream news

  2. I can't believe that I know someone who doesn't believe in evolution *mind blown*

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Thin White Duke

      Thin White Duke

      I hope that person is called Rollins

    3. ZoSoRose


      I believe in creationism. In fact, there has been a lot of evidence that dinosaurs and human DID in fact live together. The last dinosaur died in the late 1800s and that is a FACT!


    4. Mr. Dude

      Mr. Dude

      I went to high school in Appalachia. I was the only one (including teachers) who did believe in evolution.

  3. I can't believe that people still come and ask me for chatr. Somethings never change

    1. ZoSoRose


      Can I have chatr?

  4. I don't mean to alarm anyone but today is Friday the 13th....

  5. I don't understand how someone gets a 27% on an exam when the prof puts all the notes and slides online and the exam is purely from that. Makes me wonder.

    1. Nulla Lex Ink.

      Nulla Lex Ink.

      Probably too lazy to look up notes, so they just randomly pick things.

  6. I had a nightmare where Bill O'Reilly and Nancy Grace had a baby. Truly scary.

  7. I love being politically moderate , I get to piss off the left wing AND the right wing! Ha!

  8. I really wish I could install a filter to hide all this VMA garbage. I really don't care about Miley Cyrus. If I wanted to ruin my brain cells I'd drink until I pass out

    1. AxlisOld


      #1 tending "twerking"

      Fuck this country.

  9. I really wish South Park was on the air right now to see what they would do about Lance Armstrong being a fake.

  10. I think i'm in love with my TA

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. magisme


      Teaching Assistant. Grad school student teaching undergrad classes.

    3. Len Cnut

      Len Cnut

      Sounds like you're a man of experience SON :D

    4. magisme


      Yes. No rules against it. As soon as they were no longer my students, that is.

  11. I think the USA should just be done with it and create the Death Star

  12. I wasn't going to spend any money at Comic Con but who the hell can pass up a chance to meet Edwad James Olmos!

  13. I'm buying an ax and chopping down a Christmas tree in Angrignon Park , anyone in ?

  14. If you are looking for the new Samsung Galaxy S4, HTC One or the BlackBerry Q10 for Rogers, Fido, Bell or Virgin please let me know we are taking reservations!!

  15. Is there a stupider song on the radio other than Die Young by Kesha? Why in the world would you want to die young? What a horrible message.

  16. Isn't it a bit ridiculous that mom's get one day but sharks get an entire week?

  17. It only ends once. Everything else is just progress.

  18. It's a long way to the top if you want to rock 'n roll

  19. Just because you take pictures with your iPhone does not mean it's a photo shoot

  20. Just finished week 1 day 2 of #C25K on #Android @c25kfree! #everymomentcounts #run #running #health #fitness

  21. Just finished week 1 day 3 of #C25K on #Android @c25kfree! #everymomentcounts #run #running #health #fitness

  22. Just finished week 2 day 2 of #C25K on #Android @c25kfree! #everymomentcounts #run #running #health #fitness

  23. Just hit 185 , if Chris Pratt can be into shape , anyone can.

  24. Just hit 185 , if Chris Pratt can get into shape , anyone can.

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