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Posts posted by Bobbo

  1. To me, Bumble was the Myles Kennedy of Axl's nu venture. He's technically a great player, but his tone is fucking atrocious, and his style of playing just didn't compliment Axl well at all.

    He was great with the fans, but was too whiney for far too long. Either pull the trigger or put the fucking gun down already.

    All he contributed creatively were some last minute after thoughts, so replacing him shouldn't be that big a deal. Especially since the songs where he was a bigger presence are seldom played anyways :shrugs:.

    I will say that it is amazing how working with Axl is sucha pain in the ass that he can't even hold onto c-list musicians with very limited lucrative options. I mean, you gotta wonder at what point Axl stops and checks himself. He brings people in who can barely fill out a bar on their own, and takes them to perform in front of thousands of people, opening huge windows of opportunities they would have never otherwise had, and still manages to chase them out the door. Even if it's indirectly caused by Axl, it's still fucking mindboggling. Ffs man :facepalm:

  2. God. I don't know. More of me says it's probably not accurate.

    But then again, name me a time when somebody in Axl's camp specifically shouted out ONLY to Slash. The last time Slash publicly wished Axl a happy birthday was when it was time to start stretching olive branches. Plus I do remember months ago somebody on MSL's site who wasn't warchild said he was told Axl was at that point of his where he wanted to bury hatchets, yadda yadda, and one of those hatchets was Slash's.

    I'm far from holding my breath, but this is the one and only time I feel like a reunion rumor holds credibility. A random Slash show would be the most neutral territory to do it.

    Give me as much shit as you want, hell I don't blame you, and I can't explain it, but I have a gut feeling tensions between the two are at the very least simmering down. And this is the only time I'm even investing an eye lash worth of faith it's happening.

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  3. It is kinda interesting though. When was the last time slash wished Axl a happy birthday? Wasn't it the same year of the hof? And Del tweeting and tagging Slash?

    I hate being that guy, but this is the first time in the four years I've been here (and the first time ever, really) that I have a gut feeling something's being worked out behind the scenes. Even if it's just merely establishing peace and nothing more.

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  4. Or maybe the idea that Slash is anathema to anyone in the GN'R camp to the extent they can't even acknowledge the major role he has played in the band is a bit exaggerated?

    I mean it'd be different if it was a picture of the old band as a whole, but to completely single out the one guy your boss still venomously hates out especially when Slash was barely even noticeable in the picture anyways, just seems a little off to me.

    Again, it's probably just my fever fucking with my head, but maaaybeh...:lol:

  5. Can't be arsed to go back and see if this has already been posted, and as sad as it is that I know this, Del James has twitter and posted a throw back of Slash specifically, even tagging him in the post. That comes off as odd to me. Flaunting a picture of his meal ticket's ultimate butthurt. Especially with such nostalgia after all the shit talking Del used to talk about Slash? Why? Maybe something civil is being worked out...or maybe even something more...just maybe...

    ...or maybe my fever is just making me delirious. Yeah. Probably that. But I wanna be able to say "called it!!" on the off chance I'm right :lol:

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  6. I am kinda curious as to what happened to Mila Kunis's character. Can't be because her and Macfarlane had a falling out since she's still on Family Guy. Maybe because she got pregnant with Kelso's baby? But I don't see why they couldn't write that in seeing as how they got married in the first one. Weird.

    Anyways liking the trailer. Hoping this will be more 22 Jump Street and less Hangover II.

  7. I fully agree with soulmonster on this one. If we as a whole allow certain groups of individuals to pick and choose what rules should apply to them, the whole system falls apart. Nobody's immune to satire. It sends a bad message to even suggest otherwise. Rolling over to their butthurt, even with the chaos it creates, is only going to raise that mentality on the totem pole. Holding firm, and sending the message of "na-uh mother fucker" when shit hits the fan like this is not only the best way to defend freedom of speech, but really the only way. Otherwise, where does it end?

    And really, these people are their own worst enemies in the end. If they were able to comprehend even the most basic humanistic view that all minds don't think alike, and some may see their ways in the vain they see ours (or others, blah blah you get the drift); mockery of Muhammad would be a blue moon thing. And no one would care. Only on Utopia I guess :shrugs:

  8. Whole heartedly agree with HV on giving people another chance.

    Going forward, we've instituted a new policy with respect to returned members. There's now a undetermined probationary period.

    Moreover, returned members are given far less leeway than a member who has never been banned. I'm not sure if all formerly banned member realize or accept this.

    Just looking for some clarification here real quick as I might've missed it. When you say "returned members" do you mean post subsy or pre subsy? Because I was one of the member let back in when subs first took over and unbanned the entire roster way back in 2012, (when things were unusually strict and several members were banned with no explanation or prior warnings) and haven't had so much as a warning point since. Does this new policy apply to members like me as well? 'Cause that'd be kinda lame in all honesty...
  9. I VOW TO NEVER RETURN TO MYGNR but I still comment on matters about the forum.

    My favorites are the ones who say "I'm banned, I don't care that I'm banned, and I'm going to write a John Grisham novel worth of butthurt about why I don't care that I'm banned" :lol:

    The ones who claim they hate this site with a venomous passion, and then go as far as to plead terms so they're let back in are a close second though.

  10. I can understand if they didn't want to say anything until things were finalized. Keep it under wraps and all that. But when Bumble's been making these not so subtle moves where it's clear as daaayyyy something's awry, he might as well just spit out already. Why play these games you know are gonna make the fanbase scratch their heads if you can't/won't talk about it?

    Guys always been a drama queen. Just make a move and stick with it or fuck off already.

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