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Posts posted by Bobbo

  1. Plus then having to deal with having to replace the umpteenth guitarist for the umpteenth time. Even for Axl that's gotta be completely pointless by now.

    Well, it wouldn't be the case if he'd actually valued the input of the guitarists he had.

    Perhaps. But when you treat them like glorified placeholders (like he indeed does), who if extremely lucky, get to add needless afterthoughts to already established songs, is it really worth the hassle? At this point?
  2. I wouldn't be surprised either way. If "they" did come back it'd just be for another round of viva la retirement anyways. What are we really missing out on? :shrugs:. Perhaps Axl made enough to be more than financially stable for himself and team Brazil to live off of for the rest of their lives, and he just wants to be done. He probably doesn't want to deal with the hassle of fighting for his next release to be more than "here's another release for Tuesday" (which is absolutely the best thing the label would ever do for Axl at this point) and said "fuck it".

    Plus then having to deal with having to replace the umpteenth guitarist for the umpteenth time. Even for Axl that's gotta be completely pointless by now.

  3. I refuse to believe he can possibly be satisfied with the way things turned out. And there's no way I believe he sees himself as responsible. Look at the all interviews he's done when asked about the fuck ups. All he does is wag the finger. Where has he ever taken the fall, even partially, for anything that's gone wrong since the og band went to shit? Pointing responsibility at every possible person under the sun from Irving Azoff to Roy Thomas Baker. Shit even mummy herself. He was tripped. He was dicked. He was misled. He was wronged, but never wrong. Jesus Christ :facepalm:

  4. Assuming he actually releases it before he croaks, and it's still more of the same, it'll probably sell with numbers close to the first Slash album. Maybe even less, but certainly no more.

    If he releases it posthumously it'll probably have the best chance at having decent sales endurance. This is still the only possible way I believe we'll ever see another official release of new nu material anyways. So, uh, woo-hoo?

  5. I will definitely say this show has well exceeded my expectations. I always looked at Saul's character as a secondary character put out for comic relief. And while he did a damn good job with that role, I had my doubts Saul could carry a show in the main role. It being a prequel also made me fear it would fall too far on the side of boring. But, it's fun. It's entertaining. It keeps me more than willing to come back for more. Odenkirk's more "expansive" acting in the lead role even leaves me with a slightly similar impression that I had when I first saw "Malcolm's Dad" tackle the role of Walter White.

    But still, those that are saying that this is on par with Breaking Bad have got to be smoking crack. Breaking Bad was a case of blue moon phenomenal, even in just the first season. Better Call Saul is just really good.

  6. I live in buffalo, and I actually do hear them quite a bit on both the main classic rock station and the main modern rock station here. To an actually pretty surprising degree. As well as the two Canadian rock stations we get here as well.

    The ones I hear on a pretty regular basis are:



    Paradise City

    Mr. Brownstone



    Civil war

    Don't Cry

    November Rain




    Sometimes I'll also hear My Michelle and Used to Love her as well, but it's a pretty rare occurence.

    Now that I think about it, it's actually pretty shocking to realize how much airplay they still get despite everything, especially on the modern stations and especially regarding the UYI material.

  7. I do have to wonder if the inclusion of GNR songs have to do with Slash signing off on Axl's Vegas shit. I'm sorry to bring that up, but I specifically remember talking to smoothies about it on here around the time it was said Slash was blocking the release. I think it was Todd Kerns that said a new Slash live album was planned right around that time too. So it does look like I was right about it being a game of "if you don't want me cock blocking your appetite for nostalgia noise, you better sign on for me to use Gnr songs on my shit" :lol:

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  8. Can someone explain to me why he can't just say he's out if he's out? Is he under some legal gag order by team Brazil to keep his mouth shut until they find a replacement? Cause NOTHING else even remotely makes sense. And frankly I can't even be arsed to keep up with this anymore. I will say that I agree with bards in the sense that the interviewer could've played this more "respectfully" even if he didn't know that gnr questions were off limits. But cmon. Get on with it already.

    Ron's been dropping hint after hint that he's out for nearly a year, and is now acting like a little priss because people are riled up with curiousity based SOLELY off HIS little passive aggressive gripes? Fuck right off Mr. Thal.

  9. Does anybody know if Slash and Izzy are at odds or something? I know Izzy used to play with VR here and there, and he played on Slash's first solo album, but since then it seems like they don't even acknowledge each other. Since the hof, Izzy's played with Axl, just recorded stuff with Duff, I don't know, it just strikes me as odd that Izzy and Slash have done fuck all together in four years. Has Izzy been so busy that he hasn't had time to make an appearance at even just one of Slash's solo shows? Anybody know anything about a possible falling out between those two?

  10. I never said it was utter shit. Quite the opposite actually. I said I do believe some people like it more than others. My criticism was about people who say CD is the best ever. That's who that post was aimed at. How you misinterpreted such a clear cut point is beyond me, but then again, it proves my point that the emotional attachment people have invested in this are fucking their head from being able to see reality clearly.

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  11. I've said this a few months back, and it falls in line to what Bono's saying, so I'll say it again. People that say Chinese Democracy is the best album ever, or even just the best gnr album ever are full of shit. I do believe there are people who like it more than others for different reasons, but nobody truly believes with sincerity in their hearts that this is Axl Rose at his very best. No-fucking-body. I would honestly bet every last dime to my fucking name for polygraphs that correlate with this. They're either shitting us, themselves or both. Whether it's because they want to believe all the time they invested to the wonder was worth it or because they invested way too much into the "Axl vs Slash" clusterfuck, is anybody's guess. But I firmly believe that just as there were people out there who were gonna shit on the album no matter what, there was just as many people who were gonna love it to the high heavens no matter what as well. And these are the people who swear up and down the album was Godsent.

    And then there were the objective people who saw it, well, objectively.

    I mean, I'm not even one of those people who thinks something solid like There Was a Time or Better are inferior to prom date mistakes like So Fine and Shotgun Blues. But no true blue gnr fan in their right minds (and I do heavily emphasize "right mind" here) truly and genuinely believes CD has more replay value than Appetie and the UYIs as wholes. C'mon son.

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  12. 3 gems in a cesspool of duds. After over a decade and an endless budget. :facepalm:

    My main problem with CD overall is give me, a musical deficient retard who can't play beyond the chords of smoke on the water, just half the budget and time, and I could release something with more replay value than that tripe.

    And yeah, Axl has sucked girthy cock since rio, with a few exceptions. Couldn't care less about the d list musicians he surrounds himself with, who, in my opinion absolutely butcher the old songs, mainly thanks to bumble and Ashba. Shredding on 14 years? Fuck off Ron.

    If we're being truly, TRULY honest with ourselves, is there an answer besides yes for both? So much potential wasted on all ends for that matter. Axl, the nu band, Slash, Izzy, the whole nine. Damn shame.

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