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Posts posted by Roush

  1. I see. So my option is to change what I look like, figure out a different route to get to where I'm going, and make sure I have a male escort with me at all times. The solution couldn't possibly be that maybe men should just stop addressing women they don't know who happen to pass them on the street. Ok. Nothing wrong there at all.

    Yup, the world doesn't revolve around you and your needs.

  2. Ah, emotions.

    Your argument has the same intellectual credibility as the guy whose girlfriend cheats on him, and now "all women are bitches".

    Only the evil, man hating, feminist ones.

    No, I don't find mental illness funny. Unless you pose naked with ugly tattoos on HBO shows.

  3. Women, and men are human first.

    - I had an overweight, married lady manger feel me up at my job.

    - I have had three significant female stalkers over my life.

    - I have been groped on by drunk, middle-aged women at the bar.

    - My ex-girlfriend's mother wanted to bang me (and texted me several horny messages implying so.)

    So I don't wanna hear it, ladies. That pussy doesn't give you a hall pass on the creepin'. :lol:

    • Like 1
  4. The endgame is that feminists who consider "Hi" to be a form of harassment want legislation to be brought in.

    Most women don't think like that, though. Many of the more vocal feminists tend to have mental illnesses, or social problems. Akin to their forum, male equivalents.

    All's I'm saying is there are crazies in every bunch. But most folks are pretty "whatever" to all this.

    • Like 1
  5. Sometimes hello just means hello. Again.

    Except when it's not. Why not say hello to the Korean gentleman walking on my right, the middle aged Puerto Rican lady to my left, the overweight mom pushing a stroller behind me, or the 3 black dudes in front of me. What you guys don't seem to realize is that women are quite capable of figuring out the meaning behind a hello. Yes, we don't get paid as much and we're the weaker sex, but we've managed to evolve just enough to understand the word. They're not always just a hello, is our point. And if it's a stranger passing you by in the street, it almost never is. If it were, then say it to all the other people around me. It's just a hello. Say it to Everyone. Everyone. Everyone. Tell me what you may still be confused about, perhaps I can help. Everyone. Again.

    Look I think the point here is just to make men think before they shout shit on the street.

    And honestly I question why anyone feels the overwhelming need to say things to strangers just based on their body. I feel like the best compliments aren't based on something so... Common and shallow.

    I think it's a good laugh that people are making this about laws or the philisophical idea of harrassment or whatever.

    Just cool it and exercise good judgement.

    Like I already said, most guys don't shout at women on the street. It's a very small minority of a certain demographic. This entire thing has been blown way out of proportion.

    Right. So before I get home tonight I stop to get gas. I'm standing there filling my tank and I hear beep beep. I don't look up, just there minding my own business, when I hear "Yo.....Yo Blondie over here". Yeah I know, before anyone feels the urge to say it, only in NY. So I glance over, 2 guys are in a car waiting at the light, just staring with wide idiotic grins. I turn my back to the street, keep filling the car, and yep, there it is again, beep beeeeep. I don't move, the light turns green and they drive away. See, despite the fact that I'm obviously just so fuckin full of myself, I don't get that. I don't get the point of it. There was some older man at the pump behind me and I see him looking around and looking at me and it's embarrassing, it's degrading. I'm sorry if guys aren't understanding what we, as women, deal with. You can do something as mundane as getting gas and not be bothered. So, on second thought no, I'm not sorry. Most of you can fuck off because you're making the choice not to understand.

    Ah, emotions.

    Your argument has the same intellectual credibility as the guy whose girlfriend cheats on him, and now "all women are bitches".

    • Like 1
  6. It's important to discuss this as long as you agree completely with the right side. And I mean completely. Otherwise your words will be twisted and you'll be accused of consciously trying not to understand and denying harassment exists. And don't discuss it in ways you're not supposed to either. If you discuss legal and philosophical implications, that's funny and not worth our time.

    Is that about right? :lol:

    Ladies, it's not our responsibility to validate your emotions. That's what you have husbands, boyfriends, and girlfriends for.

  7. Jim Jeffries is fucking brilliant.

    All thats mans man stuff is so forced and put on it's unbelievable. And most of his fanbase are like that too, bunch of new millenium soft lads that reckon themselves geezers when they're really designer beer drinking poofs. That kind of comedy belongs to Bernard Manning and people like that, they did it best.

    Wait, what's a poof? Is that like a queef, or pussy fart?

  8. The funny things about cupcakes is that they share a very similar trait to hipsters: neither posses much self-awareness and are often the first to label others the very same thing that they are themselves. You'll never see a hipster or a cupcake admit that they themselves are such, but boy they're quick to accuse others of being either. It always made me laugh to see the biggest cupcakes accusing others of being cupcakes. It was a funny, but also sad, form of projection.

    Exactly. How do you spot a cupcake? Wait for them to call someone a cupcake.

    What? Is this a whoever smelt it dealt it kindof thing? So anytime you guys call someone a hipster or a cupcake then that makes you a hipster/cupcake right? :lol:

    So either no one is a hipster or cupcake or everyone is?

    I don't care about the whole hipster thing, so let's leave that aside. I'm not saying that someone becomes a cupcake when they call someone else a cupcake. I'm saying that the people who tend to accuse others of being cupcakes are usually cupcakes themselves.

    So the "He who smelt it, dealt it" Theorem.

  9. How would it ever be enforced? "Excuse me officer but this man said good morning to me half an hour ago in the line at Starbucks. Please arrest him."

    He even told me my shoes were untied (they were), but but but but I believe he may have implied he wants to finger jockey my sandy clam!

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  10. The reason this thread has become retarded is because a handful of people posting here just want to 'win' the argument. The majority of women in this thread have just shared their honest and sometimes upsetting feelings and experiences of what it is like to be a female and dealing with male attention. The fact that some posters are seeking to denigrate those very real feelings just so they can be 'right' on an Internet forum speaks volumes.

    It really does. I went to the U.K. once because it was raining, and the pubs were closed. It sucked. I guess my one experience sums up that entire place, and now I use that as evidence for debate. How do you think people would respond to that as I'm a dude?

    And that's the way this conversation is going from some of the posters. Those are no facts (who needs those silly things anyway.) Just emotions, and anecdotical evidence. And denial of double standards, hypocrisies, and the occasional logical fallacy. That isn't discussion, that's more of an eight-letter word.

  11. But I'm also not going to call it all harassment. That's my thing. If an individual girl wants to take issue in an individual instance, like I did with KK, then good for them. But not on some "you're harassing me" trip, except for one or maybe two instances in the video, IMO IMO IMO IMO IMO IMO. :lol:

    Edit: this was meant as the second part of my response to Len.

    What should the reaction be? What is the appropriate response for the person feeling uncomfortable with the comments and whistles as he or she walks down the road?

    Tell 'em to fuck off, or ignore them.

    Although making elaborate videos about victimhood using absurd situations with an actress in booty pants to crystallise an anti-dude opinion is funnier lol

  12. I haven't paid attention lately, but is the argument now that since men might also be on the receiving end of uninvited and unwelcome comments from female strangers, this somehow invalidates the criticism against men who do the same towards women?

    Well, some people (smart folk) would say it proves it's not a criticism on just male behaviour, but a criticism on human behaviour. Eh, never mind get back to the male bashing as it were.

    • Like 2
  13. We cannot debate a woman's irrational emotions with the same logic we debate ourselves with.

    They do not recognise their hypocrisies, double standards, or use of logical fallacies. There is no counterargument to their feely-feely emotional juice.

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