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Blusky Grenfield

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Posts posted by Blusky Grenfield

  1. ...that dead inside look never really goes away.

    I wonder why. Lovesick? Depression? Frustration with the music industry? Meds? Drugs? Age? Sickness? Hard to enjoy a show when you know the man up on the stage is actually suffering. I wish him nothing but the best really.

    part of me thinks its the illusion his mustache gives off as its in a frown shape. photoshop it out and it would be more neutral/happier face.



    It's not the beard, it's the eyes. He's gone.

  2. So what you people are saying is, it's not the world around him, it's the pills he's taking to cope with that world? What a fucking load of bullshit hipocrisy. If anything, I don't think the meds are the problem, but that he is mixing them with booze. That plus the bullshit people who don't give a fuck.

  3. A friend of mine loves this film. She was with me at a Guns show and it was the first time she heard "This I Love". After the show she said that song with that "so if she's somewhere near me" part would have been perfect for that film. Having read about it on the internet, I told her it was considered for he film but not taken and she said the filmmakers are idiots for not taking that song. I agree. Cool. Story. Brother. What I'm saying is there's people out there who feel the connection even if it was never made.

  4. I've noticed for a while how sad and empty his looks are in every picture people have taken with him. In some videos circulating people just approach for a pictures sake, they don't seem to give a fuck, not saying a word, not saying hi, nothing, just getting their souvenir and leaving. Some stupid girls tell him to "smile" for the camera when he is just tired and trying to be nice though obisouly being tired of people degrading him to a national treasure sort of monument? He's a human being, not the Grand Canyon for fucks sake, show some respect. I'd at least thank him for taking the time or something not just walk away. No wonder he looks so sad, he's surrounded by zombies.

  5. In you opinion, what were the most exciting leaks? The leaks that made you think "Holy shit, this album is going to be really amazing."

    I thought of doing this topic after checking the Most Replied Topics Ever, so many excited posts :lol:

    Catcher In The Rye (the Beatle-esque Brian May version) and the TWAT demo with the birds at the beginning got me exited.

    When the actual album came out, it was the musical dissapointment of a lifetime. Four good songs and even those were ruined by the production.

  6. It is fitting that Axl has went from leading a band many thought could be the next Rolling Stones to being relegated to watch them with a half baked replacement guitar player that is part of the reason they will never reach that level.

    The Stones haven't put out a good album in the last 20 years, they've been touring Greatest Hits setlists ever since, became a corporate brand, can't stand each other in real life, the lead singer runs the show like a dictator and most fans are delusional when it comes to subpar live performances.

    Aside from the lineup changes, I don't see much of a difference.

    I wonder what's going through Axl's head when he sees the Stones, in like does he have an afterthought of some sort like "do I really wanna go down THAT route? do I wanna be like that guy up there when I'm 70?"

  7. Translation:

    Management on monday: "Sales are low, boards are down, fans are not intrested anymore....let's do something."

    Guitarist #1 on tuesday: "We made some new music together!"

    Fans on wednesday: "Yeah!!!!! Finally!!!!"

    Guitarist #2 on thursday: "Nah, we ain't got shit."

    Fans on friday: "WTF?"

    Axl on saturday: "That's it, those guitarists are fired! FIRED!!!! They betray me, stabbing me in the back with a conspirative effort to ruin my legacy in the press. They are evil. Everybody hates me. No one loves me. I need more donuts. And beer. Lots of beer." *issues extremely long winded and super sophisticated 20-page press release saying absolutely nothing*

    Some fan on sunday: "Ah....well....whatever......when is that new Alice In Chains record coming out again?"


  8. There's a reason why there are so few covers of CD songs out there and it's not because there is no Slash on the album, it's because the minute you start playing Prostitute, Catcher, Scraped or Better alone with just a piano or acoustic guitar, those "songs" fall apart like the rotten apples they are - and that speaks volumes about how these songs were created, there was no band jamming with drums and guitars, the album is just one artificial patchwork of fragments. And even where that might somehow work for Better, TWAT, Catcher and Prostitute, even those "songs" are ruined by autotune and guitar wanking. There is not a single chorus and about five melodies to be found on the entire album. The lyrics are either stupid nonsense or just utterly depressing and bitter. No life, no soul, no inspiration. It's one of the most horrible albums ever made. And that is coming from someone who loves Buckethead's and Robin's work with Guns. I also like it when artists try and do something new but CD is an abortion of an album. Listen to the comeback albums of Alice In Chains or Soundgarden to see how it's done with at least some dignity. Axl made one step foward and two steps back with this mess, I was willing to cut him some slack for all the bullshit he had to go through but after seeing him touring covers and greatest hits for years now I think it's safe to say he became his own Judas.

  9. Blablabla...all negativity, not a single question coming from you.

    You are killing this thread and don't even give the very idea the slightest chance to come to life.

    I clearly stated what this is about and it's NOT about your personal opinion on the idea or whatever.

    I understand the frustration but PLEASE keep it out of here.

    Just give the idea some air please.THANK YOU.

  10. Don't bother.

    The Lebeis family will never let him see that. He is probably only allowed to view HTGTH from his computer with NET NANNY installed. Unfiltered forum material is a no-no for Axl.

    That's why he believes that the majority of fans support his decisions and actions.

    Maybe if we can keep this thread free of such finger pointing (rightfully or not, it's not the topic here) then someone will see it and actually like it so they might think about telling Axl to have a look.

  11. It's a crap shot I know but still worth trying anyway. He was not too cool to do it once, so maybe it's not even that much of a stretch to invite him in for second time? Would be cool if he'd come back here to chat a bit and answer whatever he feels like answering, just easy going no bull, maybe we could all just have a good time and get something out of it? So post your questions everyone and make them intresting!! And Axl come on in man, we'd appreciate having you around and chat for a bit!

    Here's some of the questions I'd have:

    - Do you prefer to write songs alone or do you prefer it being more of a collaborative effort? Where do you see the ups and downs in either? And what do you need to write a song? Do you have to be in a certain mood or at a certain point in yourself to write?

    - Of all the songs you have released at this point, wich one sums you up best both personally and artistically? In like, if you were 20 and had all the material you have now but only one music shot to communicate yourself, wich one would it be?

    - Of all the musicians you have met and worked with, wich one was the most inspiring to you as an artist?

    - How do you cope with the pressures of expetations and success?

    - GN'R has seen many guitarists come and go, but who in your personal opinion was the best match and the closest to in like actually realising the music you have in your mind? What you are looking for in a guitarist? Is it music dynamic, in like needing a certain kind of guitar sound or style to communicate certain kinds of tones textures in your music or is it more of a personal chemistry thing where people sort of have to „get you“ first in order to get your music and vice versa?

    - If you could put out an album where you could just express whatever you feel like expressing through music in a more experimental way, what would you like to explore musicially? How do you think it would sound like? What do you think would the reaction of your fans and critics be like?

    - What music is going on in your head right now? Anything you are working on?

  12. VMA's he just blew it, nervous as shit but at least trying. It wasn't what it should have been but I don't blame him for that.

    Bridge School I cut him some slack for the good cause.

    Dublin 2010 was the absolute low imo, followed by Rio 2011 and playing weddings for the 1%.

  13. Bringing up Slash in that context is bullshit.

    However, bringing up "little promotion" excuses and such is bullshit also.

    The truth is people see stuff like Dublin 2010, Rio 2011, Bridge School 2012 or the O2 show on YouTube and don't feel like spending their hard earned money on that. Well, who could blame them?

    He is pissing on his hardcore fans.

    He doesn't release new music.

    He mails in the concerts.

    He plays the same setlist over and over again.

    Half the concerts consist of covers and boring guitar solos.

    Everyone who ever WROTE a song to speak of in GN'R is no longer in the band and for the "Axl Rose Show" you get very little Axl Rose actually.

    So what the fuck does he expect? At this point, he is LUCKY to sell out 10.000+ venues.

    If you haven't seen them in 2010 then you're too late, the party is over. 2010 was the last time the concerts where somewhat worth attenting.

  14. If you want to meet band members (in like actually meeting them and having an actual conversation), you need an AFTER SHOW pass wich is not for sale and usually handed out by the band members themselves or people close to them - for free. After Show can be a room backstage, a bar or a night club, whatever. Point is you get to hang out with the guys in a rather normal low key and less formal atmosphere, after their job is done, and this happens mostly when they want to hang out with you, not the other way around. M&G on the other hand is usually before the show, a lot more formal and with an eye on the clock. Axl NEVER showed up at M&G in the past and Richard isn't really into doing M&G either. Can't blame them, that stuff sucks, anyone can buy his way into these. After Show is the real thing, but no money in the world will get you in there. To get get in, you just need to be creative and real.

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