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Posts posted by Stryker

  1. Anything big happening in feb in NY?

    Best guess would be NYC Fashion Week (9th-16th). If you recall, GNR played 2 secret shows 2 years ago during this time. Any way us fans can get a heads up is the big question.

  2. First Guns show ever, and boy was it awesome. I was front row with GunsNRevolvers2, and we had a blast. I made a poster that Ron brought up during Jungle, and the rest of the band had a good chuckle about it. (It was GNR in Indian and Pilgrim attire). I'll try and post pictures later, but a stellar night!

  3. This is really funny because I've had this song for years (not the biggest fan of it), and never bothered to look up the lyrics. It's interesting, because the first few seconds sound like mumbo jumbo, then when Axl says "What can I do..." ...POOF! It's English. Glad to finally know what the hell he's saying.

  4. The way I see it, it is what it is. When we buy a ticket, we know that they will come on late. Love it, hate it...respect it or despise it...we know exactly what to expect. You don't want it? Don't buy a ticket. Simple as that. If the ticket sales aren't good will Axl change his ways. I have no problem, so I bought my ticket. There's no reason to complain about it, it won't do anything.

  5. I've been a lurker here for about 5 years, and just recently joined. I must say, I am seeing more and more about Guns N' Roses than I have ever before. A lot of it is negative, sure, but as they say, there's no such thing as bad press. Small things like this do add up, and hopefully help to contribute to a kick-ass US tour.

  6. Interesting read, I really wish I was going to that show. Sure they might not be switching up that ol' setlist of theirs, but I imagine the band would pull out a trick or two for the holiday. I'm also glad to see that most of the band is determined to record material. We may not hear it this decade, but just as long as they are recording I am satisfied. For now.

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