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Posts posted by rock4eva

  1. DJ's fb posts pop up on my feed a lot. I have to say, he posts a lot but at least they seem to be about how happy and thankful he is more as opposed to swag and stupid stuff. That's a bit better to me!

    I was about to unfollow him you know, been thinking of doing that when suddenly he started to follow me out of nowhere. I replied to his post and he must have liked it so I got a follow. I see girls all the time saying "follow me DJ, please follow me" and there's me about to cut him off and he starts to follow. Never replied to me, not that I tweet to him much. Maybe a couple of times in years.

  2. Yeah. My bro described an angry 40 something guy. They made eye contact. I was sitting in the back with my sun hat . We were stuck behind a service vehicle going 10 miles an hour. I had my eyes closed and was wishng we could abort the mission.

    I didn't think Axl drove much, he usually is a passenger and the only time I saw him drive was in the video of him on that leak with all the little men sitting on his shoulder - sorry can't remember which song it was. He had the cornrows and Seb Bach was in it.

    Driving a buggy! 1991 :lol:

    Hey, it's that Robert John photo with some douchebag's watermark on it.

    The frightening thing is to watch you yanks driving on the wrong side of the road :lol:

  3. Yeah. My bro described an angry 40 something guy. They made eye contact. I was sitting in the back with my sun hat . We were stuck behind a service vehicle going 10 miles an hour. I had my eyes closed and was wishng we could abort the mission.

    I didn't think Axl drove much, he usually is a passenger and the only time I saw him drive was in the video of him on that leak with all the little men sitting on his shoulder - sorry can't remember which song it was. He had the cornrows and Seb Bach was in it.

  4. 10399341_15655199228_2565_n.jpg?oh=70484

    This was our banner in 06 gig in Istanbul referring to the 93 İstanbul gig where the same banner (minus again) was held by Axl, no photo of it though :(

    There's a video of him with this or similar banner where he throws it back and says "Don't Wait Up" :lol:


    I know this is a forum -suicide type of a question, but when this pic first got around, I was admiring GNR on a different planet.

    NOw I see it is used EVERYWHERE and I don't know the back story behind it.

    Any links, clues, redirections, private messages, any help at all?

    I mean, yea, I know Ashba isn't Slash, and I see the typos on the banner, but ... still... who is it and WHY, OH GOD WHY?!

    I'd like to know the back story too cuz I ain't got no clue :)

    Me either but I'm glad you asked first. :P

  5. There's a video of Axl starting to dedicate a song to a friend who passed away but someone in the audience yelled out and he stopped and went over & yelled at them. I've wondered who that friend was but I suppose I'll have to find a link to the video so you can work it out. It was when the original band were together so early 90s.

    That story is in Slash's book, can't remember the guys name but they played Heavens door as a tribute to him because he loved their cover.

    What page is it on? :lol:

    He also dedicated it to his Grandmother who died in her 90s, saying she called him her little problem child.

  6. There's a video of Axl starting to dedicate a song to a friend who passed away but someone in the audience yelled out and he stopped and went over & yelled at them. I've wondered who that friend was but I suppose I'll have to find a link to the video so you can work it out. It was when the original band were together so early 90s.

    hoon died in 95 so i doubt it was to him


  7. Well 9/11 was an inside job, Boston Bombings was a hoax, Sandy Hook was definitely a hoax and nobody got hurt or died, Osama Bin Laden died many years ago of kidney disease not shot In Pakistan, Jeffrey Dharma was a hoax, 2 cops shot dead?? was a false flag thingy, no plane was shot down over Ukraine and if it was it was full of the dead people from the supposed missing MH370 which was hidden somewhere and the Taiwan plane that was filmed crashing over the road into the water is cgi effects and the shots in the water of the plane and people was a drill.

    Don't believe me? You can find it all on youtube, plus very very heated arguments and some nasty language. :wow::bitchfight:

    PS: I apparently am a shill, a govt agent, paid to comment on these hoax videos and a sheeple. :shrugs:

    • Like 1
  8. Love their songs, especially D'yer Maker which I believe they've never performed live. If someone knows different I'd be interested to know.

    Looking this up I did see live so maybe they have played it live.

  9. I'm tired of the arguments I see against vaccinations, ok some babies do end up with brain injury or die after vaccinating

    Thing is, there isn't any evidence some babies actually did had brain injury or have died cause of vaccinating. There just isn't. I think the cases who are blaming vaccination are coincidences. I only go by hard solid evidence to even make a conclusion like that.

    Sorry Lio, it was 2am and I was remembering an interview with a parent who's child had the vaccination and was told they had a bad reaction to it and ended up brain damaged.

    It was so long ago and Drs agreed it was the vaccine but thats all I can remember.

    When our first had his first injection his legs were so sore he cried when we tried to change his nappies and we just left him lying on a blanket on the floor as touching him hurt him so much.

    The next morning we went into his room and touched his leg, then touched the other one and he was lying there looking from one to the other as if he thought we were strange :lol: We were just testing to see if he was still sore and he was fine.

    Frankly, with some of the shit you people believe in, I find it odd that you'd ditch a friend or be unable to talk to someone just because they have some fucked up ideas about vaccines.

    One thing we agreed on was it was not worth losing a friendship over, it's only one opinion against the other so we agree to disagree. We are online friends as she also lost a child and she happened to be here when my 2nd child died so flew down from Qld to stay with me and attend the funeral. I thought that was something lovely she did and don't want to lose her as a friend over a difference of opinion that really doesn't matter. We do what we believe and thats that.

  10. OMG this is hard to watch, how long is this baby unable to breathe after coughing and then the whoop comes when they gain their breath again.

    I do understand what you say, I did think the virus was injected into us and in a way it is but it's not the full virus but a killed virus so that our bodies can be infected slightly to build up the immunity against the disease.

    I'm tired of the arguments I see against vaccinations, ok some babies do end up with brain injury or die after vaccinating but it's a small proportion who, if they caught measles, chicken pox etc would have likely had a bad reaction to the disease itself and had the same effect. Either way they sadly lose.

    Lenny it's pertussis, respiratory infection with high fever and small babies need to be in hospital if they contract it. Here's a video of what Dazey must have gone through if a small baby when he got it.

  11. She asked me if that child had been around a child who had recently been vaccinated - I guess thinking that if a child has been vaccinated with the whooping cough virus they have passed it on to the little baby - so it's their fault for being vaccinated.

    Well as SM pointed out earlier in the thread the vaccine is not the same as the virus so that's not medically possible. :shrugs:

    I'd also like to point out that I caught Whooping Cough which then turned into Pneumonia at around 6 weeks old from an unvaccinated older child. My mother was told to prepare for the worst at one point so thanks for that anti vaxxers. <_<

    Prepare for the worst? Fuckin' hell..

    Oh aye. I was not long for this world for a time so I'm told.

    I'm out of likes so thanks for your answer.

  12. I'd also like to point out that I caught Whooping Cough which then turned into Pneumonia at around 6 weeks old from an unvaccinated older child. My mother was told to prepare for the worst at one point so thanks for that anti vaxxers. <_<

    Aah now I posted a video of a little baby with whooping cough saying to get your children vaccinated or this is the result. Right?

    She asked me if that child had been around a child who had recently been vaccinated - I guess thinking that if a child has been vaccinated with the whooping cough virus they have passed it on to the little baby - so it's their fault for being vaccinated.

    Also did the mother have a healthy diet when pregnant - well I wouldn't know as I don't know these people, it was a video showing whooping cough so I couldn't answer that.

    Her grandson had the whooping cough vaccine and got whooping cough and ended up in hospital so that proved to her that the vaccine didn't give immunity but gave the illness.

    Her = 10/10

    Me = WTF :shrugs:

  13. The Dr the link was about was a Richard Moskowitz in San Francisco.

    With a background in Oriental medicine and other forms of natural healing, Dr. Moskowitz studied homeopathy with George Vithoulkas in Greece and Rajan Sankaran and others in India.

    So that's that settled then. He's clearly a nut. :lol:


  14. There's evidence to "prove" vaccinations cause autism but problem is I looked into the Dr who made this claim.

    He is from the UK, he submitted fraudulent paperwork to the Lancet which is a scientific magazine and was barred from practicing medicine in the UK for life.

    I think he admitted it. I sent the link of the German Measles baby who died to my friend who has come back with more "evidence" that vaccines are unnecessary.

    Don't know if this is becoming a big deal right now or just that I seem to be reading so much about the anti-vaccine people lately.

    But there really isn't any evidence and that's the thing. In this context the only thing that counts is genuine peer reviewed studies and not the ramblings of some hippy on the Internet.

    The ENTIRE medical establishment agree on this and the UK doctor who started the scare was found to have totally fabricated his findings. He has been banned from ever practicing medicine in the UK again for serious professional misconduct which surely says something.

    Does any of the "evidence" your friend has shown you have any basis in genuine scientific study by respected medical professionals?

    Hope you're enjoying your baby girl, treasure every moment with her. It's such a lovely time of their life to spend with them, babyhood goes way too fast. I'm really happy for you.

    Thank you. I'm loving every minute of it. :D

    I'm glad you know who I'm talking about, can't remember his name but someone quoted him on youtube but several of us looked him up and you are right. He was banned for life but I haven't heard anything back from the person who put the original submission post on.

    I look up the medical professionals to see if they're credible and the link she sent me regarding the baby dying (she says it must have been vaccinated) was so long I couldn't understand a bloody word of it. If you want to try and decipher it I'll put it up - good luck but your understanding might be better than mine.

    Basically what the anti vaccine people say is that the diseases were just about wiped out when the vaccines were brought in, seeing as the virus is in the vaccine it has re-created these illnesses all over again. They claim that cancer can be cured by cannibas but as the medical world don't make money out of it they keep it hidden and provide us with chemicals like chemo instead.

    The Dr the link was about was a Richard Moskowitz in San Francisco - it seems many people were unhappy with his style of doctoring by cancelling appts, short time to see him and big bills etc.

    Here's a little of what he had to say

    There is widespread agreement that the time period since the common vaccines were introduced has seen a remarkable decline in the incidence and severity of the natural diseases corresponding to them. But the facile assumption that the decline is also attributable to them remains unproven, and continues to be questioned by eminent authorities in the field. With whooping cough, for instance, both the incidence and severity had already begun to decline precipitously long before the vaccine was introduced, a fact which led the epidemiologist C. C. Dauer to remark, as far back as 1943:

    “If mortality [from pertussis] continues to decline at the same rate during the next fifteen years [as in the last fifteen], it will be extremely difficult to show statistically that [pertussis vaccination] had any effect in reducing mortality from whooping cough.”

    Much the same is true not only of diphtheria and tetanus. but of TB, cholera, typhoid, and other common scourges of a bygone era, which began to disappear rapidly at the end of the nineteenth century, doubtless partly in response to improvements in sanitation and public health, but in any case long before antibiotics, vaccines, or any specific medical initiatives to combat them.

  15. She's actually lovely but is very much into this and that everything is a hoax type of stuff. She thought MH17 in Ukraine was a hoax until I told her a schoolfriend of mine was on it which made her rethink it.

    I was wondering if you have vaccinated your little one. I don't believe vaccines cause autism but when I produce evidence via internet of course they come back with their evidence that it does via internet.

    I am at a total loss, feels like I'm living in a bubble that everyone knows all these terrorist attacks are fake/hoaxes except me :(

    Oh I'm sure shes nice but shes ridiculously ignorant. I mean to even utter such a statement as "more children die of vaccines than from the diseases" is just the most stunningly ridiculous thing Ive ever heard.

    I mean there's just no evidence whatsoever to support such a claim. It really does just boggle the mind that anybody in this day and age can hold such a retarded opinion.

    Oh and yes we've vaccinated her for everything that is available thus far. She still has a few more to go but absolutely we're vaccinating because not to do so is plainly idiotic. :)

    There's evidence to "prove" vaccinations cause autism but problem is I looked into the Dr who made this claim.

    He is from the UK, he submitted fraudulent paperwork to the Lancet which is a scientific magazine and was barred from practicing medicine in the UK for life.

    I think he admitted it. I sent the link of the German Measles baby who died to my friend who has come back with more "evidence" that vaccines are unnecessary.

    Don't know if this is becoming a big deal right now or just that I seem to be reading so much about the anti-vaccine people lately.

    Hope you're enjoying your baby girl, treasure every moment with her. It's such a lovely time of their life to spend with them, babyhood goes way too fast. I'm really happy for you.

  16. A friend of mine overseas is against the vaccinations and posts all the time about how more children die from vaccinations than they do from the diseases they are trying to vaccinate against.

    I think it best to vaccinate but can't answer questions like : If you vaccinate your child why are you worried when we don't as you say you are protected?

    A healthy diet of (insert lots of foodstuff here) is much better than the vaccine, eat healthy while pregnant & give healthy food to your kids & they won't need to be vaccinated.

    I'd like views on these type of articles, I won't have the flu vaccine as I don't like what's in it but then again I don't get colds or flu either. When I had cancer I was bombarded with information on how to cure it without having chemo that I got desperate as everything they mention is illegal here, not available and I didn't have time to go a different way only to find it didn't work and by the time I found that out the cancer would have spread even further.

    My friend knows someone who 'cured' their child of cancer by diet and the Dr is amazed, I said to believe that I'd need to see the before and after tests and speak to the Dr. I can't just believe it because they say so.

    Anyone against vaccines have a view?



    I really don't want to offend you R4E but your friend is an idiot.

    She's actually lovely but is very much into this and that everything is a hoax type of stuff. She thought MH17 in Ukraine was a hoax until I told her a schoolfriend of mine was on it which made her rethink it.

    I was wondering if you have vaccinated your little one. I don't believe vaccines cause autism but when I produce evidence via internet of course they come back with their evidence that it does via internet.

    I am at a total loss, feels like I'm living in a bubble that everyone knows all these terrorist attacks are fake/hoaxes except me :(

  17. A friend of mine overseas is against the vaccinations and posts all the time about how more children die from vaccinations than they do from the diseases they are trying to vaccinate against.

    I think it best to vaccinate but can't answer questions like : If you vaccinate your child why are you worried when we don't as you say you are protected?

    A healthy diet of (insert lots of foodstuff here) is much better than the vaccine, eat healthy while pregnant & give healthy food to your kids & they won't need to be vaccinated.

    I'd like views on these type of articles, I won't have the flu vaccine as I don't like what's in it but then again I don't get colds or flu either. When I had cancer I was bombarded with information on how to cure it without having chemo that I got desperate as everything they mention is illegal here, not available and I didn't have time to go a different way only to find it didn't work and by the time I found that out the cancer would have spread even further.

    My friend knows someone who 'cured' their child of cancer by diet and the Dr is amazed, I said to believe that I'd need to see the before and after tests and speak to the Dr. I can't just believe it because they say so.

    Anyone against vaccines have a view?



  18. IMO, it's a sign of a weak ass culture that deserves to get stomped out when grown men start talking about bullying. :lol:

    IMHO the weakness lies in the grown men and women who feel the need to bully and harass. At that point in one's life, it's a sad and insecure sort of person who feels the need to dedicate their time to hurting others.

    Yes, those hypothetical and imaginary adult bullies who dedicate their time to hurting others are the worst.

    If you honestly don't see that there ARE adults out there who are malicious and use their time to harass and hurt others, I don't know what to tell you. Workplace bullying and harassment very much IS a thing.

    So you think something like this is imaginary?


    Or this?


    It's a veritable epidemic.

    Yeah, actually, it is. Go look at the rates of adult suicide and workplace-related PTSD sometime. Just because you refuse to acknowledge something doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

    Not wrong Stella, looking this up I see it's a year to the day since we lost this beautiful woman


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  19. #bullyville

    edit: I'm starting to think that people nowadays think that they have an open license to be as big a fuckwit as possible and if anybody mentions the fact they are a fuckwit it's bullying.

    It's part of this shit fad of calling people "haters." Self reflection is for pussies. Never question anything about yourself. If anyone criticizes, they're a hater. :jerkoff:

    Lol I often think "haters" is an internet name, can't recall anyone using it before.

    Stella, I was joking about the women bullying. I agree that's it's childish & there's no need for it. :heart:

    No worries at all, and thank you. <3 I have like no sense of humor sometimes so I'm slow on these things. :)

    I have a dry sense of humour which doesn't come across as humour when typed. When I re-read it later I can see it could be interpreted wrongly but I tend to post & regret it when I'm taken seriously. :lol:

    • Like 1
  20. #bullyville

    edit: I'm starting to think that people nowadays think that they have an open license to be as big a fuckwit as possible and if anybody mentions the fact they are a fuckwit it's bullying.

    It's part of this shit fad of calling people "haters." Self reflection is for pussies. Never question anything about yourself. If anyone criticizes, they're a hater. :jerkoff:

    Lol I often think "haters" is an internet name, can't recall anyone using it before.

    Stella, I was joking about the women bullying. I agree that's it's childish & there's no need for it. :heart:

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