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Posts posted by rock4eva

  1. Except for the post I deleted, that called for dropping nukes on unsuspecting populations as the solution to fighting islamic/religious radicalisms. That was what i was referring to when I said posts advocating violence would be deleted. Snowmass seems to have confused discuss violent acts and advocating for said acts.

    I think it was a mistake to delete that post. Surely it's better to leave it and allow people to respond? Have the debate about why it's such a ridiculous thing to say rather than simply censoring it? Otherwise we just end up with a rather dull consensus.

    Edit. It also makes the thread difficult to follow when reading from the start if parts of conversations and things that people are referring to are missing.

    Too right, I didn't see that other post as it was deleted before I answered. Now I understand why my post was misunderstood, understand??

  2. Edited title to reflect the group responsible for the atrocity.

    Also, posts that advocate violence unto others will be deleted.


    How so?

    Think about it

    Sorry, I do not have the faintest clue what you're talking about.

    The only thing ironic in all of this is someone trying to label something as ironic when it appears they don't have the slightest clue as to what irony actually means.

    Maybe snowmass was referring to the whole thread being about a shocking violent murder yet you've said posts will be deleted that advocate violence?

    Having said that the whole thread isn't 'advocating' violence, just talking about violence.

    Does that make sense?

    If yes press 1 .... if no press 2..... if I'm wrong snowmass press 3...

  3. KOHD

    This is France right? The love capital of the world.

    What you didn't know was that right after that night they were going to arrest me.... cos we were having too much goddamm fun. So in the spirit of brotherly love and big giant fuck you..lets make this one loud alright?

    I love you too - get the violins out.

    She called me her problem child (his grandmother)

    He's my little problem child - high pitched voice.

    Oops, off topic sorry mods. :o

    Good night. :sleeper:

  4. To the point, what does Del posting anything mean about how Axl may or may not feel about something? That is a stretch.

    As for Axl, I don't know myself, when I did discuss these things with Axl he did not have anything bad to say about Slash at the time. We did discuss him but never in a negative light.

    Of course Del can have his own opinions about many things. But at the same time he is one of Axl´s best friends and close colaborator. The problem is he is nothing without his association with Axl. So it would be risky for him to have big disagreements with Axl.

    I don´t see any big deal with that picture. After all it is a picture of Del in the pit of Tokio gig. And Slash just happens to be in the background of that picture. And I don´t think Axl has a problem with it. However if Del keeps posting nice things about Slash then nobody knows how Axl is gonna react.

    Axl has called Slash a cancer and fans have been kicked out of shows because they wore Slash t-shirts. Axl has shown he has little tolerance when it comes to Slash.

    The Slash shirt thing was bullshit, fuck people were backstage on that same tour with Slash tshirts and original band stuff. As far as The hatred I don't know how deep it is when the first thing Axl and I talked about was Slash and nothing negative was said at all.

    Some of us have an altered view of what Axl thinks or doesn't think

    So RIR 2001 was bullshit!!!! I think we all have seen that video

    I think that guy was just being a general dickhead though rather than him being singled out for his shirt.

    I would agree with this, but one thing is true, by 2001-2002, Axl was at his highest peak of butthurt, bitterness and hatred towards Slash and the rest of the guys. Let's not forget "He's in my ass. That's where Slash is. Fuckhead, go home!" 2002 comment.

    This was my understanding too. Fans said he was taunting Axl all the time until he eventually got fed up & out he went, leaving the shirt behind for some reason. Guess it was because he was waving it at Axl all the time, not just wearing it.

    Love how we know his quotes off by heart like this. Reading Duff's book I was surprised he didn't quote Axl's words correctly regarding St Louis. We know that one off by heart don't we all? :lol:

  5. What connection is Bubbles? A friend? I think I've only heard of him on this forum.

    I'm with you alfierose, only heard of him on this forum. I did look up the show he's in but didn't watch much of it, I guess it's American humour & I didn't get it but Axl said backstage that he was working out while watching & spitting up shit so had to stop. I'll have another look but didn't like what I did see, must be popular in the USA?

  6. Everytime the camera focuses on Izzy in this video, the awesomeness meter reaches unmeasurable heights.

    So much hotter, and so much cooler, than any of the others.

    I've never felt Izzy was part of the original band (original = when successful) as the NR video was the biggie shown over here & by then Gilby was in the band.

    So it's strange when people get all excited about Izzy returning, I kind of envy people who were fans way back when.

  7. Speaking of songs I wish they would do again...I always enjoyed Shackler's Revenge. When I heard CD for the first time and it came on I immediately thought "wtf is this". Then I heard it live and it's a different animal, when sang in 2010 it had to be one if the coolest songs on the setlist!

    Being at the front those fireworks are very loud, we had to keep covering our ears & I noticed someone behind the scenes doing the same.

    He's much more active on this - plus he sounds good too.

  8. Aww.... we were just getting started. I wasn't criticising Nosaj as it was a genuine mistake & don't have a problem with him at all.

    Just having a bit of fun, no insults, no name calling on either side - all is good.


    Well I can't answer you Nosaj as I don't want time out. However if the naughty corner means I have to come to America to stand in, I might answer you & you can come visit me with chocolate, donuts & a cuppa. :(

  9. Ur a retard. See it works. And something is not a fact just because you think it might be.

    I can't see it work because It doesn't work like that. You would say "you are a retard" or "you're a retard", "ur a retard" is grammatically incorrect.

    "Ur" is an abbreviation commonly used to replace "your" - that's a fact you can't refute. If you need any more schooling, please let me know.

    You must be part Mongolian

    I don't know what you're trying to say here but I guess my job is done since you're completely changing the subject.

    Job isn't done. Was just bored with your emotional issues of trying to be right. Obsessive and delusional.

    Correction: Not "trying to be", because I was right the entire time. You, on the other hand, was completely wrong and showed signs of ignorance. If I were you, I would start working on that ASAP. It's very ridiculous.

    I hate to butt in here but Nosaj I picked up something you said:-

    you, on the other hand, was completely wrong

    It should be were but a minor slipup. :shrugs: Also Americans spell differently to us, favor-favour, labor-labour etc. Wonder why it was changed?

    Another thing I notice is that people here type I could care less when shouldn't it be I couldn't care less? Or mix up then/than.

    Maybe those years at school being hit over the knuckles by rulers made me extra cautious about spelling. Don't put it down to lack of education, people are clever at different things that's all.

    The worst speller on this site I can't name as I don't want to cause embarrassment but there's a good reason why they should be a good speller. Then again I don't know if English is their first language so many times I let things go.

    This deserves a new thread without the insults, I've read books & been totally disgusted with the spelling mistakes in them & noticed in library books people have written the correct spelling in the column. :P

    • Like 1
  10. Who's Frank who also got a gold record from Axl the same as DJ? It doesn't look anything like Frank Ferrer but its the only Frank I know of who would get one - this one has curly hair. Unless Frank has had a makeover during the last 8 months. :shrugs:

    there's already a thread for this.

    It's a platinium record. and It's presented to Frank Ferrer, signed by Axl as a gift. And obviously, it is someone from his family who must be really proud.

    Oh sorry, didn't know there was a thread. My bad.

    • Like 1
  11. lol. Does she know that Perla is getting half of what Slash is worth and he will be paying tons of money for child support?

    Unreal. Since he's already moved in with her, I can only figure that he's been with her while he was still married to Perla.

    I can understand if you don't love your spouse anymore and want out, so man up and have the respect to tell her before you shack up with some other bimbo who will probably do the same shit to you down the line.

    I have no respect for any man or woman who treat someone they supposedly once loved this way. What about what his kids think? Since he seems to have moved in with her, his kids will probably be visiting him there. Man, that sucks big time.

    Oh, and if the tattoo is of her name, that's the kiss of death! lol

    I think one of his sons showed what he thinks in a family photo didn't he where he stuck his finger up? :P

  12. I always thought Axl sounded a bit too raspy coming in at the end of Bohemian. It doesn't flow with the rest of the performance. He fucked up on We Will Rock You too. He got the tempo wrong and then did this weird high pitched thing to try to cover over his mistake. Makes me cringe every time I hear it. :lol:

    Magisme you've gotta be a girl to not care about that, you males care about how he sounds but us girls just drool over how him no matter what. :P

    Simple truth :D

    I can understand that. He used to stir up all sorts of the gay feelings in me. :lol:

    So you're the guy that jumped on stage & danced with Axl & BBF during a song - you got 'a little bit excited'

    GO Magisme :lol:

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  13. Doesn't he outshine Elton John from the time he spins out on stage onwards? To the last note Axl nailed that part of the song with his raspy voice (and good looks), the crowd went wild when he came out (no pun intended) and he didn't let anyone down. There were some worried that he wouldn't perform as he was having a lot of trouble with his relationship with Stephanie but you wouldn't know it watching him. They thought he might return home.

    It is ironic that Elton, or maybe more so Bernie, and Freddie were his idols considering he copped so much over that song. I don't think he was homophobic as such but he had pretty bad sexual experiences with men. Yet his stepfather wasn't gay, he was a paedophile if he did what we believe he did.

    His appearance on stage yelling :

    "So you think you can stone me and spit in my eye?

    So you think you can love me and leave me to die?"

    was a total blast! It was a pure anger after gentle singing Elton. Maybe it had to be something Stephanie related :D

    Axl is too open minded to be homophobic. He is just angry on human injustice.

    Even that very last note 'any way the wind BLOOOOOOWWWWSSS" his rasp comes out & overpowers Elton. Plus the way he stands there looking down & panting, also the part where he drops the mic stand & faces Brian May. They stand there looking at each other as Axl takes steps towards him - just sends shivers down me thinking about it.

    Always laugh when he appears spinning around and around at the beginning, I think he sang We Will Rock You too. I read today that when he started singing Paradise City he yells SHOVE IT at a group of people protesting about him being there due to his 'homophobia'. He wanted to say something after the song but the band asked him not to as it would take away from the atmosphere of it being a tribute to Freddie, not a gnr show. So when Slash did Only Women Bleed you can see Duff hanging around keeping an eye on Axl who looks very mischievious, Boy you'd be on edge wouldn't you. then when he went to the front of the stage Duff shook hands with Axl for holding back and not having a go at the protestors in the front.

    All this talking made me watch the whole show (and, yes I was wrong, except Innuendo everything is there. Shame, I love the song...).

    Maybe I'm in the special mood today, overwhelmed with childhood memories, but most of the concert sent shivers through me, and expecting of Axl in BH made me almost trembling...We Will Rock You isn't good as BH, but also...weird feeling. He and Elton sounded great together, their voices suit each other well. They looked very friendly, and Axl must have been happy singing with his childhood idol. The end of the show was great, Liza Minelli amazes me every time.

    Duff looked as nanny there, but nevertheless of all, Axl had a very happy face!

    I know that he personally called Queen management after Freddie died saying that he doesn't know what are their plans, but whatever they'll do he is in and wont disappoint anyone. So all this stories about his eventual leaving the whole thing because of Stephanie seems to be made in someone s fear.

    Sorry about this post...I'm in some crazy state at the moment :)

    You were wrong about what? You seemed to know it off by heart the way you wrote the lyrics out.

    It was in the latest book by Axl's personal assistant who's name escapes me at 3am who said they were worried Axl would go home due to some upset over SS. Maybe she was starting to see someone else - I'll check the book tomorrow.

    I heard him in an interview talk about his first time meeting Elton and how nervous he was & uncomfortable Elton was. Than Elton burst out saying "I'm gay" and Axl looked at him and said "yeah I know, now how are we going to do this & that" which I can imagine was quite funny. Not the reaction Elton was expecting, it might have been on youtube in the audio interviews on radio or something.

    Hubba Bubba although I like many of Elton's songs I watched a show where he had a few tantrums & took a dislike to that behavour, he also came to Australia & walked on stage & sat down not talking or saying hello to the audience. He stormed off as he said a moth flew in his mouth but recently I heard a moth got caught in his wig or something like that. Strange that I see him as a bad tempered little man who yells when can't get his own way but find it rather amusing when Axl did it. :shrugs:

  14. I always thought Axl sounded a bit too raspy coming in at the end of Bohemian. It doesn't flow with the rest of the performance. He fucked up on We Will Rock You too. He got the tempo wrong and then did this weird high pitched thing to try to cover over his mistake. Makes me cringe every time I hear it. :lol:

    Magisme you've gotta be a girl to not care about that, you males care about how he sounds but us girls just drool over how him no matter what. :P

    I always thought Axl sounded a bit too raspy coming in at the end of Bohemian. It doesn't flow with the rest of the performance. He fucked up on We Will Rock You too. He got the tempo wrong and then did this weird high pitched thing to try to cover over his mistake. Makes me cringe every time I hear it. :lol:

    • Like 1
  15. Doesn't he outshine Elton John from the time he spins out on stage onwards? To the last note Axl nailed that part of the song with his raspy voice (and good looks), the crowd went wild when he came out (no pun intended) and he didn't let anyone down. There were some worried that he wouldn't perform as he was having a lot of trouble with his relationship with Stephanie but you wouldn't know it watching him. They thought he might return home.

    It is ironic that Elton, or maybe more so Bernie, and Freddie were his idols considering he copped so much over that song. I don't think he was homophobic as such but he had pretty bad sexual experiences with men. Yet his stepfather wasn't gay, he was a paedophile if he did what we believe he did.

    His appearance on stage yelling :

    "So you think you can stone me and spit in my eye?

    So you think you can love me and leave me to die?"

    was a total blast! It was a pure anger after gentle singing Elton. Maybe it had to be something Stephanie related :D

    Axl is too open minded to be homophobic. He is just angry on human injustice.

    Even that very last note 'any way the wind BLOOOOOOWWWWSSS" his rasp comes out & overpowers Elton. Plus the way he stands there looking down & panting, also the part where he drops the mic stand & faces Brian May. They stand there looking at each other as Axl takes steps towards him - just sends shivers down me thinking about it.

    Always laugh when he appears spinning around and around at the beginning, I think he sang We Will Rock You too. I read today that when he started singing Paradise City he yells SHOVE IT at a group of people protesting about him being there due to his 'homophobia'. He wanted to say something after the song but the band asked him not to as it would take away from the atmosphere of it being a tribute to Freddie, not a gnr show. So when Slash did Only Women Bleed you can see Duff hanging around keeping an eye on Axl who looks very mischievious, Boy you'd be on edge wouldn't you. then when he went to the front of the stage Duff shook hands with Axl for holding back and not having a go at the protestors in the front.

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