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Posts posted by rock4eva

  1. Nice interview, not very in depth but I always find it hard to understand when artists of any nature say they are shy. Actors, musicians & singers say this quite a lot, yet they go on stage and face 10s of thousands in an audience watching them. Some say they throw up before going on stage due to nerves, even when they've been doing it for years :shrugs:

  2. The story of Axl talking to a fan at an afterparty and Del trying to pull Axl away bugged me. Axl apparently kept telling Del he'd be there in a minute and eventually told him to just back off.

    Admittedly he's likely just trying to protect his friend and doesn't want Axl to say stuff that will get on the boards, cause problems etc. But there's a part of me that just thinks 'Who do you think you are, sunshine? Leave the rock star alone to talk to his fans. In fact, go to the bar and get the fan a drink.'

    He was also apparently in the clique with Tommy that bullied Bucket and tried to run him out of the band and for that, if it's true, he is a douche.

    If the thing about bullying Bucket is true, it's definitely douchey. I wonder why he would have been a part of that, though.

    For pulling Axl away...he has been the tour manager and he seems to be generally cool about interacting with fans (and leaving Axl to do that) so I would wonder if there was something Axl actually *needed* to do or take care of at that moment. I remember reading another story here about how TB was trying to get Axl away from the fans at some hotel, and Axl was ignoring them...and they were actually trying to get him to a flight. Again, no love for TB, but since Axl isn't the most punctual, they were trying to keep him on track in that particular instance. Could this thing with Del have been the same?

    The gist of the story as very specifically that Del was trying to stop Axl talking to the fan about Guns business, not that he needed to be somewhere.

    The Bucket bullying has been talked about by a few people over the years. It was partly that people liked Robin and when he came back, didn't feel there was a need for 3 players; partly jealousy of his ability and substantial contributions to the songs and partly personality clashes. Del and Tommy seem like pretty ordinary, macho, blokey-blokes and they didn't like or want to get on with this 'weirdo.'

    It's one thing for band members to be dicks in that way (and I personally wish Axl had started a new band with Bucket, Robin and Brain and gotten someone far more talented than Stinson who actually liked old Guns music) but for a glorified hanger-on to try and influence someone leaving the band because they don't like them personally is the height of cuntyness to me. He might be a nice bloke in person and he might have been a good friend to Axl but several stories like these over the years have made me suspicious.

    No, I agree, if those stories are true they're pretty awful. Del shouldn't be trying to dictate who is in the band, and bullying someone that way is really shitty. Especially if it's about a personal dislike and not about what Bucket could do in the band.

    Is that the same as Slash disliking Paul Huge or did he not bully him, just let Axl know he didn't want him in the band? Was he nowhere near the talent of BH?

    How did Slash get into this discussion, LOL! I don't think bullying is ever okay and it's a very childish thing for grown men to do...but I do think members of a band should have a say in who is in the band. That's the difference between Slash and Del, perhaps - Slash actually was playing in the band and would have had to work directly with Paul or anyone else that was brought in. I've never heard that anyone bullied him, though. Just that objections were raised.

    Sorry Stella, it's not a Slash bash thing as I've got nothing against Slash at all. I wasn't sure if he bullied Paul Huge like the others seemed to have bullied BH & BBF that's all. He didn't like Paul from the start & didn't have a say but was told he was in the band now & that's that. Agree that it's childish to bully another new band member when you're a grown man - different for women cos we are known to be bitchy & we own that name. :bitchfight:

  3. The story of Axl talking to a fan at an afterparty and Del trying to pull Axl away bugged me. Axl apparently kept telling Del he'd be there in a minute and eventually told him to just back off.

    Admittedly he's likely just trying to protect his friend and doesn't want Axl to say stuff that will get on the boards, cause problems etc. But there's a part of me that just thinks 'Who do you think you are, sunshine? Leave the rock star alone to talk to his fans. In fact, go to the bar and get the fan a drink.'

    He was also apparently in the clique with Tommy that bullied Bucket and tried to run him out of the band and for that, if it's true, he is a douche.

    If the thing about bullying Bucket is true, it's definitely douchey. I wonder why he would have been a part of that, though.

    For pulling Axl away...he has been the tour manager and he seems to be generally cool about interacting with fans (and leaving Axl to do that) so I would wonder if there was something Axl actually *needed* to do or take care of at that moment. I remember reading another story here about how TB was trying to get Axl away from the fans at some hotel, and Axl was ignoring them...and they were actually trying to get him to a flight. Again, no love for TB, but since Axl isn't the most punctual, they were trying to keep him on track in that particular instance. Could this thing with Del have been the same?

    The gist of the story as very specifically that Del was trying to stop Axl talking to the fan about Guns business, not that he needed to be somewhere.

    The Bucket bullying has been talked about by a few people over the years. It was partly that people liked Robin and when he came back, didn't feel there was a need for 3 players; partly jealousy of his ability and substantial contributions to the songs and partly personality clashes. Del and Tommy seem like pretty ordinary, macho, blokey-blokes and they didn't like or want to get on with this 'weirdo.'

    It's one thing for band members to be dicks in that way (and I personally wish Axl had started a new band with Bucket, Robin and Brain and gotten someone far more talented than Stinson who actually liked old Guns music) but for a glorified hanger-on to try and influence someone leaving the band because they don't like them personally is the height of cuntyness to me. He might be a nice bloke in person and he might have been a good friend to Axl but several stories like these over the years have made me suspicious.

    No, I agree, if those stories are true they're pretty awful. Del shouldn't be trying to dictate who is in the band, and bullying someone that way is really shitty. Especially if it's about a personal dislike and not about what Bucket could do in the band.

    Is that the same as Slash disliking Paul Huge or did he not bully him, just let Axl know he didn't want him in the band? Was he nowhere near the talent of BH?

  4. Normally DJ's tweet wouldn't bother me but those bragging stories about beating some guy up and smoking in a maid's face really make this mute.

    He's a nice enough guy who has an inferiority and image complex. In turn, it makes him try too hard and come off as a tool. When I met him, he was actually a shy and nervous kind of dude. He was really nice to me. Its just a shame he can't act normal. At the very least, people can criticize his look and antics because they are reflections of the band. People ripped on Bucket, Robin's 2002 look, Axl's hair, etc. Its all just a part of it and if you are going to be in an A list group like GNR, you better be able to handle criticism. ESPECIALLY from the hardcore fan base. Emo/nightmare before Christmas looks, monster logos, his horrible clothing styles, social media whoring, etc all warrant criticism. Sure, sometimes people are super mean on here, but come on dude, you are in GNR...

    His online/stage character just isn't very appealing and his quest to fulfill his vision of "cool" is obviously a mask. Just be yourself, dude.

    Well said ZoSoRose, why the need to make yourself look tough if it isn't in your nature? Just because you're in a band which was once known to be tough doesn't mean you have to act tough these days when they're more tame. Do you believe those stories about him & Axl beating up some drunk guy then later having photos taken? Funny enough I was thinking of unfollowing DJ when suddenly I noticed he followed me on twitter.

    He cops a lot on here from the community but I find there's usually one member of a band the fans don't like - I've noticed on other forums.

  5. It was on last night. Anyone watch it?

    I did. It was a little slow, but I think anyone who watches it is going to have strong opinions about this show.

    I know I do.

    Val is that the Australian one? We had it a while back but I didn't watch it - I heard about it though.

    I loved Breaking Bad, downloaded it to watch over time but ended up watching it back to back.

    Some parts are gruesome enough to have stayed with me but funnily enough I understood a word they said while fighting - escuchen (sp). I knew this word from one of Axl's rants to the crowd when he was spat on.

  6. You simply would not believe the amount of arguments I have with people about vaccination, I am told more children die of the vaccination than they do of the diseases they are meant to stop us getting. They show all the ingredients in it & the 'poisons' & so much more literature than I am able to read.

    It gets really heated as I think vaccination is important and definitely NOT linked to autism. Someone I worked with at the special school was leaving to specialise in autism research and she said it could even be genetic in some cases. I know many Mums who say their husbands could have a touch of it but on the higher spectrum.

    I showed a video of a baby with whooping cough & was asked if the child had been around someone who had recently been vaccinated. Was the mother breastfeeding & did she eat a healthy diet whilst pregnant - well I have no idea as she didn't say.

    I've been called every name under the sun by people against vaccinations, I don't get the flu jab & I've never had the flu that I can remember & rarely get colds.

  7. I know it's not the case with this but they conveniently stage being "attacked" so they can sue a celebrity for a lot of money, but there's times when the crowd is way out of control and they're scared shitless and react out of fear (of getting crushed, of getting grabbed at, of having jewelry ripped off their hands, clawed at). Sometimes celebrities are just drunk assholes and the pap is in the wrong place, wrong time. Other times they're yelling shit at them to set them off, and it's because they want a "payday".

    Most celebrities have some self-defense training just in case security isn't there. Why do you think Axl was cool with that kid up on stage? He could have taken him down, but no, Fernando comes out and shoves the kid right into Ron's back when he was still fucked up. I thought Brazilians knew jiu-jitsu and shit *L*

    Paparazzi seems to be fine with Axl the few times he's had to deal with them. The airport incident with Beta was an exception but we don't know what was going on, supposedly one of them shoved her or hit her.

    The airport I read was a set up by the paparazzi. If you slow the video down you can see Beta swinging her handbag at someone, at the beginning Axl is saying "if he touches her one more time". I love the guy at the very end who turns to the camera and says 'shit'.

    I think the guy on stage was ok as Axl doesn't seem to be in a bad mood any more like he used to & just laughed as he sang & pushed him away. He knew the guy was harmless as he wasn't lunging at him but just dancing & maybe he could tell if he was drunk. It's not like he was grabbing at anyone.

    'Get the fuck away from me you fucking idiot' :lol:

    It almost sounds like he is saying "get the fuck away from me you fucking inbred" but could be "idiot" too. Another funny line is inside the terminal: "I will punch you in the face, you fuck!". Although, it's funny as long as the abuse is only verbal.

    Is that what he said? I thought he was saying about pay but you could be right. Yes the other was called idiot.

  8. South america tour 2011 absolutely sure, I think it's in Chile.

    EDIT: Oh, here it is. Enjoy:

    I wonder how many more times this would happen without Beta haha she clearly controls him most of the time, but every once in a while he gets pushed over the edge.

    I imagine there's a good story to this one.

    I believe they were supposed to get to his private jet via a security area but the gates were locked & they couldn't get anyone to open them. So they had to go to the main airport where of course the fans were & he was pretty mad as you see. No real need to go off at the fan at the car but I wonder what he was like in the car. I'd have my hands over my ears rather than listening to that. lol

  9. Axl Rose @axlrose · 10h 10 hours ago

    Buried w/texts, emails, posts, videos, n' good ol' fashioned cards. Greetings n' B-day wishes from everywhere imagineable. Thanks 2 everyone

    How does he get so many words to tweet? I'm lucky to get a sentence typed, is there a longer tweet you can make?

    It is 140 characters so it is within twitter limit, if you wanted to make a bigger post use twitlonger http://www.twitlonger.com/


  10. Wow, I didn't know the backstory but I did know there were some troublemakers trying to piss Axl off.

    What I hadn't noticed or better said, I did notice that hand thing between Axl and Duff, but I didnt understand why... Even though, after watching loads of GN'R shows, you can figure out Duff was always the guy trying to comfort and calm Axl down. He was always there to support Axl, help him get out of the crowd, or just whisper to his ear. That makes him such a valuable guy and makes me feel sad to know Duff is not around anymore to keep Axl's cool :(

    Yes Duff seemed the one to go into action when there was trouble with Axl onstage. I noticed that on the video where he stopped the song due to some fight in the front & a guy 'flipped him off' , he picked up a camera & started off with "we have a couple of major arseholes here.."- Duff was there beside him as he yelled at the people as a calming thing which worked.

  11. DS kids happen to be the most gorgeous kids to work with. I was an aide to a boy in Grade 6 primary school 3 days a week, the other 2 days he went to a special school. He was high functioning but couldn't retain information he was taught, he got so frustrated when he got things wrong. He was accepted by the other kids, but due to neck problems he was unable to join them in footy or cricket so spent recess sitting on a bench on his own. Sad when at the special school he could run around as it was a safer environment.

    I do hope he went to the special school for High School as it would be so hard for him. A delightful boy who stole my heart while I worked with him, it was also lovely to see him so accepted by the class & they never left him behind when being chosen for teams. I hope he's having a great life now as an adult.

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  12. I hear Axl is very nice when it comes to doing something thoughtful for people's birthdays and celebrations.

    But since he gets a bunch of people wishing him happy b day and he stays quiet most of the year it kind of makes him look bad.

    Like Slash can take the time to say something on his page, but Axl never does.

    If anyone calls me dumb for saying that then I agree. Haha I just found it interesting how everyone (friend or foe, family, and ex) reaches out to Axl on his birthday.

    You're dumb!! Just kidding, wanted to be the first to say it that's all. :P

    It's annoying that Axl never tweets personally to anyone, unless someone on here can say they have had replies. I know he likely gets more than he can read but anything he tweets is to do with news events, thanking everyone for birthday wishes/attending concerts etc.

    Would be nice if he even favourited tweets he reads, at least you'd know he is reading some & responding.

    Nevertheless that's Axl, welcome AxlJacksonRose to the forum. :headbang:

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