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Posts posted by Civil_War

  1. man, 1991 was such a good year for rock. Rock's last desperate breath of life and hope. You had some great Metallica, Van Halen, Gn'R, AC/DC.... it's a shame it had to end. well, it's still going a little bit, but not nearly as well.

    I never thought of 91 as the best rock year until i read this post. I always thought of 87, but now that im comparing its preety close.

  2. i just got this for christmas and i have got to say WOW! This concert beats the shit out of any music dvd i have, even teh guns n roses ones. The band is just so full of energy, the crowd is so into it, sound and picture is amazing, best concert ive seen yet.

  3. why did it disappear?

    one word.....grunge.

    it messed a lot of stuff up...dont get me wrong, i like some nirvana but the kids just went crazy with it and suddenly hardrock and metal were diseases.

    but VR is bringing it back to a certain degree...there are no other bands who really play hardrock and are in the spotlight like them.

    aerosmith is a poprockband now, forget them.

    and all that nu-metal stuff....yaaaaawwwnn.

    and the post above me, there are many talented musicians, but they arent getting the chance by the recordcompanies, cos the mtv generation doesnt want it....period.

    I wouldt say aerosmith are pop rock have u heard honking on bobo?


    They're a shitty tame band. GNR would never tour with a lightweight band like Def Leppard.

    actually they used to be preety heavy before histeria and they are teh only band out of the 80s with 2 dimamond records. and they are in the guiness record boosk for playing 3 continents in 1 day.

  5. So Quiet Riot was the first metal band to hit #1 :krider: :krider: :krider:

    Do u have something to proove?

    anyways Def leppard is my second favrourite band, my favoruite cds are pyromania, then hysteria, adrenailzed, retro active and high and dry

  6. Why did you threaten to kill these kids? Have they been annoying you? Have you been bullying them? and what were your exact words to them?

    its cause they kept telling me to go fuck myself ect... and they were trying to get a rise out of me so i gave them one. I didnt mean one word of it, but they went home and cried to their mommys and then to the police.

  7. sorry just this is the place where i can let all my anger out without breaking anything. Its just that for the passed 3 months ive been the perfect student perfect everythingc ause if i do one more thing im gone from my school, and now they are trying to take that way from me.

  8. SON OF A FUCKING BITCHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Im getting charges pressed against me because some cocksucking kids i threatened to kill 3 fucking months ago are fucking whinning that they feel unsafe with me around them. I DIDNT EVEN FUCKING MEAN IT! I already got fucking suspended from school for 2 weeks couldnt the cocksuckers be happy with it like that? NO THEY CANT CAUSE THEY ARE PUSSSY ASS MOTHER FUCKERS! they told me off so i retaliated and what did teh fuckers do? Told the cops. Man im pissed right now

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