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Status Updates posted by AbominableHoman

  1. Are you supposed to be the boring straight version of InThisRiver?

  2. I was cold as ice, and willing to sacrifice our loooooove! I felt like I needed to deliver gallons of semen, across our great continent, after cutting down that behemoth tree.

  3. Above average loved and tolerance for alcohol: check

    Born in July: check

    Both residing in the NW: check

    Posting above comment that was never returned over a year ago: fuck off * star

  4. Maybe the ol gf will let me steal her car. Road trips are fucking sweet. We could meet halfway when Axl gets rid off the pre-US jitters.

  5. I creamed about it all last night "..incoherent babble... AXL'S NEW HAIR!.....more babble... HE PUNCHED A GUY.... HE SOUNDS HEAVENLY.... HES BACK!" Went and saw Boondock Saints 2 for the second 1st time.

  6. I started drinking (college related hiatus) again last night.

    It was brilliant. I tried (in vain) to navigate MYGNR on my iphone to find your number. I need you, Jackie. That fuck DF needs to get out of my way.

  7. You need a hug full of happy.

  8. Mhmmmmmhmmm. 'sup girl. You and your worldy travels :insertlongingeyes:. Finally figuring out living on the west coast of the States isn't appeasing my lust for travel. Jackie is doing the best to desecrate any hope for Canada and Mexico is Mexico. Dredging through a boring chapter of life (community college). Hows Swiss land? Shreddin those slopes and Swiss hearts?

  9. bucket for shacklers revenge... wow.

    P.S. alcohol+caffeine apologizes for that long winded stream of babble.

  10. channeling my inner Busta. smoking trees, cottonmouth, getting wild munchies. quoting rap lyrics is right below Will Farrel lines. I need an iphone app that supplies me with a constant feed of lil wayne lyrics and quotes from Step Brothers. And a t-shirt maker. I'm going to start my own underground market for pop/faux-ironic shirts. I'll peddle them in the mall parking lot and My World....

  11. P.S. I think it's funny you think I'd waste any of my testosterone fighting you; I'm saving every ounce of that shit to conquer that little sexpot.

  12. Lets win the lottery so we have the financial means to jet set around the world and stalk/lovinglyadmire them wherever those sexxxy little world travelers end up.

  13. Majestic. We should email steve jobs and bono and tell them to inject some of their gayivity into it.

    Banging any hotties? Justagroupie is back. Im so fucking giddy. You think she'll talk to me?

  14. Unfuckup your iPhone yet? I assume not -- I haven't received any cool -iphone-to-iphone-sexmessages.

  15. Going to work. iPhone + jackie messaging = bliss

  16. Internalizing my love for BS is causing a lot of problems for myself right now. I need a remedy!

  17. Move out of canada, you fruit fly.

  18. I'll stitch the unitards. ;)

  19. hows my little emo ken doll?

  20. I'm not dead flower you incoherent drunkard. Get your life together JM.

    P.S. have you gone downstairs to feed DF yet?

  21. I just want to grab your dick....

  22. First thing that came up on google image. That, and I felt a dire need to (re?)connect with my Norwegian friends.

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