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Posts posted by Nicklord

  1. 40 minutes ago, rocknroll41 said:

    Yeah I wonder how similar Books 6 and 7 are going to be to seasons 6-8. Anyone have any ideas? I heard that a lot of the characters are in very different places in the books right now, and that there are other characters from the books that don’t even exist in the show.

    all in all, I thought the finally was fine. Not bad, not great. Just fine. A lot of Return of the King similarities, but I guess that’s inevitable with it being a high fantasy series and all.

    i think I like where all the characters ended up, just not how they got there.

    Dany going ham on King's Landing and dies from Jon's hand cause she lost friends, one/two dragons, Jon doesn't love her after finding out about his parents, we see openly how people of Westeros don't like her. Basically the same just without bullshit made up scenes of ambush ships.

    Wall going down but in a different fashion. Maybe that horn mentioned a lot. White walkers being dead but I have no idea how, I don't think Martin knows/told D&D either

    Jaime fighting against WW and then dies with Cersei. The same really, just with more inner thoughts.

    Pact with Cersei from season 7 is different and not cause that bullshit quest. But I guess she ultimately betrays it and Jaime leaves

    (f)Aegon and Varys end up burned alive by Dany like Sam's family did in the show

    Bran gets to be a king, but we are left to wonder if he's evil or not. Kinda like the show did just more subtle


    My guess

  2. Album is out and it's very good. Was Ich Liebe - Diamant - Weit Weg part is kinda slow but the rest is amazing. Puppe is one of the best songs they ever done. I listened to it like 10 times so far. That buildup and THAT part in the middle when it gets going is :o 


  3. 10 hours ago, AtariLegend said:

    fyi For those that haven't read the books. It's Euron that gets one of Danny's Dragons not the Night King (whom doesn't exist in the book). Also some subplots and set-up, basically he's set up to be a major character. 

    Also comes across completely different as opposed to whatever the show character was.

    I really can't believe they left out Ariane Martell, but included a version of this 

    If true. Completely dumb.

    “I had a long conversation with [director] Miguel Sapochnik about it. Dan and David were like, ‘and then Euron dies’ and I was like, ‘No he doesn’t.’ And they said, ‘What do you mean?’ I said, ‘I’m not going to close my eyes. I want to smile up at the sky like life is beautiful, and then you guys have to cut away.’ Miguel kept saying, ‘Close your eyes!’ but I was like, ‘No.'”

    “He’s that kind of guy, he’s in self denial,” Asbaek said. “He just wants to see the world burn, you know what I mean? He just wants to see people die.”

    "That said. I think he meant it. He’s the one who got Jaime Lannister, a guy who he has admired because Jaime has been one of the best fighters in the world and is the Kingslayer and has created a name for himself."

  4. 49 minutes ago, AtariLegend said:


    Also what was up with that scene were Euron says he's the man who killed Jamie Lannister? Jamie no sells the injury pretty swiftly and manages to go on a long walk about to even try and help Ceseri escape. He does not look like a dying man before the roof falls.

    I can't for the love of god find it on reddit again but the whole Euron ending came from the actor. He should've just die there but he made them Euron go out with a smile and saying how he killed Jaime because that's Euron, he's crazy, it's all a game for him and doesn't have any deeper trauma in him like the rest of the characters

  5. On 5/13/2019 at 6:30 PM, Basic_GnR_Fan said:

    Agree about Jaime

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    And it's not like he didn't have a redemption. I mean he fought for humanity in the battle of Winterfell when he didn't have to. You can't take that away from him. But yes, the true love of his life was Cersei, and that's where he belonged in the end.


    Also he didn't betray anyone. He only wanted to save Cersei and their child. He didn't turn on Dany, Jon and the rest.

  6. 5 hours ago, username said:

    This. Everything feels too simple or too random. There's not real development or build anymore. Characters now just do things. 

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    Also, where was all the highy unstable wildfire? Shouldn't that have gone boom too? Or did they use it all up when blowing up the church of the 7? 

    Edit: Nevermind, I must've missed the green boom's the first time. 

    Edit 2: Does this mean the pieces of rock were Cersei's little brother? I REALLY wanted it to be Tyrion or Jamie.... 



    They didn't use that Cersei will be killed by little brother part in the show

  7. Jaime's story is perfectly fine if you ask me and I love it a lot actually. He was a jerk, he was finally realizing he was a jerk, he was trying to stop being a jerk and acted like a knight should but in the end he realized that he belongs with his sister/love of his life and he accepts that and embraces it. He finally knows who he is, who he was and that's what his story was about. It's not going full circle. He is not the same guy from the first episode

  8. I think this part will be (will lol) the same in the books. This whole ending sounds like GRRM but the problem with the show is that they didn't spend enough time on this stuff.

    Dany is going mad king 2.0 in 2 episodes. Jaime questioning everything he did in 10 second shot staring at the fire. Stuff like that are obviously gonna happen in the books but goddamn do they look forced in the show

  9. 17 minutes ago, AtariLegend said:

    For the record. The person who leaked what would happen in this episode also leaked how this would end.

    Had the last 2 episodes been leaked, it'd be fine. However it sucks that they leaks bits and pieces instead, ruining experience this close to the end.

    Don't post it in this thread, even in spoiler tags, because people will end up clicking on it.

    Actually the leak about ending (and this episode and bits of episode 3) is 10 months old but everyone thought there's literally no way it could happen 

  10. 1 hour ago, Dazey said:

    I think that says more about the audience than the band. :lol: 

    Nah, it's about their popularity. Blur played just next year and it was rammed. Nick Cave is also always full 

  11. 19 minutes ago, shotsfired cro said:

    funny story. treated like geniusis in UK, but almost like Oasis, the rest of the world didn't give a fuck about them.

    Well, Oasis did quiet ok in Europe for a while I suppose...

    Oasis were festival headliners in Europe and played arenas. They were popular but they were just another band like let's say Mumford and Sons or Florence and the Machine are now. Stone Roses were never near that level. They played Sziget in Hungary in 2012 and that was literally the smallest crowd at main stage I ever saw there :lol: 


  12. 16 minutes ago, downzy said:

    Are those scores indicative of the contents of the episode or are they reflective of the fact that there were many people who didn't have their televisions calibrated  properly and couldn't see squat?  

    Don't know about imdb but rottentomatoes is about the content. Parts from the bad reviews:

    This long awaited, much hyped, final showdown between the armies of men and the armies of death felt strangely anticlimactic. The bodycount may have been through the roof but the emotional impact was strangely AWOL.

    Well colour me disappointed. After all these years, all this hype and two whole episodes of set up, today's episode fell a little flat.

    Killing off the major villain without ever telling us his motivations seems like a turning point for a TV series that's more confused than ever about what it's trying to say.

    It's a strangely unsatisfying conclusion to a story line that has sustained the show from the very beginning.

    They were all bad. These were all bad scenes and none of them were pleasant.

    • Like 1
  13. Episode is 75% on rottentomatoes. The only worse is Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken. Pretty much the rest of them are all 90%+. On imdb it's 9.1 where literally all the rest big episodes are 9.8 or 9.9. That's not good for an episode that had SO much hype behind it

    They have to put on a miracle to not ruin everything in the next 3 episodes. 

  14. 17 minutes ago, Basic_GnR_Fan said:

    The mistakes that the human side made in the battle made sense. Who do they have that is a an established military genius? It's not like they have Tywin with them. Isn't the closest they have is Jaimie, and he has never commanded Dothraki before. And they have very little information on their enemy. Why would we expect them to have some perfect strategy?

    They have a lot of information about the enemy except for their numbers but they know that those are big. They know fire kills them, so make more fire everywhere. Jaime should be an experienced commander. Not Tywin level but pretty much the best from the rest of the alive cast. He's here since the rebellion and has training since he's little. He attacked several cities before and he should know trebuchets shouldn't be in front of the infantry and other stuff like that

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