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Posts posted by Nicklord

  1. I had to google a lot of your nicknames and names of drugs. Usually we call them differently here :lol: 

    I do mdma 2-3 times a year on festivals or regular raves. It's always so awesome. One time took it in a festival camp, I didn't really need music. I closed my eyes for a second (which was for full hour apparently) and danced to bass in my head (head up and down and shoulders left and right while sitting down, nothing embarrassing but still) 

    Also I took some shit I don't even know what it was during this show and I was so confused and amused by lights and music it was so strange I can't even describe it. I could have been easily one of those guys who finish on youtube with people mocking them


  2. 3 minutes ago, guitarpatch said:

    It's nothing like that.

    There was success selling TV's. 1 guy was then voted out and another quit shortly after its success to focus on other endeavors. The TV company then reorganized, where they then operated and attempted to grow the company over the next few years. 

    While making a new TV model, 2 more people decided to then quit manufacturing/new TV side of the business, and focus on the models that still sold well from the past. Their focus will now be to maximize exposure for those old TV's

    The remaining member decided to take the company to China to manufacture a brand new model under a similar name. However the 3 people maintained its original business and financial  interests with the older models in the states Since they still made money. 

    After a long amount of time, after growing/maintaining the brand even more that it's still relevant 25 yrs later, the other guy comes back from China and wants to make reopen business with the other 2. Since they've been working together during this entire time on those old models, it's an easy transition. They are now in talks of making a new TV in the states again.

    In the meantime the 2 original members who were voted out and quit, still make $ from the old tvs and all the decisions the other 3 make. Not a bad deal...

    Lock the thread.

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  3. I think that promoters barely made even with those numbers. Band got their paycheck :D 

    39 minutes ago, jmapelian said:

    so for the 25 dates they averaged about $4.6/mil show and 40K pershow. the only tour that's grossed more per show this decade is the U2 tour.  But you got to figure the US is their weakest market, if rock is bigger in S. America and Europe and Asia, right? so the numbers should increase?

    Tickets are cheaper in the SA and Asia and I can't imagine those prices in Europe too but with more people at shows I guess it should even out around same mark

  4. On 15.8.2016. at 4:17 PM, DieselDaisy said:

    The idea of Europeans sitting down to watch basketball is na-na land I'm afraid. Europeans do not like this shit: football reigns supreme in Europe. Basketball is only the USA. And basketball is not the biggest sport in China, analogous to crickets religious like appeal in India, Pakistan etc. Again, football is more popular in China, basketball being (at best) a third or fourth sport.

    Heck, Rugby Union is bigger than basketball also - as is tennis.

    I never said that basketball is the biggest sport in China. I said it's big there and it's bigger than football even with their leaders trying to get them to World Cup in football. It's also big in Europe, please stop commenting that it's not because I lived for 6 months in each of Austria, Finland and Czech Republic. All 3 nations suck or are average at best and they follow NBA and Euroleague. Basketball is number one in Lithuania and maybe some other contry but it's pretty much number 2 in the rest of the continental Europe. 

    Basketball association 215 countries, Rugby 103, Tennis 211. Cricket 105. 


    Salaries in European basketball for average player in Euroleague or Eurocup level teams (so around 60-70) is around 300.000€ and for the best ones around 3-4m€. In rugby the highest salary ever is 1.6m€ and it's pretty much downfall from there. They would never get that money if it wasn't popular.

  5. 15 hours ago, DieselDaisy said:

    The reason it will not be at the Olympics is because the ICC  (international cricket council) vetoed the proposal - the Olympic body was actually rather keen. They cited scheduling, and probably fear it would compete with the Cricket World Cup and World Twenty20 competitions. I wouldn't expect you to follow the politics of cricket though so you wouldn't know this. Golf and Rugby have only appeared at Rio 2016 after x number of years, yet nobody would use their absences as evidence of their lack of popularity!

    Yes, and look at those countries,

    India (1.256, 710,000, 17.7% of the world's population - second most populated country!!)

    Pakistan (194, 581, 363, 2.65% of the world's population - sixth!!)

    Bangladesh (160 million, 2.19% - eighth)

    United Kingdom (65 million)

    South Africa (55 million).

    Australia (24 million)


    And regardless, you are incorrect. Cricket is one of the worlds fastest growing sports in certain countries without test status, e.g. Afghanistan, Scotland, Ireland, Netherlands, etc. It is actually aggrandising itself among Asians of the United States who naturally regurgitate at the thought of the terrible sports of their adopted country, reaching for their parents' sports.

    Yes, parkland - any bit of green. It isn't ideal but even a street! The poor Indian street kids manage it. All you need is a bit of wood and a ball (e.g. a tennis ball); you do not even need stumps, if you adopt French Cricket. Indoor cricket is also proliferating among urban areas.

    Basketball is only followed by people in the United States. Fact. Cricket is the second biggest global game. Fact. Back to the drawing board olde boy.


    Basketball is actually the fastest growing sport. Google studies about fastest growing sports, it's either basketball (it's even getting more popular in India, second fastest growing sport there after football with 4m players right now) or MMA, when they consider number of players and revenue and viewing numbers. 

    It's followed by people in whole Europe except for UK and in China (which has more people in it than India and look at the NBA players playing there now and last couple of seasons they wouldn't play there if they hadn't get money, money for NBA players means that somebody watches that and is willing to pay) and in Australia and South America and Canada. If you say otherwise, you are just as ignorant as that ranking you posted before where they didn't even know where the numbers came from :lol: I see that you live in UK, probably the only place where they think basketball isn't popular worldwide. NFL is the one followed only in the USA with small groups of fans here and there.


  6. 1 hour ago, DieselDaisy said:

    That is just because the ICC vetoed it, otherwise Twenty20 would be there, if not here now in Rio certainly for Tokyo 2020. The fact that cricket is far more popular than basketball, in terms of both viewing figures and participation, is irrefutable I'm afraid. It is basically a religion in the highly populated countries India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, the unifying 'national sport' in Australia and the Caribbean, and around the second most popular sport in England, New Zealand and South Africa. Here you will see that Cricket is second, with 2.5 billion adherents whereas Basketball is a paltry #9 with 400 million fans - basketball is barely watched outside the United States,



    " The source of the fan numbers is unknown. " :lol: Worst argument I've seen on the internet.

    Cricket won't be played at 2020 Olympics. New sports are baseball, softball, karate, skateboarding, surfing and sports climbing. Do you know why? Because cricket is only popular in 10 countries. It is like a religion there but looking at it globally it can't be higher than basketball. "Far more popular than basketball in terms of participation" statement is just laughable, you need a field for cricket to actually play it, for basketball you only need a ball and a hoop (it can be even improvised one) and 10 square meters. 

    Guys from this site did a little study


  7. 11 hours ago, PappyTron said:


    Not in terms of popularity or participation it isn't.


    That's why it's an Olympics sport, oh yeah. It isn't. Basketball is played in China, USA, Canada, Australia, almost whole continental Europe, whole South America, some countries in Africa. 

  8. 8 minutes ago, DieselDaisy said:

    How is it hate? I'm sure Glastonbury is a wonderful experience on the festival itinerary (I do not like festivals so I'm neutral but if you do like festivals, Glastonbury is apparently the one to plump for).

    I think most would acknowledge the Stones not being a 'Glastonbury band', which is why it took until 2013 for them to play the thing - same with Metallica. So yes, it is plausible that Guns could headline, just as they played Coachella. But they are still not a Glastonbury act and will not necessarily be playing to a Guns N' Roses crowd (as at Coachella) if they so decide to play Glastonbury.

    Glastonbury do not like red necky, sexist, hair bands.

    Yeah, hate was a wrong word but to use but I am going to argue that GnR are Glastonbury band. 

    The Rolling Stones had the biggest crowd ever in a history of Glastonbury in 2013 and they didn't book them before because they are expensive as fuck not because they are not a Glastonbury band. Slash played there in 2010 and got good reception playing songs from that red necky, sexist, hair band.

  9. 14 minutes ago, DieselDaisy said:

    It is not 'hate' but merely a recognition of the fact that Glastonbury is not a GN'R crowd.

    But it is. Muse is heavy (in different way than GnR :lol: ) last year Foo Fighters (canceled but still booked) year before Metallica, Rolling Stones in 2013. It's not like Glastonbury does't have rock and that's just headliners + GnR has enough hits to entertain the masses

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