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Posts posted by estrangedtwat

  1. There is no point beating around the bush, as you say in English. You are probably one of the main reasons there was a divide. You pressured people into choosing when I decided I wanted to leave. I got bored of ganging up and bullying Miser. I didn't fit in with the gang, I guess. Screaming abuse at someone in a gang until they cry isn't my idea of fun. If you wanted to stay with the people who enjoyed that, go ahead. Don't make it sound as if I had any part in your silly "team SS vs team Conor" either. I just left the group and then the rest of you ganged up on me, while a few others continued to talk to me.

    Funny, when I first joined in the calls, I was just the new guy and you were all friends. Except Miser....you fucking HATED that guy. Just ripped on him constantly. Strange to see you two as such close chums now. But after a while I got pretty bored with it too....your relentless racist "jokes" and Neo-Nazism was a real drag, so I just stopped joining the calls. I was happy to see a while later that you had left and formed a splinter Skype chat. It was a lot better without all your hate speeches. We had some really good times after you left....and your beloved SLAA even joined us occasionally. She's awesome....everyone loves her!


  2. The fact is too is that in that group, EVERYONE kisses your ass cause they're hoping to get a piece of the pie, if you get what I mean. You can deny it all you want but they follow you in lockstep, your orders and your sentiments like a hound follows a bitch in heat. What Lucrecia says goes if you want to remain in the Skype Crew; toe the line, hate who she hates or you're not invited to calls or chats anymore. It's like a clique of High Schoolers with you as the sort of bitchy cliqueish Queen Bee who all the guys kiss up to and follow in the hopes of getting something on Prom Night.

    You're silly.

    I remember when you were so enamored with Lucrecia. Telling her she looked like Betty Page....making lascivious little comments until it escalated into some truly repugnant shit involving a 14 year old girl. You sure on a high horse, acting pretty high and mighty for someone with such a scandalous past involving not only Skype but the forum itself.

    How many times were banned there? And BEGGED and pleaded to be let back? Offered money to be let back?

    You make me laugh though. Your antics never cease to entertain me.

    As for all of wanting to fuck Lucrecia? That's not how the world works son. I met her and hung out and she's a lovely human being. We messed around with dildos but I didn't fuck her.

  3. yawwwwn.

    Boring song that didn't live up to the hype.

    "fire and ice" my ass!

    Axl couldn't even be bothered to sing the titular line with proper enunciation. Hardly an epic.

  4. Well whatever floats your boat. I was less impressed with obvious trolling as I was with insightful and honest speculation on GNR's past, present and future. I liked posts by Conor and Bacardi and Cousin It and you know what? Even Miser had some good shit about Axl and GNR when he wasn't obsessing about dead movie star's facial hair.

    And then Dazey came along and he brought this awesome anti-religion argument with him and then Arnold came in with his pathetic virginity woes and how he always "blushes" around girls and shit.....sigh......good times.

  5. I can't believe that people think the defining characteristic of GNFNR was "hate." Please!

    It was a cool as shit, uncensored place to discuss the band. The REAL band. The nu band. Whatever you like, nothing was off limits except calling individuals black persons or persons....which you did ALL the fucking time Tommy!

    And it was certainly more tight-knit than this place cause there were only a handful of people posting for most of its existence and we all knew each other and got along really well for the most part, until the first great mygnr migration. but before that....man, did we have some fun and interesting and INTELLIGENT conversations about GNR, life, death, religion, politics, relationships, drugs, the infinite, etc.

    You never liked it tommy cause frankly you were too low-brow. You're simply too DUMB to engage in real meaningful conversation about anything. You didn't like being called out as the one-trick pony you are, so you came back here with your tail between your legs. Cause when you can't think of anything more intelligent to say to something you don't like other than "I hate black persons" well then yeah, you're not gonna fit in with people of a much higher level of intelligence and class.

    RIP gnfnr.....you were my favorite forum of all time.

  6. Plus, doesn't anyone else think it's pretty fucking strange that EVERY version of the songs we got on CD, from demo to demo to demo to final version, had EXACTLY the same exact vocal tracks?? (With the exception of the little change at the end of SOD....very minor.)

    If Axl was only willing to do ONE take for all these songs, why does anyone believe there are piles of unheard vocal tracks out there? Pretty crazy that in all this time, there wasn't a SINGLE alternate take of the vocal tracks from CD.

    I know I'm in the minority but I think they leaked in the order they were completed. And I don't think Sorry and Shackler's were even recorded until 2007.

  7. With Brian May you can chalk it up to just old age...not really paying attention or being emotionally invested. He probably heard the same stuff we all did, thought "hey cool" and then went on with his life.

    Robin is another story. He devoted YEARS of his professional life to this project. He was trying to reach new levels of creativity. I have no doubts he worked on several albums worth of songs. There are tales of untold HOURS of material. Riffs and hooks and rhythms. Hours and hours of the shit laid down to tape. But the problem was, none of that stuff was being turned into actual SONGS with lyrics and melodies. Robin left cause he was frustrated as hell. Same as Buckethead.

  8. The no vocals things doesn't come from guest musicians/employees that kiss Axl's ass. It comes from the dozens of frustrated producers and record company employees that were counting on Axl for over a decade to make a record so that the company they work for could pay their salaries. Like this guy, James Barber:

    How did you get involved in Guns N’ Roses?

    Nothing else had worked, so Geffen figured they’d send me in to talk to Axl after I moved to Los Angeles. We desperately wanted the new album for Christmas 1998 and I had a year to get it finished. Whenever anyone asks me about GNR, I think about Rutger Hauer’s line in Blade Runner: ‘I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.’

    No expense was spared; they were the biggest band in the history of the label and, even though everyone except Axl was gone, Geffen Records lived and breathed for another GNR album.

    The Robin Finck/Josh Freese/Tommy Stinson/Billy Howerdel/Dizzy Reed version of the album that existed in 1998 was pretty incredible. It still sounded like GNR but there were elements of Zeppelin, Nine Inch Nails and Pink Floyd mixed in. If Axl had recorded vocals, it would have been an absolutely contemporary record in 1999.

    People close to the project have since told me that I don’t know what I’m talking about, that the current version of the record in no way resembles what I heard in early 1999. That’s too bad.

    Do you think that Chinese Democracy is ever going to come out?

    I have no idea. Seven years ago, the record just needed a lead vocal and a mix. The last time I was at the studio was two days before my daughter was born. Last night she read all of ‘Hop on Pop’ to me. Some mysteries passeth all understanding.

  9. I believe that there are a handful of unfinished songs, all in instrumental form, and some of them have working titles. In fact, some of them have had the same working titles for over a decade now.

    And MAYBE, just maybe, some of them even have a few lyrics. But I sincerely doubt that any of them are completed songs with recorded vocals.

    Anything that was actually finished and recorded was released on CD in 2008.

  10. My best friend killed himself because some guy from school called him fat on facebook. It got over 300 likes and sent him over the edge.

    Well, if that's true, which I have no way to verify, (but my instincts tell me it's not) then he was really a weak dude and he obviously had much more serious problems than just people calling him fat on a website.

    What a generation of fucking PUSSIES.

  11. Oh please.

    Grow a pair.

    Being online is a choice. Every individual user chooses what sites they want to go to and what level of anonymity they want. Unlike being bullied in real life, you can escape online "bullies" with the click of a button.

    Some asshole from school leaves you a mean message on facebook? Then don't use facebook, genius! Or at least set it to private!

    Or if you record videos of yourself acting like a fucking spaz on youtube, and people relentlessly give you shit for it, isn't that pretty what you wanted in the first place?

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