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Posts posted by TombRaider

  1. Never got the hate for Don't Cry Alt Lyrics, which lyric-wise is superior to the original version imo, or for So Fine, which I consider to be a nice little ballad… but there´s no accounting for taste. Anyway, the worst GnR original song for me would probably be Bad Obsession. I've never really liked it. Don't know why.

  2. I voted Don't Cry, but not because I am a die hard GnR fan, which I'm not. It's just that I can still listen to Don't cry these days, even after 21 years and I still love it. It still does it for me. But I cannot listen to Hey Jude anymore without being bored out of mind. I did go through a very long Beatles phase years ago. I'd listen to them on a daily basis, but I think I listened to Hey Jude one time too many. It's… I don't now…

  3. Long: well, I'm sorry you have such a hard time concentranting for more than 60 minutes. I guess you´ve missed out on the Godfather trilogy and Schindler´s list and Gone with the Wind, to name a few, on account of those movies being long.

    Silly: why? because of the love story? Oh… God forbid people fall in love and/or someone makes a movie about a somewhat cheesy, albeit not that annoying, love story


  4. Why are we talking about movies? Anyway I didn´t give a flying fuck about Avatar because I hate James Cameron since he made that cheesy, boring and moronic soap opera movie called Titanic.

    I can say that CD was also big disappointment to me as Titanic was. But I still have faith in Axl. I will never give up on him

    Titanic boring? LOL x 100

  5. 1. Original GNR was a once-in-a-generation "perfect storm" of several people with unusual creative ability to create a whole that is superior to the sum of it's parts. One part of that equation is W. Axl Rose - who is a musical genius I think - but in terms of recreating that whole - he is simply one part.

    This man speaks the truth.

  6. I've never seen the show but I keep reading this thread. I don't have time for TV so this is probably as close to enjoying the show as it will get.

    There are a couple of free TV streaming sites out there. PM me if you wanna know what they're called. I'm sure you'll have a couple of hours to kill every now and then… The show is worth it… sometimes… XD

  7. True. Can someone who's read the comic spoil what's to come in TWD?

    how far do you want to go ahead? :lol:

    after the prison falls

    the group gets separated carl and rick end up in some small town, where rick is banged up(in the comics he was shot in the stomach) so carl basically has to take care of himself and becomes quite the badass. rick and carl reunited with maggie and glen who have been staying with the rest of the survivors at hershels farm. (you also meet some new characters here) eventually you find out the new characters are heading for washington dc because one of the characters says he knows what caused the outbreak.

    if you want to go even further.. :lol:

    as the group marches towards washington DC they run into some cannibals called the hunters, that starts another mini sub plot to the story. after the hunter storyline reaches its gory end, the group marches towards washington dc and about 6 miles from washington dc they meet a new character that leads them to a huge community called the alexandria safe zone(which we know amc will milk for all its worth

    Cool, thanks ;)

    Is that where the story end? Do they ever find out where the zombie thing comes from?

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