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Posts posted by TombRaider

  1. Yeah. But it'd be stupid for her to be pissed at someone else, cause the Governor is already dead.

    Wanna know what I think? I think we don't need a Season 5. I think the remaining episodes should be it. Whatever's gonna happen, needs to happen in Season 4.

    I don't see what else can happen in TWD considering the fact that AMC does not seem to be willing to spend enough money to bring back the badassery of Season 1… or the original writers... and that, like I said before, chances are we'll get yet another stronghold and the episodes will drag on forever with pointless bickering about random shit no one gives a rat's ass about, imho.

    So let this Season be it and let's get on with our lives without TWD.

  2. Just watched it online and I thought it was pretty good. Wait… did they kill the baby? Omg… that was badass…. I'm sure the Governor is dead, there's no way he could've survived the sword and being shot. I mean, don't bring him back. Let's move on. I guess it'd make sense for the survivors to find yet another place and try to settle down and try to star over. That's what people would tend to do. I guess.

    Why do we have to wait till February again? I've never understood mid-season breaks. Seems sorta stupid to me… anyway… I have no patience.

    Why did Hershel have to die? That was a horrible moment, albeit a great one in a TWD kind of way.

    Why did the chick the Governor was banging shoot him again? I didn't get that. Yeah, she saw he was a bad guy and shit, but shooting him in the head, presumably? I don't know. Seemed sorta out of character to me.

    The tank was badass, the kids killing that (Hispanic?) chick was badass too, the final Carl-Rick scene was touching too and I sure as hell hope Maggie doesn't die.

    You know what TWD needs? A badass rape scene, or child molestation or I don't know… something truly fucked up.

  3. Sometimes I've wondered if the TWD writers have really no idea what to do with the story. Like, they have a general idea of what to do, a blurry sketch if you will, but they keep changing things and rewriting and arguing over what should happen depending on how the Internet reacts and what the so called hardcore fans are into.

    I got a totally different feeling when watching Breaking Bad. I got the impresión that the script writers had a pretty good idea of what was going to happen and why.

    Otherwise I don't understand the random zombie fodder characters, the never-ending prison episodes, which unfortunately remind me way too much of the farm episodes.

    Besides, here are a couple of questions I have:

    1. If this is a zombie apocalypse and it's been, what?, a year since the shit hit the fan, well, shouldn't some of these characters have lost some serious weight? I know there's got to be a lot of shelf-stable food all over the place, but when you look at the characters, it's as if they're all eating three nourishing square meals every day, which I doubt or which shouldn't be the case after the shit has hit the fan. You'd think some of them would've lost a least a few pounds by now. Watch Season 1 and compare the way the looked back then with the way they look now… almost no changes. Maybe I'm nitpicking, but I don't know.

    2. What about their hairstyles? Is there an overexpensive hair saloon somewhere near the prison? Who the hell does Carol's hair? I mean… let's see, it's been over a year or almost a year, there are no hair dressers inside the prison that we know of, so… we must assume they're all doing their own hair or cutting their own hair, shouldn't that reflect on what their hairstyle is like? I know I'd do a terrible job.

    All I'm saying is that the fact that the world is no longer what it is and the fact that they can't possibly be eating as much or as healthy as they used to, that should somehow show, don't you think? At least it'd all add to the illusion of the world no longer being what it once was. I guess.

    3. more to come XD

  4. It's so sad that here he are… talking about the private lives of people we have absolutely nothing to do with, when we should be talking about music (all because of the lack of it, of course)… (sigh)

    Next up:

    Does Perla wish she'd married BBF?

  5. I wish the Walking Dead had better writers. While Season 1 was one hell of a ride, I feel the show went off the rails around Season 2, with the boring farm episodes. I usually lurk around the oficial TWD forums and it's funny how people who bash the show are insulted by hardcore fans. Every thread bashing the show is pretty much like this:

    A. This is boring.

    B. Why? Not enough zombies for you? This is a show about people and not about zombies.

    A. Yeah? Why is it called the Walking Dead then?

    B. You must be a 10 year old if you don't get it. It's all about character development, not about zombies. Go watch Resident Evil if you want zombies in this zombie show.

    A. Whatever...

    The way I see it, the problem is that TWD has terrible writers. It's true that you don't need tons of violence to create a good show and that characters do need to be developed, but… the writing in TWD is not interesting, at all. It all feels like such a wasted opportunity.

    Take Breaking Bad or Game of Thrones for instance.. great characters and even better writing. And Game Of Thrones has long scenes with people sitting around and talking… about crowns and swords and kingdoms and dragons… it could all be VERY corny and cheesy, but it's not. Why? Because of the writers. It's as if TWD writers didn't know what to do or where to go from here. Why didn't they just follow the comics? I've never read them, but I've read online that they're great. So why not follow them in the first place? Why take an original idea and change it around so much to the point where you're just fucking it all up? I don't know.

    I guess it makes sense for people in a zombie apocalypse to stay in a single place and for random people to get together in groups and try to survive. Yes. It'd be stupid to be walking around all the time trying to get yourself killed. But the problem here is that the stories, the dialogues and the characters are not that interesting. It's hard to be emotionally invested in a show where you just want your main characters to die so that the plot can move forward. And I also think that killing Shane, is that how you spell it?, was a huge mistake. He added tension to the show. Now Rick, who has one of the best characters in Season 1, has become boring and sorta meaningless to the whole thing, imho.

    I think this pic sums it all up.


    I've heard their budget was cut in half when Season 2 started and that one of the main script writers quit or was fired… which, if true, would explain why the show now feels like a Mexican sopa opera with your occasional zombie.

    And am I the only one who feels that the zombies are not much of a threat now? In Season 1 and maybe until the midseason break in Season 2, I thought the zombies were really scary and a real threat. Like, you felt a sense of danger whenever one would show up on screen. It was like OMG !!! Run! They're gonna kill you! Run! But now, or ever since they learned how to deal with the zombies, they're no longer threatening, except for those rare occasions when the script requires zombies to be a threat because a character has to die, usually a new character. Other than that, the zombies are easily killed.

    For instance, the scenes where the prison guys kill the zombies at the fence are boring. They're so easily killed that… I don't know, what's the point? Shouldn't zombies still feel like a threat in a show about surviving after a zombie apocalypse? If the zombies were still a real threat, I think we'd all feel more tension watching this show and that could only help make TWD more interesting and worth watching.

    There's something wrong with your zombie show when your zombies are so easy to kill. I don't know.

    I keep watchin it though… yeah… because I like zombies. Zombies are awesome, but I really hate the characters… except for The Governor and the redneck, whose name I can't remember right now. Even the Chinese guy has become a boring character.

    People talk and talk and talk. And talking is not the problem, the problem is that the conversations and not that interesting to begin with. And don't get me started on the obvious zombie fodder… new characters are introduced and killed in the same episode. Is this supposed to make us, the audience, feel that anyone can die? well, that's a poor attempt at tension and suspense. Because it's obvious that:

    A. Hi. I'm the new guy in town. Can I join you guys?

    Rick. Sure.

    A. Gee Thanks !

    Rick. No problem. Can you go on a supply run with one of our black characters?

    A. Sure. Can I get a gun?

    Rick. No. No guns. Guns kill.

    A. Ok.

    (zombies kill new guy and the black character).

    Rick. Man I miss Lori.

    • Like 1
  6. -I still have no fucking clue what the phone message in KOHD is supposed to mean. :shrugs:

    - I think Don't Cry Alt Lyrics blows the original version out of the fucking water.

    - My English improved considerably after memorizing GnR lyrics and lookin' up 75% of the words.

    -I still think it's 1991 and that UYI just came out.

    -I cannot believe it's no longer 1991 and that that was such a fucking long time ago.

    -I still get goosebumps when I watch the NR video and Slash plays the final solo while standing on Axl's piano.

    • Like 4
  7. -While I'm a fan of old GnR and sorta like CD, I cannot believe all we can do now is talk about:

    1. Feuds we have nothing to do with.

    2. Albums that came out 5 or 22 years ago.

    3. Things that could've happened or should or shouldn't have happened.

    4. What Axl does or doesn't do in his private life.

    5. Axl's surrogate family. People we don't know, let alone have anything to do with, whose motivations for doing or not doing stuff are unknown to 99.9% of GnR's fanbase.

    6. Towels, sauces.

    7. whether Ashba copies Slash or viceversa.

    8. How evil Slash is.

    9. Reunion now.

    I mean… jeez… you'd think a band such as fucking GUNS N' ROSES, once hailed as the most dangerous band in the world, which ruled the music industry at some point… would give us more (entertaining) stuff to talk about.

    I usually come here for the lulz. But in my mind, I just want new music or a reunion.

    I couldn't care less about towels, sauces, Erin selling old love letters, which is a bitch move imho, what BBF or Ashba are up to while the band does nothing, if Axl drinks or not, if Axl is in shape or not.

    That's the sort of stuff you talk about once boredom sets in.

    Whose to blame? I don't know.

    I'm just a fan. I want music. Period.

    My (unrequested) 2 cents.


    I'm also a Metallica, Megadeth and Iron Maiden fan. But I'm much more emotionally involved in GnR than in any of those bands, because GnR was the first band I ever listened to or became a true fan of.

    I wish GnR, whether in its current incarnation or the classic lineup, would give us 1% of what Metallica give their fans.

    Being a GnR fan is like… I don't know… can't find the words. But as much as I like the songs that were released 22 or 5 years ago, there are only so many times I can listen to SCOM or NR or YCBM or (enter random GnR song), before I'm like (yawn).

    One thing's for sure, though, we are one faithful and extremely patient (stupid?) fanbase.

    • Like 2
  8. While I thoroughly enjoy CD, even the tracks I'm not really into, I wouldn't go so far as to call it a masterpiece. I mean, I feel words like masterpiece and flawless are thrown around way too easily these days. It's like, everything we like is a masterpiece… eh… no, it's not. It's ok.

    If it's just a masterpiece, why did it elicit such a meh reaction? Why isn't it hailed, outside of these forums, as such? as a masterpiece?

    AFD is masterpiece. Master of Puppets is a masterpiece, Rust in Peace? Sure. Piece of Mind? Sure. CD? I don't think so.

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