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Posts posted by jman2000

  1. apparently Axl asked the fans what they thought of Oh My God, and they all tore into the song (and him)

    Sorry don't quite get what you mean by tore into... like criticized?

    Correct. Totally ripped on both him and the song, thus the good ol' "The Internet is a big garbage can" at Rio.

    Hmmm so if these people wouldn't have f'd it up.... we could have had an album earlier and possibly 2 by now. Also probably a lot of the older industrial songs he has. Also, has anyone ever thought about if Axl could even sing like he did in Oh My God anymore? I mean it is a very different voice from how he normally sounds.

  2. The letter is clearly the lyrics to the General.

    Where's Andre to read it to us when we need him, huh?

    And what about that forum Axl used to post on the late 90s? I think his username was Felix, the Cathouse, right? And then some crazy girl posted his real phone number and everything got shut, right?

    LOL nice one about Andre. He's a tool for doing that shit. And anyone got anymore info on this forum he posted on? I never heard about that before....

  3. please dont post links from rip-off bootleg-sellers, its a shame that fans still have to deal with people selling stuff they dont even own or had anything to do with the release/leak from a band they're supposely fan from. my advice: ask/look around and you'll get the for free.

    now if Marc would ever release something of his vaults i'd be one of the first buyers for real, and i hope other GN'R fans would do the same!!

    Question for Marc if you've heard the RAPIDFIRE demo back then? it was supposed to be released and that sadly got cancelled in 2012....its such a mess, shame and brutal knock to classic Guns fans that we rarely ever get anything officially released old band related. and keep in mind that they've filmed all the UYI tour professionally. why MTV didnt re-broadcast "The Ritz 1988" or wont broadcast it on 02/02/2013 as 25th anniversary sucks, a lot. hell, even Duff and Slash are ok with officiall old band releases, just the Axl camp is stopping about ANYTHING old band related, the period which made him multimillionaire in the first place. i dont get it.....

    Sorry man, but actually that cd is one that person put together. The rest are fakes. And the Rapidfire ones have been cancelled and probably never released for a few reasons. You can read the story at www.rapidfire1983.com.

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