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Posts posted by T.wa.T

  1. I still think its the best hard rock record ever made.

    What's great is all the back stories about the band. Where they came from, how they met, what they did together etc.. All of it adds to the greatness of Appetite.

    I always looked at LIES as an extension of AfD. I love that album to.

    Marc would it be fair to say that they were just going with the flow and not really aware of what Appetite became?? Did you ever talk with Slash or Axl about how important AfD was to so many people?

  2. Hey Marc,

    Where you able watch them record any of the songs for Appetite and or LIES? Or the demo for Live Like a Suicide?

    If so can you explain what the 'vibe' was?

    Can you tell us what it was like to see and hear Axl recording his vocals!

    Or maybe seeing Slash your best freind recording his guitar parts?

    When Appetite was finished and released, were they concerned that the album wasn't taking off?

    Also about Lies, do you know if they ever considered doing the acoustic version of November Rain for that, or if any other songs were being considered that didn't make it.

    Did they ever want to call the albums anything different then what it became?

    Thanks alot Marc.

  3. Nothing ever really grabbed me by these guys when I tried to get into them.

    Any suggestions on what I should check out?

    Off of their first album called Undertow: Sober, Prison Sex, 4° Undertow. The whole album is great.

    Off of Aenima: Eulogy, 46&2, Jimmy, Push it, aenima, Third Eye, Stinkfist. Another awesome record.

    Off of Lateralus: the Grudge, the Patient, Schism, Parabola.

    First half if this one is awesome but slows for the second half.

    10,000 Days has some good tunes but I would start above. If you like them then youll like 10,000 Days.

    Musically TOOL is as good as it gets. All of them are great musicians. Lyrically Maynard is out there and it takes sometime to figure out what hes singing about. I cant explain it but they are into obscure religions.

    I saw them do a bunch of club shows in NYC for the aenima tour and again for Lateralus. Freaking amazing, each show was great.

    When they moved into arenas, the shows lost a bit of their power, like you would expect to find in the smaller clubs, but visually and sound wise, Amazing.

  4. Marc when you listen to their songs, are you able to pick out little hidden meanings or references to people, places or happenings that you guys experieced. Or do you hear the songs like Aerosmith were you might know the basic idea of who or what the song is about but not specifically?

    Like can you listen to Its So Easy or Back of Bitch and say to yourself, I know who Axl is singing about and what hes talking about, where as We would only know very basic things about who the songs are about.

  5. Thanks Marc.

    Wow, thank God Duff hung on!! I totally agree that only those five guys could have made all those great songs and the rest of Appetite n LIES. Theres seems to be so many small miracles that made Guns n Roses possible. With all the members coming and going from LA Guns to Hollywood Rose etc...its really amazing that they found each other in a musical sense.

    Are you a fan of LA Guns? Cocked n Loaded was the only album of theirs I owned. I really really like, the Ballad of Jane, great song.

    That's cool that Tracii understands it just wasn't meant to be. Must be tough. Rob Gardner must kick himself once in awhile to, lol.

    Taime's career is very similar to Axls. Obviously not as successful but he started a whole new version of Faster Pussycat, with an industrial sound. He tours with all different band members and gets the same, its not Fastet P, as Axl does with GnR.

    I asked about him because like Axl, he seemed different than the other singers from there. He seems cool anyways. Didn't know he ran the Cathouse with Rikki, that's pretty cool.

    Thanks again man \m/

  6. I think the album should of had more rockers. It would have been a good way to re~establish and introduce the new band to new fans and old. Although members quiting wouldn't have been good no matter what they released.

    Chinese Democracy sits well right next to the Illusion albums though. Imo, they should have released 2 singles before the actual release. Better would have been the best choice for the lead single followed by The Blues. Casual fans and old fans would have heard the best of both sides prior to buying the album. I think that would have helped sales. Not that that really matters to die hards.

    I wouldn't have done videos for either. I would have saved a video release for probably Shacklers Revenge, Prostitute and finally Chinese Democracy. That would still leave a bunch of good songs for the album for first time listeners like Twat, Sorry, Madagascar, This I Love etc....

    For me, the album has gotten better over time. I loved it when it first came out, played it all day long. Not as much now, but when I do I'm really happy with it. Probably because I know it so well and it has slowed down in my head, if that makes any sense.

    TIL, good song but not single material. Way to overdone for a radio single.

  7. To me it will always be:

    1. Steven Tyler

    2. Axl Rose

    3. Freddy Mercury

    4. Robert Plant

    5. David Lee Roth

    And the rest is history! In terms of singing.

    In terms of showmanship then i would have to put David Lee Roth in the first place as he's the real deal and Tyler at 2nd place.

    David Lee Roth is a performer not a singer. He's a horrible singer.

    Umm, the Rage Against the Machine vocalist is a monster, not to mention the real deal in terms of what he was doing with his band. Did you know he took part in violent protests? He wasn't just some asshole musician talking about changing the world. He was living his songs.

    But yeah, metal? Freddie Mercury? Axl could have existed as a metal singer, but he's sooooooooo much more than that. He literally has the best range out of anyone I've heard. And Robert Plant? Robert has a range, I can't say he ever really explored it though. He's just a monster in the highs and can pull of Elvis decently

    Robert wasn't even a singer in that sense...he was just up there doing what he did and had a band that did what they did and it fit together magically somehow. Robert would have been shit in most other bands, trying to sing the way he was singing, I mean.

    When your natural singing voice is a baritone and you're successfully pulling off Jungle and Sweet Child, not to mention Prostitute and Twat, then you can claim range.

    Zach is a rapper. Or a street poet, not a metal singer or a rock singer.

    Doesn't mean he sucks. Hes great for what RAtM does.

  8. I didn't realise that the band London had so many guys who would go on and become successful to.

    Wasp, Gnr, Motley, Cinderella and a few others all had band members that went on to better bands. Funny thing is London didn't get anywhere until after they all moved on. Granted it was only minimal success.

    Marc, did you ever meet Blackie Lawless? I've read that Axl was friends with him and really liked him as a performer.

    Thanks Marc

  9. Marc, I was wondering if you could give you're thoughts on these guys.

    Taime Down~ From Faster Pussycat. Where you guys freinds with him? I know they toured together, but I was curious if he and Axl had a good relationship. I'm pretty sure FP had some members come and go through LA Guns early on, like GnR.

    Rikki Rachtman~ Can you tell us how he became freinds with the band? Was it through the Cathouse, or before that? Also, is it true that Axl got him his job at Mtv?

    Tracii Guns~ When GnR took off was he mad at all, or jealous that Axl became so well known? I'm sure there was some jealousy towards Slash, but what about Axl. Did Axl ever consider him to be as good as Slash, to where he might ask Tracii to replace him back in the 90's?

    Thanks Marc.

    Did Tracii ever contact Izzy after he left GnR to see if he was interested in joining LA Guns?

  10. Axl is still one of the most talented rock singers alive on the planet today, so I hope not.

    I have no doubt he has several quality albums left in him. It's just a matter if him and Beta want to share that music with his millions of fans.

    OMG! Mark down this day. I actually agree with everything you said.

    I never thought the day would come that we would agree on anything GNR or Axl.



    TWAT - nobody is saying Axl should give daily updates via phone calls.

    How about spending 5 minutes every three months giving fans an update? That's 20 minutes a year. Seems fairly reasonable?

    I totally agree man. I've suggested that a few times here and there, seems totally reasonable.

    I wonder what their fan club was like during the Appetite and LIES days. In the sleeves to those albums there are addresses for fans to write to.

    Of course there are the times where things are said by the band or management and they don't come through, its disappointing. I just don't think its fair for us to judge them on things that we don't know about. At least in a negative way. I'm guilty of it depending on the issue, but not in this case.

  11. "Is Axl Rose done putting out music?"

    all things considered, right now it definately looks like that!

    How so?

    Where has that been said? They just got done touring. Since when do bands release an album right after they get off tour?

    Multiple band members have hinted at new music later this year or early next. Fernando said they have plans for something in the next few months.


    - there is no news on ANY new music coming!! if you trust anyone close to/in the Guns camp when it comes to releases....you have lots of time left to learn!!

    - these hired line-up never managed it yet to write and record together

    - there is a strong possibility that Guns will tour early next year, Bumble wouldnt cancel any of his dates unless Axl is goin on yoi.

    so, you tell me....you think there will be new music officially be released before 01-02/2014? you think Axl is goin to release 5 more records this lifetime? Get real, he isnt Yoda!! though i might think he believes he will get as old as Yoda.

    and further: wanna bet that Axl already has it signed(!!) by TB that about nothing will be released after his death?

    Again, they just stopped touring.

    Should Axl be giving you a personal phone call everyday to let you know what he s doing? Get grip, after they are done resting a bit, because they just got done touring, Im sure we'll hear something more definitive. Until then making stuff up and saying theyre done or Axl isn't recording anymore, is just pointless and not true.

    How many times does it have to be said, just because you don't know, doesn't mean its not happening. Your not supposed to know until the band and label want you to know. That's how they build interest in the product, by making us wait.

  12. "Is Axl Rose done putting out music?"

    all things considered, right now it definately looks like that!

    How so?

    Where has that been said? They just got done touring. Since when do bands release an album right after they get off tour?

    Multiple band members have hinted at new music later this year or early next. Fernando said they have plans for something in the next few months.

  13. Just an idea we decided to run by you, we've been looking at designs for a forum shirt and one design we all really liked was the one posted here.

    It was submitted by Sabbath on behalf of someone he asked to come up with a design.

    We thought it might be a good idea to pitch it as part of a possible new banner design, in terms of a central focal point (with the mygnrforum logo off to the side).

    If anyone would like to use the design in a banner creation, feel free to have a go at it.

    It would be a nice tie in to have that in a banner and also use it for the shirt design.

    Here it is...


    this would be cooler if you had another picture of Axl from the club days on the left side

    • Like 1
  14. I think the argument happened in Ohio or Indiana maybe? Axl had gone back stage to change and the crowd was getting restless and a little edgy, because of the past rioting, so Slash made a comment to then to chill out, that Axl was doing something.

    Doug n Axl misheard what was said and decided Slash insulted Axl somehow. When Axl came back onstage he called Slash a punk motherfucker and told him he was gonna kick his ass. Slash was confused and was like, what, what did I do? After a minute or so of back and forth they went into the next song. It was crazy.

    Its on youtube. Ill post it in a little while.

  15. Do you recall if there was a noticeable change amongst the band when they came home after the Appetite tour? I would imagine they needed some space, which is natural, what I mean is, were they beginning to separate from Axl because of what they percieved as him being controlling?

    Finally, did you notice any of the above happening when they came home from the Use Your Illusion tour? They must have been sick of each other by now for sure, manager and all.

    One other thing. Did Slash ever talk to you about the time Axl threatened to kick his ass onstage? Doug n Axl thought Slash said something to the crowd but Axl misheard it. When Axl returned to the stage he got into it with Slash. I believe Axl appologised after the show when he listened to what Slash said.

    Thanks again Marc. Really appreciate it.

  16. Did you think that Alan Niven had their best interest more then Doug Goldstein?

    Did either of them make a legit effort to keep them from falling apart?

    Did the band themselves even notice that things were coming apart and just chose to ignore it, hoping it would fix itself?

    Thanks again Marc.

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