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Posts posted by ChineseDemocracy2004

  1. Slash and axl patching things up is marvellous, perhaps axl was being slightly foul towards slash back in 2001 and 2002 because he wanted his new incarnation to go without any draw backs of the past i dont know if that makes sense. But both of them having somewhat peace with each other is promising.

    As for the izzy thing hooray, two great buddies re re united...izzy went to axls and talked to him in 2001? didnt he? and now they are speaking again...id love to know what about, so if all the original fellas are on good terms with each other then bring on a reunion...

    But of course thats not on their minds probs at this very moment, or it could be a thought in the back of there heads, i think axl wants cd released and to work well with what he has now and then have a reunion with the old guys and say robin richard etc could clap them on stage or something like that

  2. What a read!!!!!!!!!!!

    Im really excited about this, but i hope what gunsguy is saying isnt true, 2007? no way.....2006!!!!!

    26 songs done and dusted, 13 for the album and another 13 to spare....that could be two albums

    "People will hear music this year,"

    Oh i hope he means cd i really do hope its coming this year, and as for praising slash and talking to izzy that was just wow

  3. Alot of people like and dislike the wttj from rio in 2001, me i don't know the opening scream is mindblowing but it makes the rest of the song suffer...vocally, and the bit where axl says "you know where you are" etc its a lil bit early....

    short summary

    good intro

    average performace

    good outro

  4. no way axl would want slash back in gnr. remember the "slash is in my asshole, that's where he is" comment?

    True, that quote is nearly 4 years old and who knows what view they have on each since then, in that radio interview a few days ago slash said there's "no bad blood between them" or something like that, maybe that was an icebreaker

    anyway slash is happy with vr, axl is continuing the opus we call gnr in one form or another, i cant see anything like a reunion anytime soon, but before gnr is ended forever then a reunion is possible

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