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Posts posted by sword&tulipz

  1. I remember during "Making F'N Videos" for Don't Cry they showed him after he filmed the scene where he's sinking downward into the pool and he was crying. I'm too lazy to find it.

    Really? I dont see any tears here...Anyway, is Axl's favourite word gnarly? :tongue2:

  2. Different taste i guess, i love the low loud, thats one of my favourite Axl voice. I can agree a bit with the end of the song, but then its back to high-note, more effort and strain on his voice. When he can sing it with what you so fittingly described as a low loud voice I think it sounds really good

  3. I find the 2013 performance of Patience to be of very good quality, pretty similar to his voice in the 80s/90s. Seems like this song is the best for his voice nowadays or the song that sounds most like it did in the 80s/90s. I guess it doesnt require as much high notes as some other songs. Anyway it sounds really good even in 2013

  4. I think he just about broke down at the end of Paradise City at Rock in Rio 3 while he was talking about Beta, etc.

    Yeah, I was thinking about that one too, coming close I guess

    You mean this one?

  5. Just wondering Axl being such an emotional guy (esp. anger) is there any photo/video of him crying? I guess we have seen him sad/ depressed, angry/aggressive and also in a good mood, but I cant remember seeing him crying

  6. Fake article trying to imitate the Onion but doing a rather poor job of it. Metal Sludge is just terrible. It had its "heyday" in the early to mid-2000s and even then it was a site where you just laughed at the users more than the material.

    Why are you posting a fake story from years ago?

    I was not even aware it was fake, but anyway it was just for fun. It could well have been a true story though in line with what we know about Axl's character

  7. Read this story and ask yourself why it takes so long for a new album to be released LOL


    By Buddy Nichols - Sunday August 1st, 2010 @ 08:05pm PST

    MALIBU, CA -- It was 7:30am when Axl Rose "called it a day" and climbed into the lower deck of his custom-made fur-lined bed inside his PRIVATE Canyon estate.

    "We had just gone to sleep when we heard this loud, constant buzzing sound," said Rose's longtime friend and roommate, Sebastian Bach. "I looked down from the top bunk at Axl and we were both like... Mexicans?"

    Their hunch was correct as Rose and Bach stepped outside to confront a landscaping crew that were working on the lawn of Rose's neighbor.

    "Axl was possessed with anger," said Rose friend and roommate, Sebastian Bach. "He was ready to take these guys down.. and I don't mean to Paradise City."

    After exchanging a few angry words with the crew, Axl and Bach quickly fled back into the safety of Rose's house.

    "He came out in this furry robe," recalled gardner Carlos Gutierrez. "He was like 'are you the motherfuckers with the lawn blowers?' I said 'what's it to you, fatass?'" At that point he threw some half-assed karate kick and ran away saying something like, "Thanks to you the whole fucking tour is off."

    Soon after Rose called his manager Doc McGhee and demanded that all the dates for the upcoming Guns 'N Roses shows be canceled - starting with the New Mexico gig.

    "I had to calm Axl down and remind him that New Mexico is a state and not a country," laughed McGhee. "He took a few Xanax and a nap and he was back to his old nutty self. The tour is still on."

    Hahahaha could be those damn leafblowers fault :rofl-lol:


  8. But don’t take that to mean Rose has any plans for a reunion. In fact, as he told Roberts, “There is no plan yet. There really is no plan. We’re still busy with this lineup. We’re gonna be busy — we’re gonna be busy all next year. We’ll be putting out new stuff as soon as we can figure out what our deal is with labels, blah blah blah.”

    So releasing new music is a matter of label issues? What are the issues with the label?

    The quote is from:


  9. Never saw that video before. Thanks for posting.

    Not sure what the people towards the end were saying, and it was stupid how they dubbed the live audio with the studio audio and tried to make it sound live, but overall a neat video.

    I wonder if the gym equipment still gets set up.

    It was basically some mixed reviews. One saying Axl sounded surprisingly good, others asking for Slash, while a girl moaned about the late entrance. The last guy said they sounded better than ever.

  10. Dont know if you have seen this before, but it gives an insight into the backstage area and what the band is provided with on concerts. I noticed that there was an oxygen thing for Axl so I guess the rumours are true about that.

  11. Reviews are meaningless. The reviewer might hate Thai food, which I love. Or he might love gansta rap, which I hate.

    Agreed, but they can give you some insight to the subject though

  12. As said, it depends a lot on the country and on the type of show.

    Biggest GNR audience since 2009 was Rock in Rio on 2011 for 100 thousand.

    But, on GNR-only was Asuncion, Paraguay, on October 2011 as well, for 70 thousand.

    70 000?! Now thats a lot! rock3

  13. So what kind of attendance does G n R get on their concerts these days? Are they sold out? Whats their biggest attendance in recent years (except RIR)?

    What about the Vegas residency?

    I have also noticed G n R are doing concerts in countries/ cities they have not been to before. Clearly this must be a marketing strategy by management to raise attendance as people in those new places have not been able to watch the band before and therefore there would be a chance of a big crowd in their concerts, ie Indonesia, India.

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