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Posts posted by OmarBradley

  1. On 1/3/2018 at 12:04 AM, luciusfunk said:

    Think I'm gonna rank them finally.

    Return of the Jedi

    The Empire Strikes Back

    Revenge of the Sith

    A New Hope

    The Phantom Menace

    Attack of the Clones

    Rogue One

    The Last Jedi

    The Force Awakens

    Switch TFA and TLJ and this is literally my list.

    On 1/3/2018 at 12:41 AM, downzy said:

    The problem with TLJ is that it makes me reevaluate TFA.  I enjoyed TFA for what it was suppose to do: set the table, pose questions, introduce new characters, roughly outline what Luke, Leia, and Han have been up to for 40 years.  But with TLJ seeming not to give a shit about what TFA was, it kind of makes the first film in this new trilogy kind of irrelevant.  I still say it's more fun than TLJ with Han and Chewie in it, but it's disappointing that many of the setups within TFA are ignored or given poor follow-through in TLJ.

    Yeah that's one of the things I was looking for in TLJ: context. It did not mesh well with TFA at all. TLJ didn't feel like part of a trilogy, it felt like a standalone movie trying to fit into an overarching meta/plot (and a plot that isn't exactly coherent or clever).

    On 1/3/2018 at 1:23 AM, AslatIE said:

    They should've hired all writers and directors years ago, and written an outline for the trilogy way before TFA even went into production, instead of having directors with opposing views mucking the story up.

    The material on what happens post ROTJ is already there... oh wait. Thanks Disney.

    On 1/3/2018 at 2:17 AM, downzy said:

    I thought that was the responsibility of Kathleen Kennedy, who oversees Star Wars for Disney. 

    So far nothing from Lucasfilm after being purchased by Disney can be considered great. Rogue One was decent, TFA was fun but now kind of pointless, and TLJ exposes a total lack of concern for continuity and consistency with respect to the new trilogy and iconic characters like Leia and Luke Skywalker. 

    I’d still be in favour of someone more competent someday redoing the whole series from episode 1 through 9. Map things out, invest in great scripts, adhere to one aesthetic and tech environment, lock in actors for the entire series. Star Wars is a great concept but too few of the films are all that great. Empire and parts of Jedi and a New Hope are fantastic, but everything else save for Rogue One has been either a disaster or undermined but subsequent films (TFA). I’d like to see a fresh start with a new cast, new ideas, better execution, and stronger and more cohesive narrative arcs.  Some films would like Empire would only need small and simple tweaks, whereas the prequels need a complete overhaul. 

    I'm conflicted on this. I like the idea of more overall coherence, but I don't like the idea of majorly touching 1 - 6.

    What you hit on though is what pisses me off. There were so many great Star Wars stories to choose from for standalone movies and a new trilogy. And Disney basically said, "No, we know better than SW fans." It can also be interpreted as: "We don't care. We're going to produce what we think will make us the most money." This is a bit over the top "big evil corporation" talk even for liberal me, but fucking with SW is grievously emotionally wrenching. :lol:

    On 1/3/2018 at 7:19 AM, Iron MikeyJ said:

    The prequels were a mess, yet they feel more cohesive and organized than the Disney trilogy does. That's REALLY telling imo.

    Out of likes. Agreed 100%.

    20 hours ago, James Bond said:

    It's a shame. The Force Awakens was a coherent and consistent film so despite relying heavily on the originals it at least offered a promising start to the new line of films. New characters, new questions, and plenty of opportunities for exploration. So far they've yet to capitalize on the momentum. Disney probably doesn't care because everything has been a commercial success, but they really made a mess.

    So far, both anthology films have had set problems, reshoots, now a change in directors, and the list continues. Han Solo is due out in May but we don't even have a poster or trailer yet. It's hard to have high hopes about the film when all signs point to disaster. Rogue One was filled with promising characters and a decent enough premise but failed to capitalize on anything it promised.

    The Last Jedi suffers from many of the same problems as Rogue One which is a terrible outcome considering it's part of the main story arc.

    I have a whole new appreciation for the prequels.

    Out of likes. Also agree 100%.

  2. On 1/2/2018 at 6:37 PM, RussTCB said:

    My thing is this; the guitar isn't much without the head & cab which are the two things that really take up space, ya know?

    Roland MicroCube is not a bad amp. Tiny, sounds decent, and cheap. I like Blackstar's 1 watt tube amps too.

    I wouldn't expect more than $200-$300 for the Line 6 stack.

    $1,200 will get you a quick sale with that LP if it's in good condition. I usually see Trads go for $1,200 - $1,800 depending on finish/specs. I'd aim for somewhere in the middle personally.

    • Like 2
  3. On 10/26/2017 at 5:00 PM, SoundOfAGun said:

    It is dead in this section at the moment! I always thought a Creamback/V30 combo would be sweet in a 2x12.

    Just saw this. And it's coincidentally relevant. I'd really like to try it in an X in a 4x12. The Creamback 75 is underrated; everyone loves the medium magnet 65, but I like the heavy 75 better. 

    But in other news, I decided I was ready to part with my R9 a few weeks ago. Put it up for sale, got a few bites not nothing solid, until an interesting trade offer came my way. I got a 2010 Clapton Custom Shop Strat, an ENGL Powerball II, and a Victory 2x12 with V30s. The Strat is sort of meh, maybe it's just not my thing - definitely going to sell it. The ENGL and the Victory are killer. I've been looking for a good V30 2x12 cab for my heads, and this deal ended up working out. The bonus is the ENGL is so awesome. I've played an ENGL Artist Edition and the Fireball 120, didn't like 'em-didn't hate 'em. I was originally planning on selling the ENGL to get some more cash... but now I don't want to. Thinking of swapping one of the V30s for a H75 too.

    Tone tower (the Marshall is at the amp doctor currently):



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    On 12/13/2017 at 2:59 PM, CheapJon said:

    Leia "supermanning" back into the ship was the absolute worst part of the movie, wasn't it? 

    It didn't sit well with me either. BUT, my years of SW gaming and book-reading are telling me there were cases of force-sensitive individuals who are not yet trained, being able to tap into the force in emergency/high stress situations. I thought it looked really kooky, and that it was an unnecessary scene - but unlike a lot of other things in this new trilogy, I did not think it inconsistent with SW lore.

    On 12/13/2017 at 4:04 PM, Amir said:

    That, and a few too many quips which undercut dramatic moments, especially for Luke.

    Yup. Avengers-style shit comedy. Doesn't fit with SW. The Disney is showing. It was sort of OK in TFA, but it bothered me more here.

    On 12/14/2017 at 4:50 AM, AtariLegend said:


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    Thought it was pretty good, but there were a few too many fake outs (characters quite clearly dying, but not actually) in places. The twists were cool, but when you do a twist reversing a twist it's silly. I thought it was cool that they didn't actually kill of Luke since he wasn't actually there, but then they go and kill him off anyway.

    Loved the Rey/Luke stuff until the final part of the story (Luke vs. First Order). The Leia stuff was cool, however I'm very surprised they didn't just kill her off. I mean they can't use cgi for her in episode IX surely.

    However the Finn section of the story was really a shaggy dog tale right? It didn't further the plot and casino subplot was the weakest section of the story.


    Agreed. If you're going to kill Leia or Finn; do it. Don't make ridiculous savior scenarios. And yeah that's my thinking... of the 3 main heroes from the original trilogy, they've killed off the two living ones, and saved the only dead one (despite her having a perfectly good reason to die: thrown into space).


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    They made the right decision killing of Smoke as a twist and I loved Ren/Kylo vs. his guards, but I'm not sure Kylo is strong enough to hold part 3 by himself as the central antagonist.

    Also liked Yoda showing up. Clearly they're making sure you know Luke's still going to be in episode IX as a force ghost.

    Agree and also liked this decision a lot. Snoke kept telling Kylo, "kill Han to complete your training," "kill Rey to complete your training." But a true Sith completes his/her training generally when... they kill their master. 

    BUT, wtf? Who was Snoke? How did he meet Kylo? Why was he super powerful? Where was he during the original trilogy? Is he Sith? Wtf? Who's the big bad guy now? Kylo? LOL. Kid can barely tie his shoes.

    I thought Yoda looked terrible. He looked better in prequels. And I didn't like him showing up. If he can just show up and freakin' call lightning down from the skies, how about helping the Resistance out a bit?

    I liked the movie. But it wasn't as good as I'd hoped. There's too much Disney, and not enough LucasFilms/Arts. 

    And, at the end of TLJ, the Resistance is nearly decimated, and they have no base. We have one film left in the trilogy. They're going to rebuild the entire Resistance AND (presumably) win the "war" all in one movie? The plot seems to be moving oddly. Perhaps there is a way it works, but I can't see it at the moment.

    And ffs, hated the very last scene. And the whole casino thing too - did not feel Star Warsy. But codebreaker guy was good. Oh and Phasma is unnecessary. 

    Random question: what happened to Luke's green lightsaber? He seemed to have it when he was training his students (the scene in Kylo's hut), but he doesn't use it at the very end vs. Kylo. I do recall he fought Vader with it in ROTJ, can't remember if he lost it there when Palpatine was torturing him (been a while since I've watched).

    • Like 1
  5. On 12/8/2017 at 7:44 PM, Zoot said:

    Skyrim may be more flushed out, but the storylines in Oblivion are better IMO. :bitchfight:

    Although, I do like the main questline in Skyrim better than Oblivion. But when it comes to the thieves guild and dark brotherhood I think Oblivion is better.


    On 12/9/2017 at 12:28 AM, Oldest Goat said:

    All the guilds are better in Oblivion tbh. You become the fucking Archmage of the Arcane university at the end of the Mage's Guild and the head honcho of the Fighter's Guild, also, the Arena.

    I like the quest when you travel into the painting!

    I'm not a Mage's Guild guy. But I thought both Dark Brotherhood and Thieves Guild were better in Skyrim. That first DB scene where you wake up in that remote hut... chilling. And I don't remember why, but one of the early quests in Oblivion's Thieves Guild really annoyed me. I can't recall if it bugged or was just annoying or I was presented with a situation that I couldn't react to in the way I wanted, but I don't think I finished Thieves Guild in Oblivion.

    And I certainly didn't finish the main story. Once you're seen one Oblivion plane, you've seen em all. To be fair, Skyrim's dungeons got a bit like this, but not as bad.

    The one thing Oblivion has over Skyrim IMO is kooky quests, like you mentioned oldest goat. I recall one early on where a woman is complaining about rats, and it turns out you have to save her rats in her basement from other predators.

  6. In no particular order:

    Far Cry 5

    Red Dead II (if there's a PC version)


    Star Citizen


    Kingdom Come: Deliverance


    Metro: Exodus

    Monster Hunter: World

    Untitled Battlefield game


    Hunt: Showdown

    EDIT: Added Crytek's upcoming game to this list. Looks really cool. And forgot to put Greedfall when originally posting.

  7. On 12/1/2017 at 7:33 AM, Oldest Goat said:

    Oblivion is better! Did you play that?


    On 12/1/2017 at 7:55 AM, Zoot said:

    Yep! Oblivion is probably my favorite of the Elder Scrolls series but Morrowind is really good too.

    No way. Skyrim is better. Oblivion is repetitive and doesn't have as much of a fleshed out crafting/gear/leveling system.

    I've never played Morrowind, but I'm eagerly awaiting Skywind.

  8. On 11/25/2017 at 4:31 PM, SoundOfAGun said:

    Even up to a few months ago, there felt like more was going on here. I think I post more in this section than I do on GNR related topics. Good news on the ep man, who is producing it? Send me the separates and I'll do some mixes for you!

    Guess I'm the producer. Just using someone's space and gear to record, and they'll probably man the computer at the time. But we haven't settled on mixing/mastering; so that would be sweet. Do stems work with any DAW? Or can they only be opened by the DAW they were recorded in? I should know the answer to this, but I don't. :lol:

    18 hours ago, AslatIE said:

    Very, very rough demo of something special :) 

    Nice lead tone, sounding Slashy. :)

    • Like 2
  9. It's funny. I don't think the events are related, but participation in this section seemed to drop quite a bit when GNR news reignited in mid-2015. Perhaps people care to actually discuss GNR on a GNR board, whereas just a few years ago there was nothing worthy of GNR discussion? 

    Anyway, I was supposed to record a 3 song EP with my new project last weekend. But our drummer injured his wrist and is still recovering; new target is to record in late December. This project has been together for several months, and we have yet to all agree on a name. Best contender right now is: Medjay. And if we go that route, we will officially (I think) become the first Assassin's Creed themed metal band. :lol:

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  10. On 11/8/2017 at 10:58 PM, downzy said:

    Appreciate the offer but I'm lazy when it comes to gaming; I just want something I can turn on and be playing a game a few seconds later.  From the late 80s to early 90s I mostly played PC games but now I'm an old man and will likely only play the odd game here and there.  

    Plus, from the reviews I've been reading the Xbox One X offers a lot of value when you factor in specs and the fact that it has a UHD Blu-Ray player.  

    Well, most of time someone plays a PC game, their PC is already on (as is the nature of a multipurpose machine). And with a SSD, loading up a game in less than 30 seconds is absolutely possible; I do it almost every day. :P 

    Even if my PC was off, I'd still confidently say from "off" to "in game" is less than 90 seconds. Would a console be a bit faster in this case? Could be, but not by a lot. 

    I assume your comment was meant to be a bit hyperbolic, but I've taken it literally anyway in an effort to recruit into PC Master Race. Our Basic registration fee is around $1K, but you can become a VIP member starting around $2K. 

    EDIT: Right, and regarding the topic. I've never played a Wolfenstein game, but I probably will pick this up when I'm done with AC/SoW.

  11. 2 minutes ago, SoundOfAGun said:

    The master volumes on the DSLs are pretty good; my DSL40C sounds nice even on 1 and a bit as the gain is all in the preamp so you don't need the power tubes to be melting before you get some dirt. The term "bedroom volume" is quite subjective though; acceptable loudness levels for me may be way too much for someone who shares a house or lives with their parents.

    The 1 watt Blackstars are good fun, I had the 5 watt but became bored of it, it had a grainy quality that couldn't help focusing on. Funnily enough, it sounded great the day I sold it! The DSL40C roars like a motherfucker!!

    Yeah bedroom levels for a homeowner vs. a kid at still at home or an apartment renter (me :() are pretty different.

    For my situation, the DSL40C was way overkill for home use (though I intended to bring it to gigs). It did have a very good MV, and I could get decent-sounding low volume tones. 

    I had the SL5 for some time as well. On 5 watt mode, it was too loud for apartment use. I kept it on 1 watt mode pretty much always. 

    In the HT1M, I swapped the Blackstar speaker out for a Celestion offering, and that made the feel much tighter and sound a bit clearer/less fizzy. And swapping preamp tubes could've done it too. I forget what the stock tubes were, but I didn't keep them. 

  12. DSL15C will be too loud for home playing. The DSL5C would be a bit quieter (and cheaper), but even a 5 watt tube amp is LOUD when you get it going with distortion.

    I've enjoyed the Boss Katana the two occasions I've gotten to play one. At that price range, the only thing I'd recommend looking at as well are the Blackstar 1 (or 5) watt combos.

    My bedroom amp is a Blackstar HT1M combo. I rarely have the master past 10/11 o'clock; tube amps are loud.


  13. 2 hours ago, DieselDaisy said:

    Soul, you simply cannot ever understand the 16th and 17th century unless you understand the theological differences between Catholicism, Lutheranism and Calvinism - and to a lesser extent Anglicanism and Anabaptism. Here is the easiest way I can put it,

    - What is 16th century European history usually named? Usually the 'Renaissance and Reformation'?

    - Who triggered the latter? Martin Luther in 1517.

    - How? He hammered his Ninety-five Theses on the door of All Saints' Church, Wittenberg  

    - What did the theses attack? They attacked the Papal sale of Indulgences.

    - What are Indulgences?

    To answer that - the only way - you would need a sensible knowledge of Western Christendom's doctrine on sin, and its quid pro quo recompense for sin.

    The answers to those questions are fairly standard material for even high school European history courses. They're certainly discussed in undergraduate history courses, as they are all major historical items from 16th century Western Europe.

    The difference between transubstantiation and consubstantiation is not a significant detail. To equate such a minor detail with indulgence selling, the name of the period, Martin Luther, etc. is a bit absurd. IMO, the question which began this argument has no place in a standard high school or undergraduate European history course. Graduate European History, perhaps. Theology/religious studies, certainly.


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  14. 18 hours ago, AtariLegend said:

    Anyone that played XV, that wants to defend XV?

    I believe its coming to PC early next year. I'll definitely play it. I thought it got good reviews though? Not amazing, but pretty good.

  15. 9 hours ago, AxlisOld said:

    I used to post in this thread plenty, but downzy being an asshat kinda turned me offa this place.

    Not sure what's going on elsewhere; I really only check the gear and video games section. I can't imagine the GNR section is at all riveting, and the last General Discussion thread I looked at had its last 3 pages completely off topic between 4 Britons arguing about who-knows-what. :lol:

    2 hours ago, AslatIE said:

    It's funny how fresh strings give me so much creative inspiration and motivation :P 

    A new set of strings always feels great. What are you using? I've been on the EB Cobalt 11s for about 3-4 years. Tried M-Steel, didn't notice anything special. Haven't tried the Paradigms yet.

    And I think I'm leaning on not getting that 2x12 cab. I just don't need it right now, and a decent deal can pretty easily be found if I do end up having a need for one. 


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