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Posts posted by itsprettytiedup

  1. I have two favorite moments of GN'R.

    1) March 22nd, 2010. Velez Sarfield stadium. Packed venue. It was the return of the band to Argentina, the country where Slash and Axl played and embraced for the last time, so the name "Guns N' Roses" was everywhere: on the streets, on the radio, on the television, on the newspaper. Axl was on fire (and mad, stopped the show a couple times like the last time in Argentina :P) and it was the first time Guns played Don't Cry in Southamerica since the '90s. I was 13 and it was my first show ever.

    2) April 6th, 2014 Ferro. stadium. The return of Duff to Guns N' Roses to replace Tommy and to Argentina with Guns since 1993. Best show ever. Duff was AMAZING and the crowd went NUTS (Amir can confirm this :lol:) with the new songs like Raw Power or Attitude. Besides, Ashba flew from the stage and landed in the crowd in Nightrain. Really crazy show.

  2. I asked this question. The show picked this one, but the main one was how did he feel playing Chinese Democracy songs in front of an audience as a GN'R member again (Argentinian crowd). Anyway, it was a good answer. Short, but good.

  3. I wanted the appettite cross too, but everyone has it so I preferred just the skulls.


    That's a temporary tattoo, right?


    Damn :wacko:

    Not to be a dick but, man, why do you think everybody else have tattooed the appetite cross and not only the skulls? Lack of imagination?

    Because what he did was something neat and different and not the same cross tattoo that everyone else typically gets?

    Why are you being so rude about his tattoo?

    I'm not being "so rude"... I was just asking him something, he's free to reply or not ...

    You asked if it was a temporary tattoo (knowing it really wasn't) and replied with "Damn" when he said it wasn't. And them asking why he got what he got instead of the cross tattoo design. Maybe it's just me, but that seems a little rude man. Just saying.

    Hummm.... let's see...

    1st, I know what I asked and I didn't knew if it was temporary or not, or I wouldn't ask it ...

    2nd, the "damn", was me being surprised with his answer ...

    3rd, I didn't ask him "why he got what he got instead of the cross tattoo design" ... au contraire, I ask him why does he think everybody else tattooed the appetite cross design"

    That's nothing rude with it. And I don't think he got a problem with his tattoo or my posts, or he would not post pics of it ... If he did that tattoo, I guess he was confortable with it and he's sure/secure of what he was doing... and it won't be a moron like me or somebody else who will make him change his mind by saying the tattoo is cool or not ...

    Maybe it's just me but, I'm suprised that you think that I was being rude with my polite questions but you didn't say a word about this:

    Maybe it's just me, but if someone asked if one of my tattoos were temporary and replied with "Damn" like you did after I said No, I might be a little offended.

    I'm not going to be offended by just an opinion. Everyone has his own point of view!

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  4. From an Argentinian fan, hadn't seen these photos before, assume they were taken in Buenos Aires last April. Duff looks like a boss.

    "You're ONE in a Million" :rofl-lol:

    Axl has the weirdest fans. Not surprised.

    Tbh I don't think it's that weird, especially compared to some of the other stuff you see. She's not being creepy in the photo and grabbing his face or anything. Think it's sweet she got to meet her favourite singer.

    This video shows when Lucy takes a picture with Axl.

  5. Just confirmed, Duff will be playing with SLASH + Gilby Clarke in Argentina.

    In what capacity? With Walking Papers? Cameo appearance? Both? Loaded? I would really dig a tour with Slash/Myles/Conspirators and Walking Papers.

    Guess with Loaded. Gilby will be playing solo with a local band called Coverheads

    Are they the same guys who did covers at the GNR show last year? I liked that band's Wicked Game.


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