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Posts posted by AdriftatSea

  1. People trip too much like 'omg, it's like every other day now!' and I guess they are kinda more frequent but like...there's always been these psycho bastards around, what did it to Dahmer, what did it to Richard Ramirez, what did it to Crippen or Dennis Nielsen or Rose and Fred West or any of em. And there's more now, yeah but we have bigger populations now too compared to like, the 60s and shit.

    At a certain point you have to realize that meds designed to medicate actual real illnesses that people have and that help them keep on an even keel are not responsible, machine tools are not responsible, there just are some cracked motherfuckers out there and when they feel like doin' someone they'll do em.

    A lot of people get a bad impression about meds and think that like, OK, they worked on em under some bullshit diagnosis and it didn't do nothing for them that that means that they're a fucked up thing per se, well they're not, there are people who are bi-polar or whatever and the shit keeps em straight and when they go off their meds for a little while they come to realise pretty fuckin' sharpish exactly why they were needed in the first place.

    Just because in some countries (not pointing any fingers cuz i dunno fuck all about this shit really, at least in terms of how the companys operate) unscrupulous pharmaceutical companies abuse the system and gear it towards profiteering don't reflect poorly on the concept of medicating anymore than if gangsters took over a local hospital that it would react badly on the institute of hospitals, it's the pharmaceutical companies themselves and their conduct thats fucked.

    Nutters in the sixties were fascinating though. They dressed up as clowns and faked injuries to pry on the young and weak.

    I think spraying bullets lacks creativity and character. If you're going to be insane, at least set yourself apart.

    Note: NSA, I do not condone the actions listed above and this response was written to generate discussion. God bless America.

    You are speaking of Gacy and Bundy. That wasn't the '60's, that was the '70's. LOL. Get your decades right Arnold! People were too busy in the '60's doing other things. They didn't have time for mass murder. (Not counting Manson, but he was atypical and he had other people do his dirty work. It's debatable whether that was mass murder too.) The '70's, not so much. The '70's sucked, lot's of time for mass murder.

  2. i wanna know more about what your blond californian

    cousin thinks

    He's my nephew. My point was he's one of those young, beautiful California college boys that the crazy guy was jealous of. He would have been really nice to him though. I think many people were nice to him. He was so full of hatred for everyone and anyone, he couldn't see it. He didn't understand boundaries either. As I said before, crazy people are just crazy. Let's hope we never understand him.

  3. A question to everyone here.. If you were this guy was you neighbor or you knew him for some other reason and saw this video, him telling his gonna kill a bunch of people, would you go and do something about it?

    Absolutely. I would go to the police and show them the video.

    Here is another video that is somewhat interesting. Like us, he is analyzing the murderer. I guess we all want to try and make sense of this. Crazy people are just crazy though.

    Here it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oybAUKZhaMA

    • Like 1
  4. Most recent films I've seen on Netflix are "Sexy Evil Genius" and "It's a Disaster". Completely different films premise wise, but the setting techniques are similar, in that both take place in one location 90% of the movie, although the latter has an entire house while the first just has a bar. I don't know why but I really like movies that do that sort of thing, kinda like "The Man from Earth". Anybody have any recommendations similar to these, setting wise?

    The Others with Nicole Kidman. A very good thriller too!

    I'll have to check it out via the disc service. Strange thing though, I've apparently already seen it since it has a rating on my profile, but while I do remember seeing the cover, I really don't remember watching it at any point. Must've liked it though, since I gave it a four out of five, haha.

    I was thinking of movies that were set in one location/house. I don't have the disc service either. It's a fantastic movie. I love thrillers!

  5. My young, blonde, california nephew wrote this on his FB page. I thought it was pretty good.

    "So like a lot of you I skimmed through Elliot Roger"s manifesto. That was one of the most depressing documents that I have ever read. The fact that there are people out there who are so wallowed up in their own wretchedness and self pity that they're able to preemptively accept failure and blame the rest of humanity is a hard concept for most to grasp. I too have harbored these feelings of depression and anger at others due to rejection, as most people have at some point in their lives. The problem with people like Elliot is that he was never actually really rejected by anyone, but he blamed others for not going out of their way for him. His descent into insanity took virtually half of his life. If you ever feel rejected or outcast. Don't go down the road that he, Eric Harris, or Adam Lanza went down. Remember that just because people don't notice you simply due to your existence, it doesn't mean that they are repulsed by you. We are for the most part good people, and the more you put the blame on us, the more terrible of a person you become."

    • Like 1
  6. Looking into my daughters eyes after she was born. She wasn't some random baby with no thought processes. She was the same intelligent person she is today. We bonded immediately. She just couldn't talk and say smart ass things to me like she does now. It was spectacular.

    If you could choose your siblings, would you choose the same people you have now to be your siblings?

    Somehow I got out of order... Thin's going to be pissed!

    My answer above was the question to, biggest high you ever had... LOL!!!! Okay... my question is...

    If you could choose your siblings, would you choose the same people you have now to be your siblings?
  7. http://www.scribd.com/doc/225960813/Elliot-Rodger-Santa-Barbara-mass-shooting-suspect-My-Twisted-World-manifesto

    I've read to just before Chapter 4. It appears he had the personality much the same as Holden Caufield, extremely self-absorbed. He also had plenty of friends up until he decided to immerse himself into the game of World of Warcraft. Just got to the part about WoW though. When he was just a child he had so much to be thankful for and he took it all for granted. He was extremely manipulative too.

  8. Most recent films I've seen on Netflix are "Sexy Evil Genius" and "It's a Disaster". Completely different films premise wise, but the setting techniques are similar, in that both take place in one location 90% of the movie, although the latter has an entire house while the first just has a bar. I don't know why but I really like movies that do that sort of thing, kinda like "The Man from Earth". Anybody have any recommendations similar to these, setting wise?

    The Others with Nicole Kidman. A very good thriller too!

  9. He was starved for that first bond of love and he could never He spent a lot of time taking all those video's expressing his loneliness. Seriously, if anyone you knew, your friends, your children, your friends children, posted video's like that, would you be in their face talking to them and not going away? Yes, yes you would. I would;

    He posted this three weeks ago:

    "I temporarily took all of my Vlog's down due to the alarm it caused with some people in my family."

    So obviously talking to him didn't help, and neither did the multiple therapists who were treating him.

    And honestly, how different is he from several members who have posted here over the years? Craving attention, completely absorbed with social media, frequently online throughout the day, posting tons of pictures of themselves, constantly talking about their loneliness and failures, etc. We've had some people post some very disturbing shit here ... so what are we supposed to do? Should the mods report it to the police every time? Fact is, 99.99% of the people who say and do disturbing things aren't going to kill anybody. They could be fantasizing, they could be trolling, they could be venting, or they could just be seeking attention with no intention of actually doing anything violent. Therefore acting on every situation isn't a reasonable option. :shrugs:

    Good point


    (Saturday 05-24-14 at 11 AM)

    ABC News is reporting that the attorney for the family of 22-year-old Elliot Rodger has confirmed he was the gunman who killed six people in Isla Vista Friday night before being killed.

    The ABC News report quotes family attorney Alan Shifman as saying that either the family or a social worker who was seeing their son alerted the authorities at least a week ago about concerns and that a police agency actually investigated and interviewed Rodger.

    Shifman says the family is devastated by what happened and offers their deepest condolences to the families of this extreme tragedy.

    The ABC News report goes on to say that Elliot Rodger had what's believes to have been a highly functional form of Asperger's Syndrome and was being treated by multiple therapists and the social worker who was the one who called the authorities and alerted them.

    Shifman says in the ABC News report that Rodger had been bullied in the past.

    The family can be devastated all they like but at what point is it not also THEIR responsibility to ensure he is not a danger to himself, let alone anyone else? It's one thing to report to authorities about his mental instability but you can't just notify some government body and thereby relinquish yourself of all responsibility. I know the guy was 22 and therefore a grown adult, but when someone is that unstable and is clearly being vocal about it (ie, meaning its visible to everyone he comes in contact with) he shouldn't be in possession of car keys, or obviously a gun. That's a simple step that could have been taken that MIGHT have prevented the deaths of 6 innocent people.

    For one, if he was my son (or even my brother) and was posing that much of a threat to himself and others that I felt it necessary to report it to the police I wouldn't allow him to be alone, I wouldn't allow him to get near a car and I wouldn't allow him the opportunity to have access alcohol or drugs.

    Families need to be more involved in the health and well being of their loved ones. Not just palm it off onto 'authorities'. I suppose that's the easiest thing to do though right, when you're a Hollywood hotshot? Too many more important things to do than take control of your son's mental health.

    While I don't think it was the parent's fault at all. It is true that a family only needs a couple of doctor's to testify before a judge and you can have someone committed to a lock down hospital. That is if you do have the mental illness history showing they are a danger to themselves and/or others to back it - or - if you have the money to pay the doctor's to say it's there. They did this to a couple of high profile child actor's lately. One was Amanda Bynes. They took away all of Britney Spears rights to her money. They definitely could have taken his car.

  11. It's not just a girlfriend he wanted. It wasn't just sex that he needed. He never bonded with his mother. He wanted to bond with a human. He was starved for that first bond of love and he could never make up for it. He never got it. That's the problem. When he was a baby, he never bonded with his mom. I think. When that happens with animals in the wild, the mothers generally kill the baby if the mother doesn't take to them, or she just leaves them to die.

    You don't see this with adopted children so much because they are passed right over to someone that is going to take them. Even abused children are handled and loved at first. Even foster children are handled and loved. Something goes wrong in the wiring of people like this. I think it's the first few weeks. With this type killer, you find, looking back, that the bonding just didn't take place. He just wanted to be accepted, but so much more. Textbook actually. It's very sad for everyone. His parents are culpable in my opinion. He spent a lot of time taking all those video's expressing his loneliness. Seriously, if anyone you knew, your friends, your children, your friends children, posted video's like that, would you be in their face talking to them and not going away? Yes, yes you would. I would;

    Why are we blaming the parents instead of the individual? I don't understand that mentality. This wasn't a child, he was an adult, and at this point, he's the one responsible for his own actions. He was a grown man who wasn't living in his parent's house. How much control are they expected to have on him? How much knowledge of his every thought and action? I don't think anyone can say with complete honesty they've never lied to their parents, never did something that they knew was wrong or wouldn't meet with their approval. Certainly as teens especially, still living under their roof, we've all behaved in ways our parents wouldn't like, did things behind their backs despite knowing it was wrong, and then tried our best to hide it from them. Does that make them irresponsible, are all the poor decisions we make as children and then as adults their fault? Of course not. At what point do we own our own actions and stop holding others accountable.

    I don't know whether or not he was loved as a child, if his mother held him enough, if they bonded, etc., but from what I've read so far, his parents were aware he had issues, he was forced to take the videos down from youtube, was under the care of several therapists, a social worker, and was even recently interviewed by police, who reportedly found him to be "polite" and "kind". They were obviously doing their best, within their power, to get him the help he needed. This wasn't a question of people in his life ignoring his behavior and not expressing a level of concern.

    Lamenting over feeling lonely, venting about women and unhappiness, narcissism and self entitlement...none of that is against the law. Certainly there could be members on this very forum arrested for these exact things.

    I didn't mean to sound as though I blame the parents / mother. I guess it does read that way. I was only expressing my views of why he was so crazy. I don't think any amount of therapy would have helped him. I think he didn't bond with his mother because there was something wrong with him from the beginning. I think, let's say, a mother lion would have sensed this and would have killed him when he was a cub. I do agree with much of what you have said.

    Also, it's not about what you want, it's about what you have and always striving to do more for others. That is where one grows as an individual. He never saw that. Some people are just born evil. I think he was one of them.

  12. It's not just a girlfriend he wanted. It wasn't just sex that he needed. He never bonded with his mother. He wanted to bond with a human. He was starved for that first bond of love and he could never make up for it. He never got it. That's the problem. When he was a baby, he never bonded with his mom. I think. When that happens with animals in the wild, the mothers generally kill the baby if the mother doesn't take to them, or she just leaves them to die.

    You don't see this with adopted children so much because they are passed right over to someone that is going to take them. Even abused children are handled and loved at first. Even foster children are handled and loved. Something goes wrong in the wiring of people like this. I think it's the first few weeks. With this type killer, you find, looking back, that the bonding just didn't take place. He just wanted to be accepted, but so much more. Textbook actually. It's very sad for everyone. His parents are culpable in my opinion. He spent a lot of time taking all those video's expressing his loneliness. Seriously, if anyone you knew, your friends, your children, your friends children, posted video's like that, would you be in their face talking to them and not going away? Yes, yes you would. I would;

    • Like 2
  13. That's gender specific Arnold. I have lots of cocktail dresses. Is that the same thing only different?

    Would you give me your college degree? (only if it's an MBA)

    Real question: Should we get the thread out of order again just to mess up Thin's sense of order? (Kidding Thin!)

  14. If a woman doesn't want to go out with you anymore, chances are it's because she's just not feeling it. It doesn't matter how long you've dated her. It isn't going to be anything she can out right tell you. And if it is, she's most likely not going to tell you because she doesn't want to hurt your feelings. I veto asking her. What one woman doesn't like about you, another may love about you. What good would it do you to know what one woman doesn't like about you? Would you change this aspect of yourself? Another woman may like it. Why change your personality for some woman that doesn't like you?

    Have you seen 'The Birthday Girl' with Nicole Kidman? Mail Order Bride! They really liked each other in the end.

    If you've been through this a lot and you live in a small town/city, you may have ruined your credibility and need to go outside the area to date. Nothing will get the attention of the local women more than to bring in another woman from outside the area! I'm not talking mail order bride here. That was a joke. Consider going over to the next town on your night off. Meet someone there? You may find the right woman there anyway.

  15. Mccoy, just kill em and rape em, it'll be a lot easier :lol: Do a fuckin' Norman Bates on em and taxidermise them and get a house with a fruit cellar :lol: Actually, come to that, here's a path no ones gone down, how was your relationship with your mum growing up? :lol: Nah, seriously though!

    I said basement first!

    I'm sure the right girl will come along for you McCoy. I think maybe you are trying too hard.

  16. Yes, I'm not even 20 and I feel like life is slipping away too quickly.

    What's your occupation?

    Uh, I feel the exact same

    That gets better and goes away. I promise. Hang in there guys. Everything is temporary.

    I'm an e.a. to a sr. vp of a large corporation

    Would you ever consider living underwater?

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