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Posts posted by AdriftatSea

  1. I don't know what to do with that? What, like those little feathery fish that you put a mirror up to them and they fluff all up and want to kill what they think is another fish but it is actually them they see in the mirror? If so, what's that got to do with an Alpha Male? (Should I have just said, "Challenge" instead?)

  2. Dragon Tattoo Trilogy: Extended Edition. I think it is 6 seasons. Just found it!! Good reviews! Looks good!

    I've done that many times. It shows the kids stuff so much because my kids watch the default profile on Roku all day while I'm at work instead of using the kids profile on the Xbox.

    That blows. My daughter, her friend and my mom have profiles on mine. My 18 y/o keeps watching all this weird stuff and it's changing my profile up too. I'm getting lots of soft porn. She thinks I don't know why! hahaha

    Edit: Heads up, English subtitles. I like it though. I usually have on subtitles anyway, even with English speaking movies. We call them 'the words' in our home :)

  3. i've always wanted to walk into an interview and ask, "why exactly

    should i even consider working for you?"....

    That really is a great question, you just turn it around a bit and ask, "Tell me, what do you like about working here?" That's what I asked.

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  4. ARQ, I think you have the right idea. Correct me if I'm wrong about what you are thinking... but it's best to go for the job you actually want. If you hold out for the best job for you and don't take the lesser one, that's the job that will take you places, and where you want to be. If you take the lesser job, the 'no where' job, just to 'get by' that's the job you will be stuck in. If you take a job just so you can have a job, and not a career, you will be unhappy. You've put too much into this. Graduating vet school takes, time, effort, dedication and above average intelligence. Don't sell yourself short and take whatever comes along. You may have to struggle financially, but do it. You've come this far. Don't give up now. Keep going and don't settle for just any job. The right job is out there for you. Fight for it. Make it happen.

    Edit: And somehow, find your way to Texas. This place is booming with jobs. I lost mine last May. My fault, I never went to work because I hated it. I didn't look for a job again. My husband didn't care. Nine months later, someone called me and asked if they could send my resume to another company. I said yes. They interviewed me and then hired me the next week. I'm not a vet, but everyone has a pet in Texas and there are thousands upon thousands of people that aren't in the cities that have ranches full of cattle that need vets. Get to Texas and you will find a job! The economy, certain areas of Texas is good. Not all...But Dallas, Fort Worth, North Houston, Austin - these are good areas. You have to research the areas. The Woodlands. The Woodlands is growing incredibly fast. The Oil Industry is growing. Lots of pets here! :)

    Sorry for all the edits

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  5. Anyone know if Netflix is ever going to add profiles to Roku? My daughter has Roku in her room and my son also uses it. I'm tired of seeing Disney shit and little kids shows on my profile.

    I don't know what Roku is but you can go to 'My Account Settings' then 'Taste Preferences' and there are many, many categories where you can choose how often you watch each genre. The choices are, 'Never, Sometimes and Often.' This has something to do with log-rhythms in how movies / shows are displayed for you. You still get the Disney shows but not nearly as many. Be prepared to spend a couple of hours going through this. They throw up the same choices several times but not in the same sequence. It's tiring but you begin to notice the pattern. You'll see what I mean. Hope this helps.

  6. I watched the entire Lost Series. I'm so upset the way it ended. I've now watched the first season of The Bates Motel. I really like it. I'm still not over Lost though.

    Edit: Had to edit out the spoiler on the ending of Lost. I cried at the way they ended that. Being a Southerner... I had a mad crush on Sawyer though, he spoke my language.

  7. Drinking urine is actually like, i think certain South American nations or communities put a lot of stock in the nutritional value of it, the boxer Juan Manuel Marquez used to drink his own wee:

    That's just gross. I have heard ppl stranded at sea do this -for survival because there is nothing else to do. But really, it's waste water... just gross. :scared:

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