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Posts posted by AdriftatSea

  1. Definitely

    I saw the picture of Gia, she's very pretty, dark hair, petite. I also have 70% hearing loss, always have, wear hearing aids, can't see them like a really old person's though. Never effected my speech because I'm not deaf. I don't understand 'out of tune' or 'off key' but I know what I like and don't. Silly question to ask why one would be on a board about music. Music and sounds probably are closer to the soul of the hearing impaired than those that hear perfectly. Works out for me because I can tell my husband I never heard him if he tells me something I don't want to hear! hah! :D

    If you could live forever, would you want to?

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  2. I do believe in life after death, I'm just not sure what happens. At my grandfathers funeral the preacher said, "If we could have him back we wouldn't ask that of him and if he could come back he wouldn't because now he's walking the streets of gold in the eyes of the glory of God." So, I'm thinking there are streets paved with gold that people are skipping along on. I would like to think that we die and everyone is 30 years old. Because 30 is a great age. At 30 you are old enough to stop worrying about everything yet young enough that you are still in great health. So maybe that is life after death. Thirty and skipping along on gold streets. Streets with no garbage.

    If you could have five superpowers what would they be and why?

  3. No, I don't take any drugs. I do drink white wine. I'm familiar with prescription drugs, family members.

    He seeks attention on all levels. He hasn't been coddled, he's been ignored and neglected. This is why he seeks attention and love here. He's been loved, but something is missing. Loved but just when the love was there, something was pulled back. I think he would excel at acting. He should consider that as a profession. Shouldn't we be emotionally supportive of each other on this forum? Are we not all friends here? I think we should be. Do we not all share a common bond?

    What is your least favorite household chore and why?

  4. My grandmother used to make stuff like in that movie Mermaids. Everything I ate growing up was skewered on a cocktail toothpick. Dates stuffed with something. I'll have to think about this. Maybe someone will jump in and pass me on this one. I won't get it twisted. Most gay people don't need help. Being gay isn't a disease. He may need help though. I see he's pushing close to 200 pages needing relationship advice. I did ask if he had a basement. He should just trap a girl in a basement. I read close to a hundred pages and he doesn't take advice. That's my answer. Trap a girl in a basement. There are girls out there that would like to be trapped in a basement. Only if they have a key to get out when they want. Anyway...

    What is your favorite future memory?

  5. There is nothing wrong with being gay. As you said God makes people that way. McCoy isn't gay. He's a narcissist. A very lovable one.

    My favorite childhood memory is of my older sisters hanging me by my wrists over what I thought was a cliff (It was a small hill) behind my grandparents house threatening to drop me. I thought it was proving my bravery. I was the smallest and this was my entry into THE CLUB. I passed!

    Question: How many people do you know would you die for?

  6. Wild Cherry

    Question: Are you happy with your life?

    fucking grass wasn't a concert! :)

    That questions sucks. Here's a better one. If someone broke into your home and you had a gun... no wait, this could be held against us in court... Are you happy with your life?

  7. he looks awful. you can see his nose and ears look different than they did just a couple years ago.

    Meh.....I don't think he looks that bad.....he's always been eccentric....it's part of who he is, really.

    He's wearing ladies pants!!!

    Yeah, I was thinking certainly there must be someone around him that loves him enough to tell him that he shouldn't wear those pants. Skinny jeans on men just do not work when you are 61.

    There was a time when I'd have given him a blowjob in front of my wife.


    She looks extremely angry at him.

  8. I think it is true...and its the same for men too, like John Lennon said you have to be a bastard to really make it and we (The Beatles) were the biggest bastards goin'.

    I was only speaking of women. People don't fear ruthless women nor do they want to be on their team. They just want to take them down. Those women may get to a certain level faster than others, but they never stay there.

  9. ARQ, something else I want to tell you that I've always told my daughters. Never think you have to be a bitch to get anywhere in this world. Back in the '80's they portrayed women in movies and television that way, the women that made it, they had to be bitches. Not true! Those women that are that way in real life, they fail miserably. Be good to people and you will go far. They should teach that to young women coming out of college now. Servant leadership, that's the way to go. Lead by serving others. My girls finish my sentence now... "If you act as pretty as you look, you'll do alright." Remember that.

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