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Posts posted by slash23579

  1. President Obama voiced his opinion on Net Neutrality today

    In basic words, Net Neutrality is the principle that the internet should be open and free for anyone. Taking Net Neutrality away would basically give ISP's complete control over what you can and can't do on the internet. For example, if your ISP was Verizon, and you decided you wanted to look into getting a phone plan or whatever from AT&T, they would have the authority to block AT&T's website from your internet because they are seen as a competitor. Also, chances are internet prices will get massively inflated.

  2. My name is just something I came up with when I was making a YouTube account in 2008. I originally made the account to post comments on videos, but eventually started uploading GNR related videos. Right now my channel has almost 850,000 total views which I think is pretty good. The "slash" part obviously a reference to Slash, and I can't really remember what the "23579" means, I guess I just wanted something easy to remember.

  3. So I was having trouble loading my nightly porn session, so I took a speed test, and here are the fantastic results.


    In all seriousness though, my internet cost $50 per motherfucking month, and I never get download speeds higher than 5 Mbps, and I never get upload speeds higher than 1.5 Mbps. And it constantly goes down the toilet like this.

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