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Everything posted by colonizedmind

  1. What the smallest album we'd accept or could be? EP's are generally 28 minutes and less. So an album with 8-12 tracks. Slash usually has 10 on his solo. If we're including Absurd and HS and the other 4 or so that Slash said were done, then we're only 3 or 4 shy of a LP to tide us over until new new material! Fantasy land?
  2. Unless it was just final mix, to 100% ok it...or Slash put down some more guitar with that other dude the other day...who knows. Time will tell soon. Seems to be a 50/50 on one side or the other....
  3. Just had 6music on in the radio....interesting discussion on Guns with Matt Everett and the host on how they typically wouldn't be accepted at Glasto, based on the rock "flaunting and posturing" but that's long since been blasted away I thought with the likes of Metallica headlining, Jay-Z and all sorts of other unusuals...it's definately expanded it's pallate in last few decades...discussion of Axl as a "figure of hate" but in contrast Slash "being worshipped as a guitar hero" was usual shit! They ended their discussion wondering whether they'd show up on time....I think it's safe to say, they were previewing them on old rep! So I guess many like them will be pleasantly surprised when they're punctual and that'll get them some props, in a weird way....
  4. I'm out of the loop after a big absence ....who's this Pele I see mentioned EVRRYWHERE on here!?!
  5. So who's gonna get into the mood and make a weekend of it? Alex has recovered from his throat issues, so the Arctic Monkeys headline tonight...should be fun. Foo fighters secret set in an hour or so...get to see Josh jam! Gonna get into the vibe and watch as much as possible before 10pm tomorrow... The weather is close to perfect, warm but not crazy! Get an idea of how the sound and video is ...it's usually top-notch.
  6. So who's gonna get into the mood and make a weekend of it? Alex has recovered from his throat issues, so the Arctic Monkeys headline tonight...should be fun. Foo fighters secret set in an hour or so...get to see Josh jam! Gonna get into the vibe and watch as much as possible before 10pm tomorrow... The weather is close to perfect, warm but not crazy! Get an idea of how the sound and video is ...it's usually top-notch.
  7. Well at least one thing we can agree on...it's good to see Axl with Slash doing something productive for the benefit of new music or to make the show on Saturday sound as great as it can. Nice to see them hanging out away from the stage in any form...
  8. Axl: Oh I didn't realise I sound like THAT on "Better"....I can't imagine him enjoying sitting down to a live show mix! The first half hour would be fine though.... In my opinion, I honestly think the timing of this is not coincidental and If we think about that, it answers a lot more than we may think.
  9. For sure. It's a fair point. Arguments for both outcomes are fair, I'd say. Also, we've been burned consistently soo many times, I understand any caution too. Yes, the 24hr news has been rolling about Glastonbury today....lots of mentions of GNR....I'd imagine a lot of folk will be on twitter over the next 48hra going, "Guns N Roses thought they had retired long ago?!?" Oblivious casuals that is.
  10. Apparently they haven't been able to soundcheck the last 3 or so shows....do you think they did this for those ones too? Albeit, Glastonbury is probably (definately) a bigger deal historically, so perhaps but I still don't think Axl (or at least old Axl) would bother...is he Mr prepared now?
  11. I agree...and it could all end in nothing because we know what AXL is like.....but our assumptions are not illogical, that's for sure...for any normal entity this would add up to this.
  12. "listen to new mixes" At least gives the impression of a work in progress to hear updated mixes of something...wouldn't you say? Of course analysing every nuance of wording is a dangerous game, still! Either live release or these studio tracks we've waited on...
  13. That's my take. If they're gonna prepare for Glasto live sound, they would of met with the BBC sound engineers for that, as they'll have a different way of doing it from these dudes...I think they could of had it mixed and sent to them to listen on headphones if it's live show review...I don't think they go into a studio to do that....they haven't seemed to of done that prior to other big festivals, right? (As far as we know at least) Axl is more involved these days with soundchecks etc but I don't see him bothering to turn up unless it's something more...
  14. I'm gonna say, I think they're gonna play one new song....especially with that studio photo just popping up now of Ax and Slash. I'd say the odds just increased at least... See-saw eh....Beady Eye was a disaster for Liam and Noel was doing much better then, right? It's gone the other way now...
  15. Also...do we have an exact date on when this was taken? If it's post that festival which the indiction is it was....it's gonna be nothing to do with live sound...these Norwegian dudes aren't doing Glastonbury's sound and I don't think we would have the two of them together at this point in a tour, going in to check that out..so this is studio tracks and the fact this is happening ahead of Saturday = fair bet that they are "oking" final mixes for "Perhaps" and perhaps the other 2,3 tracks that Slash alluded to...anything more, would be beyond incredible and done in secret in the last 6 months....but perhaps Axl being far more motivated on stage and into it, has something to do with what he's been up to in the last 6 months and what was to come...we'll see retrospectively in the future if that was the case...🤞🤞🤞
  16. Not seen Slash so happy looking for a while! He must be like....we're.....soooo....close....to.....Axl.....pressing the red button! Don't fuck it up now. This is genuinely exciting....the thought many of us of been having that Glasto is the time to unleash something may be a reality after all. Really... GNR doing something logical? Really? Surely this isn't an A.I generated photo 😂 Exciting...
  17. It's happening...something is coming out...they are actually doing something smart for once?? Nah can't be, could it? That is a strange photo if not...
  18. That would probably get praised as quirky over here! 😆 Plus Seeker with Townshend or Daltrey would be fun! Swaying Axl, swinging mic Roger! 🤪
  19. Honestly I'll just be happy with a decent show and no disasters...anything else is a big bonus! It'll just be so cool to see them do my favourite festival.
  20. That was what I thought. No bits and bobs since? So first time for some songs to potentially be heard live, In a while.
  21. If they don't release anything around the weekend festival, they'll have missed massive exposure chance! No time like the present.....unfortunately it looks like, Axl is digging his heels! Wish Eavis had put it in the contract....that YOU MUST DROP A FUCKING SONG! OR NO WELLIES
  22. Axl sounds close to his old classic self on this one....love the tone and it's pretty funky actually. A cool pace change in the set!
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