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Posts posted by Kittiara

  1. I've got to say... that box set looks pretty awesome. Not $650 awesome, at least not for me, but there's some nice stuff in there.

    Personally, I wouldn't need/be able to use about half of the stuff. Can't play vinyl or blu-ray, and I am not too keen on the artwork or the rings. But the CDs, USB stick, photo book, picture prints, posters and the banner are nice. Eh, I am probably the only one who likes silly things like the coin as well. :lol:They can keep the tattoos, the turntable mat and the micro fibre cloth. :lol:

    I'll see what smaller editions they have available and ponder the content vs cost. If the $180 version is indeed just 4 CDs, the book and the blu-ray, that'd be rather expensive. I'd put that at $100 tops.

    Still looking forward to the announcement, to see what options they have available and if there's anything more to this whole promotion. Like, I wonder what's with the toy trucks Fernando posted...

  2. 1 minute ago, Raykugen said:

    What if this is just a test? so they can know how many people would buy something like this so they get prepared for a new album?

    Hmmm I think that would depend on a) the price of the box and b) how many people are interested in a re-release of AFD in the first place. I'm personally not that tempted by an AFD re-release and "deluxe" sounds expensive - if there's no new material, I'll pass.

    Give me a new album, however, and I'm right there with my money! :lol:

  3. I understand why people say that there's no real money to be made anymore in new music, but I reckon even big fans of the band are not going to keep on paying big bucks for the same show over and over. And covers, or even deep cuts aren't going to change that. Slash and Duff returning to the band, yeah, that sold out shows. But in a year's time, or a couple of years, that'll be old news (if it isn't already for a lot of people who aren't us). They're going to have to bring something new to the table if they want to keep going, and that's where new music comes in. It's that or lower ticket prices which, hey, I won't complain about, but if I had to choose I'd go for new material any day, and I am sure that I'm not the only one.

    It's up to them, of course. As always. Even if we ignore the above, though... is it so strange to think that musicians might want to release music? It's kind of their thing. Even GN'R have done so on occasion. :lol:


  4. 3 hours ago, Live Like a Suicide said:

    Interestingly, when i went to a concert earlier in the year, it was This I Love which was actually drawing discussions as people were leaving. Obviously, most people attending either didn't know the song or had only heard it once or twice, but i thought it was pretty cool that people were open to it and interested in some of the material.

    Awww really? That's very cool! I think it's a lovely song. Lots of emotion to it.

    I should also add There Was a Time to the songs I've grown to like more. Can't really connect with the lyrics, but I enjoy the sound of it.

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  5. When CD was released, I only liked two of the songs - This I Love and Madagascar. The other songs I simply couldn't connect with. With CD songs being played on this tour, I still like those two tracks. I'm probably in the minority, though, in that I prefer the original guitar solo on TIL to Slash's solos. Still don't like the title track. Puts a bit of a downer on the opening of the set but it might be best to get it over and done with. I find Better to be a pretty irritating song, but I have to admit it's somewhat catchy and when Axl got all fierce with it it did sound better. The only song that's grown on me is Sorry. I can add that to the CD songs I like now. So, on my end, there's a slight increase in appreciation, I suppose.

    One of my friends is a brand-new Guns fan. She blames me. :lol: As she's getting to know the material, it's AfD that's really drawing her in. Some of the Illusions. CD doesn't even register. Of the other people I know who like GN'R, it's all about AfD and the Illusions as well. For some reason, CD doesn't seem to strike that special note...

  6. I haven't been to a single concert on this tour. Would love it, but I can't afford it, as a student and carer. In 2012 I paid just over £100 for two front-row seats in the first block by the stage. And they played in Manchester, which is less than an hour away from where I live. I can't do nosebleeds - sitting up high makes me feel dizzy. So the prices they asked for lower tier seats + travel to London and a hotel on top of that, nopes, not going to happen.

    I was lucky enough to catch them in '93, so I have those memories. But I feel bad for people in a similar position as I am in, who really want to see Axl, Slash and Duff together and who simply can't afford it.


    • Sad 1
  7. Watched this with a friend of mine. She's 21, only knew a handful of songs (Sweet Child, Paradise City etc), had never seen a full Guns concert before. It turned out to not be the best show to properly introduce her to the band. We both thought that Axl seemed unwell. There was definitely something off. Still though, she enjoyed the show, and the encore was great, and she came away a budding Slash fan. :D She said she'd definitely watch them again and would like to attend a concert in person. So, whilst someone new to the band picked up on Axl not being at his best, they're still good enough to make an impression.

    I personally feel like the songs mostly sung in Axl's lower register work well for him at the moment. Sorry, Patience, Don't Cry, those were all great. YCBM, Yesterdays etc, not so much. But I still sat up until past 8 in the morning watching them, and GN'R is the only band in the world I'd do that for.

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  8. Well, I shared my view before the show, about how it would have been great to have something extra special for the anniversary. But I did very much enjoy what we got. I thought it was a good show, and I am grateful to @Gibbo and GN'R SudAmerica for streaming it. Thank you. :)

    Definitely bed time now. Nearly 7 am. :lol:Night all!

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  9. Public Enemy celebrated their 30th anniversary by dropping a free album earlier this month - they thanked their fans and stated that this one was on them. They've also, over the last year or so, done free concerts. Guns N' Roses, on the other hand, choose to celebrate the 30th anniversary of AfD with an exclusive show hardly any fan can get tickets for, and that you can only listen to through a subscriber service that's only available in the US. :facepalm:

    I love the band, I honestly do, but I cannot help questioning their decisions at times. I know they don't owe us a single thing. I know they're a brand. I know they want to make money. But sometimes, when you hit a landmark achievement, a little kindness goes a long way. It's a way of saying, "We made it this far, together, and that's really cool."

    Like, it would have been great if this concert were streamed globally, freely available to anyone who wanted to experience it with them. That would have been massive and I am sure that lots of people would have appreciated it.

    Oh well, it is what it is. Hope it's a good concert, and I hope that they and everyone there have fun. It still is a big achievement that Guns N' Roses is still going, that they're still rocking, and it looks like they'll keep on going for the foreseeable future. So I cannot complain too much.

    Just... I think of how amazing things could be and yeah... :facepalm:

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