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Posts posted by Tourettes2400

  1. 24 minutes ago, downzy said:

    They were a product of their times, part of a scene that was relevant and mattered.  That scene no longer exists.  We'd all like to think so, but who really knows.  

    It's not enough to be exceptionally great these days to make it.  You have catch some breaks as well.  And who's to say that they would have been able to write and operate like the did were they young and hungry in 2018.

    Regardless, I'm glad they made it when they did.  It was fun being 13 years old and having my favourite bands be relevant and driving culture.  I feel bad for the kids today, but then again, I'm sure the generation before mine said the same thing about my generation.  

    MTV was such a big factor in so many bands making it back then. It definitely was a different time. I really do miss it. I'm not even 40 yet but when I try to describe how different things are now  to my daughters they makes me feel so old :lol:

    • Like 2
  2. Eddie Trunk is talking about this on air right now. He said it is a re-release of Appetite and it is a not some announcement for a full reunion. He also said he finds it weird that they would do a 30 yr celebration when it has actually been 31 yrs. Then he said he was invited to a Celebration of Appetite party on Friday night by the record company, but won't be in town until Saturday.

  3. 7 minutes ago, feli1269 said:

    Remaster release of Appetite + booklet of photos/memorabilia as a collage (collection of photos) + CD with remastered demos and live recordings + possibly a bonus DVD with live footage and the Troubadour reunion show (this last part is just an especulation) p 150 usd.

    That's the info I've found.


    8 minutes ago, RussTCB said:


    I saw this too. The person I saw saying it was Margott Hinostroza, not sure where she heard it. She is one of the Admins at the GNR fanspot on Facebook. So no real official word.

    Like you guys said, most boxsets do have multiple options. You can guarantee one thing, they will have a crazy expensive one.

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