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Posts posted by Tourettes2400

  1. I saw that at the Nashville show and almost bought one but didn't want to hold it in the pit. Kind of wish I would have picked one up since they were only $10. One thing is for sure, I won't be paying $77 for one.

    IMO things like the poster and extra shirts from each individual venue should be put on their website store like the Rolling Stones did with all of their merch.

  2. I got there to the Nashville show about an hour or a little bit more before the doors opened and got a pretty good seat by the end of the cat walk after walking around to a couple places to pick up my online orders. The pits were very crowded unlike all the other shows were people had a lot of space so I guess it just depends how crowded it is and when you get there.

  3. Just noticed that they add a skyline Bullet tee each show for each city and was wondering how many people have actually ordered for your city or if anyone has received any shipping confirmations? Each one of them is saying shipping in 2-3 weeks and since the Detroit show was on the 23rd I was just curious if there have been any confirmations. Also curious to see if they will ship as slow as every one said the fan club packages shipped. I ordered one for Nashville with the expectation that it would be here next year lol. Doesn't really matter when I receive it. 

    If you have know clue what I am talking about just check here



    Thought we could also use this thread to update each other for when they are shipped and received.

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